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furrypants October 7th, 2015 10:11


Originally Posted by jlcircusrider (Post 6922)
I have tried this before and the result has been very disappointing.

Whilst I can not remember exactly at what age I do know that when I started school at the age of 5 I knew that I wanted to ride on girl's backs.

If everyone could be persuaded to contribute we could get an idea if this is an inherited trait as I have though for some years.

Please help with the study.

While I was never into being picked up, I always loved lifting women up - I think the first time ever was when I was 7 and picked up one of my teachers. She was about 6 foot 2, slender and pretty and I remember the surprised look in her face and I was hooked :)

Hashemm99 March 20th, 2016 10:51

I don't remember but when i see any L/C i feel better

zero007 April 4th, 2016 20:07

dunno when it began but ever since i was a kid I always enjoyed this... didn't become a sexual thing for me until in my teens

me_ankit October 5th, 2016 17:40

maybe when i was 10

uk8585 October 22nd, 2016 13:06

About 11!

portares October 22nd, 2016 14:42

Since 26

zebra October 23rd, 2016 03:46

I'm not certain of my exact age. I was in grade school. It was both a taboo and a thrill for me. Most lifts were forced because I found them to be embarrassing.

rittersport October 23rd, 2016 18:59

It started for me already when I was a small child. I got excited when my aunt lifted me up and I was sitting on her lap

puckakucka October 30th, 2016 21:49

At what age were you into L & C
As long as I remember, I had this fetish. When I was around 6, I saw older girl who pick up smaller boy, and since then i was thinking about it. When I was 7, I was playing with my friend and I pick her up, then she lift me up too maybe for 2 seconds, but it was a great experience for me :) I still remember it well...

tjw1971 November 3rd, 2016 14:32

What age?
I'm not quite sure when I first found this topic of interest either?

Initially, I think I just discovered I liked female muscle, and didn't really single out lift & carry as another component of that until later.

I remember seeing Cory Everson featured in a Popular Mechanics or Popular Science magazine issue one time as a kid and thinking that was pretty awesome.

I do remember a female classmate in the later part of grade-school who had amazing looking muscular legs. One time, she was playing around, inviting people to take turns standing on her feet while she sat at her desk, and was lifting them off the ground by raising her thighs. She successfully got the heaviest girl in our class and one of the heaviest boys in our class off the ground like that -- which I found really fun to watch. (To this day, I think that's a pretty cool/unique type of lift that I don't know if I've ever seen any other women try to do?)

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