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Sleeps December 14th, 2022 19:05

I think my preference in height is between 5'4 and 5'10.

Boo December 16th, 2022 07:42

I prefer taller because you are higher up

DrFeelGood December 17th, 2022 02:53

I think I'd rather be lifted by a taller girl but to be lifted by a smaller girl would definitely be more impressive so it's hard to decide.

jfiochetti2001 December 17th, 2022 11:05

I prefer with a taller girl like 5'8 and more

choo_1983 December 30th, 2022 07:02

Shorter and stronger!

bigman December 30th, 2022 19:07

shorter ones, the size difference is important

trigger67 January 8th, 2023 01:40

taller taller taller. Feeling small and like a baby in the woman's arms is an incredible turn on.

suryarg January 16th, 2023 18:56

So far, I have been lifted by at least 10 different girls, they were from different age groups... younger, equal or much older when compared to me.

Some were much shorter, some were normal height and one was exactly equally tall as me... but I never got a chance to get lifted by a girl who is taller than me.

I am 170 cm and I have been looking for one who is taller then me, I want her to make me on sit her hip and give a deep kiss....and I really wish this should happen soon....


melad2500 January 31st, 2023 20:59

I prefer taller and thicker, vs. shorter. It just makes it work much better

Jetto February 4th, 2023 12:33

I prefer much shorter and skinny, but confident. Small hero girls :)

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