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2019xsf May 20th, 2023 17:56

My ex gf was stronger than me . She lift weight in gym 3x a week. She was 5'6 and solid 200 pounds . I am cyclist at 6'1" and 170 pounds . once I was at her gym and she pushed a loaded sled to the max! 400 pounds over 30 feet out and back. and she says to me to you .... I made 2 feet and that's it. It really got me very excited.

Mtb_rider May 21st, 2023 20:15

Not at all !!!!

jonsky May 28th, 2023 14:51

Its OK if she is friendly person!

RosesAreBlue May 29th, 2023 03:03

Somewhat but it would be fun

theSittingTroll July 14th, 2023 22:42

I had an experience EXACTLY like this today! I tried the scavanger hunt thing, and the girl (lets call her E) who did the lift was SUPER into powerlifting and crossfit. She seemed to be really into the idea of getting PURE STRENGTH in all major lifts, since her dream is to become a firefighter. Her older sister was also there, but she immediately said that "my sister will do this EASILY". E the young powerlifter was around 175cm tall, REALLY bulky in a powerlifter way. She said that she can easily squat 120kg for 10 reps. She didnt reveal her own weight, but it could be somewhere around 95-105 from all the muscle mass and ofc excess bulk. Very hard to tell. The most impressive thing about this lift was that our COMBINED weight must have been around 190kg or perhaps 200, since I weight 85kg. And she actually WENT SUPER DEEP IN HER 10 SQUATS, much deeper than needed and deeper than what they recommend in all fitness instruction videos. She went so deep that she almost touched the ground, and came back up as if it was NOTHING.
When I tried to squat her, I did one normal squat (not deep) and actually failed on the 2nd one. And yes, this was in a public place with two busy caffees nearby. Probably 30-50 witnessed this event. I was embarrased but also super attracted at the same time.... It was there, right in my face, a girl who was MUCH STRONGER and BULKIER than me God it was amazing. I give all credit to 169qw for the scavenger hunt idea.

After squatting me, she asked me how many pullups I do? I answered truthfully by saying "right now, around 8-9 while I weigh 88kg". To this she replied with a voice that was trying to comfort me and said "thats good, you beat me in pullups since I do 6...." .... But I am 99% certain that she is stronger than me when it comes to pullups, since she could be anywhere between 90-100kg the way how bulky she was... So in the end, me doing "3 more pullups than her doesnt necessarily mean I am stronger....:wub:"

Blarmy July 20th, 2023 15:59

Ive not had the pleasure of discovering someone stronger than me, but I would gladly take some suggestions on where to find them besides the gym lol

Nolookman February 12th, 2024 15:54

My girlfriend had been trying to get me to go with her to the gym for years but I always refused just on the principle of not having enough time. One day she finally convinced me, up until this point I thought I was stronger than her only because I could beat her in arm wrestling still. (Not anymore) when I arrived she looked so ripped already because she was 30 minutes in.

We started out with the lat pull down machine, she told me to go first, I think on purpose. I put the weight at 100 thinking I was showing off for ten reps. After I was done I felt all my pride slip away when I had seen her change the weight to 140. That was how the rest of my day went as she outlifted me in everything. I believe she even lifted me over her head later that day too lol.

Still have the picture of how her back looked at only 20 years old outlifting me

Lucky Luke February 26th, 2024 15:56


Originally Posted by thestrongerthebetter (Post 77202)
A few years ago I went out with a girl who played rugby to quite a high level. I always knew she was quite strong, but one day at a party she wrapped one arm round a guy's waist and the other arm around another guy's waist and lifted them both up....

She could quite easily get me into a fireman's lift and then do squats with me. At the time I was 80kg. I once went to the gym with her and challenged her to do seated leg presses: she put the pin straight in the bottom of the stack of weights and lifted the stack up without too much effort!

I blame this lass for my love of strong women.

I'm not a weakling myself- I'm a rugby player too (second row- for those not familiar with the game, that's the powerhouse of the scrum).

I did challenge her to an armwrestle a few times- I always won, but I can't help thinking that she *might* have let me win just to save me the embarrassment :)

I did used to love f***ing her whilst grabbing her biceps though. Used to get me off in no time at all!

I actually have a very similar story. Wonder if we even dated the same girl (did she go to Leicester Uni back in the day?!). Her "party trick" was to wrap one arm round a guy on one side and another guy on the other side and lift them both up at once. Never saw her doing leg presses in the gym but it wouldn't surprise me if she just lifted the whole stack.... Easily.

Lucky Luke February 26th, 2024 16:55

So I've never been embarrassed to discover that a girl was stronger than me. I've been surprised, because I'm a decent build. I am an ex rower, and I'm very practical- quite used to doing lots of physical stuff around the house, in the garden etc. I don't think twice about lifting something like a 25kg bag of cement (although I'd struggle with 2 at a time these days).

So, back in my rowing days I was at a party with the rest of the rowing crew back at my parents house. I got up to get some more drinks, and when I got back a girl called Tracy was sitting in my chair. I said in a kind of jokey way "oi, I was sitting there!" to which she smirked and said "yeah well I'm sitting here now!", taunting me too do something about it. So I grabbed her hands and tried to lift her off the chair. With my hands in hers, she did a mercy fight manoeuvre.... And fuck me, I didn't stand a chance. Now I know us rowers have pretty b strong forearms, so I can hold my own. But against her: she was quite something. I said, "fuck me, you're strong!" To which she answered, "yes I know!".

And what surprised me more than her strength was how turned on I was by her strength.

Jump forward a few years and I was dating an ex rugby player girl (see my reply above). That was fun.

cccs February 27th, 2024 14:50

Both excited and embarassed in public, especially when I stay next to a taller girl. In private just excited and curious to taste her strength

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