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themasterkavar June 21st, 2014 04:01

I think my first interests started around the age of 15 when I saw a girl give a guy a piggyback ride at school. My first actual experience was freshman year of college when I gave a friend a piggyback ride up four flights of stairs to my dorm room. She was an inch taller than me, but quite a bit heavier since I was extremely undersized at the time.

Over the years we've carried each other numerous ways. I've lifted her just about every way, and she's given me piggybacks, front lifts, and even a few shoulder rides. These have all been at the beach. I'm now heavier than she is, not by much, and I wonder if she could still do them all with me.

esprit111 June 21st, 2014 14:19

My interest started when I was about 10 years old in the school playground.
I was standing behind a girl of similar age and went to put my arms around her neck to try and pull her down, (remember we were just children playing), and instead of me pulling her down, she bent forward taking me on her back.

She seemed to have no trouble supporting my weight and was laughing at my futile attempt. It felt warm and comforting on her back and though it wasn't a proper piggy back, just me dangling there, I guess that was what started my appreciation of stronger girls.

I was lucky enough to have several more 'lifts' before we went our separate ways after what was then the 11+.

bikelover99164 June 29th, 2014 11:39

for me it was 20 i think...

josch06 July 8th, 2014 16:05


Originally Posted by bikelover99164 (Post 138410)
for me it was 20 i think...

i think i was 13 years old. in my class was a girl she was very strong with big biceps for a 12 year old girl (a year younger than me).
she showed every boy at class that she was stronger than us and lifted us sometimes.

mostazarock July 8th, 2014 18:42


Originally Posted by josch06 (Post 138842)
i think i was 13 years old. in my class was a girl she was very strong with big biceps for a 12 year old girl (a year younger than me).
she showed every boy at class that she was stronger than us and lifted us sometimes.

lucky bastard

alleyrivo July 18th, 2014 08:08

I never heard about L & C until i visited this site... and i am quite curious about it. just waiting for limitations to be removed so i can actually see what L & C is:)

turnitdown50 July 25th, 2014 16:07

about 9

qwerty3 August 6th, 2014 14:19

Since I was about 11

TheWolfe August 7th, 2014 12:12


Originally Posted by alleyrivo (Post 139382)
I never heard about L & C until i visited this site... and i am quite curious about it. just waiting for limitations to be removed so i can actually see what L & C is:)

They want all new members to introduce themselves in the introduction thread before they activate new accounts. I don't think you've done that yet. That probably means you haven't read the forum rules yet so go take a look there and introduce yourself.

omni August 13th, 2014 21:33

Probably when I was around 14. My interest is in FF and MF rather than FM carries. A relative had a book on horror movies that had lots of pics of the Mummy carrying women around which I thought looked really sexy, so I've been hooked ever since!

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