The Lift & Carry Forums

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Lao October 13th, 2022 00:35

Standard Access
Dear Admin I have done as you said
My password is secured
I am 18 years old
I live in India But Shifted to Nepal
I find this forum through Google search
Plz I kindly request to you approve me
Thank you!

Sam98 October 13th, 2022 02:10

My password is secured
I am 30 years old
I found about this forum while searching different pictures and video related to l/c
I'd love to have full access to the forum
Lots of love from Sweden,
Thank you

djf October 16th, 2022 06:23

I am a returning user.
I have chosen a secure password.
I am over 18.
I'm from the USA.

liftandcarryisamazing October 17th, 2022 05:10

Access to forum
I’ve chosen a very secure password
I’m 23 years old
I have a huge passion for lift and carry and found this through the Internet
I am from the United States. Would love full access if possible

sekspir October 17th, 2022 19:55

Hi all
My password is secured
I m 29 years old
I found this forum while searching on the internet and i would love a full access if its possible
Love from Serbia

very jhappy October 17th, 2022 22:30

I’ve chosen a secure password
I’m 28 years old
I enjoy lift and carry and found this website by using Google, looking for lift and carry interest groups.
I live in the United States, and hope to be given access soon.

Curt_connor October 19th, 2022 13:39

Standard full access
I’ve selected a secure password
I’m 32 years old
I am very passionate about lift and carry and found this website by using Google, looking for lift and carry interest groups.
I am from India and hope to be given access soon.

nauczyciel October 19th, 2022 16:29

My password is secured
I am over 18 years old (29)
I found the forum via google
I am from Germany
Please provide me full access to the forum. Thanks

Jaredpersi October 24th, 2022 07:14

Standard full access
Dear Admin,
My password is secured
Im jared from Guatemala and I'm 22 years old
I'm a big fan of lift and carry and I found this forum using google, also I have a lot of clips to share with the community, please give me the opportunity to the standard access

johshadow October 25th, 2022 16:59

Hello there, my password is secure.
I'm John from Colombia, 25 years old.
I found the forum through google, and would be thankful if I could get full access.

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