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Mark G March 20th, 2012 12:06


Originally Posted by TheWolfe (Post 81193)
I think that's a great example of what I'm talking about. It's not domination like chaining you to the bed and whipping you; just a playful display of her power over you.

The flip side might be if you suddenly decided to jump on her back, playfully forcing her to piggyback you. Aren't you, as a liftee, dominating her in a scenario like that?

It depends. If she'd have demonstrated how light I was for her,it would be her playfully displaying her power again,just as you say.

TheWolfe March 20th, 2012 15:17


Originally Posted by themasterkavar (Post 81222)
That would depend on what the meaning of the word "is" is.

But in all seriousness, it depends on how you want to define domination. A wife gives her husband a piggyback ride for fun. It was fun for her because she enjoyed either displaying her strength, surprising her husband with her strength, or to provide him/her with some level of entertainment. I would argue that there is some underlying level of desire behind this lift, but I would not necessarily call it domination.

Don't some people enjoy submitting? If someone thinks it's fun to have someone else control their body, they're giving up control and submitting, right? Isn't the other party therefore dominating? Like I said, it's not like that "I'm gonna teach you a lesson!" domination but, like in your example, it's a good-natured and fun "I'm strong enough to control the position of your body" and, if the liftee doesn't fight it, then the liftee is submitting to that demonstration.

That's basically how many of the "pro-domination theory" people have described it to me for years and I can see their point, even if the word "domination" makes me bristle slightly.

What I think is more interesting is when the liftee causes the lifter to lift. Isn't that an equivalent form of domination? Like a cowboy riding a horse, the horse is lifting him but he's not submitting to the horse. If a liftee presses someone into service as a lifter, then isn't that lifter submitting to the liftee's will and making the liftee the dominant one?


Originally Posted by Mark G (Post 81237)
It depends. If she'd have demonstrated how light I was for her,it would be her playfully displaying her power again,just as you say.

Gets kinda tricky, doesn't it?

cmcwmod March 20th, 2012 18:55


Originally Posted by TheWolfe (Post 81246)
Don't some people enjoy submitting? If someone thinks it's fun to have someone else control their body, they're giving up control and submitting, right? Isn't the other party therefore dominating? Like I said, it's not like that "I'm gonna teach you a lesson!" domination but, like in your example, it's a good-natured and fun "I'm strong enough to control the position of your body" and, if the liftee doesn't fight it, then the liftee is submitting to that demonstration.

That's basically how many of the "pro-domination theory" people have described it to me for years and I can see their point, even if the word "domination" makes me bristle slightly.

What I think is more interesting is when the liftee causes the lifter to lift. Isn't that an equivalent form of domination? Like a cowboy riding a horse, the horse is lifting him but he's not submitting to the horse. If a liftee presses someone into service as a lifter, then isn't that lifter submitting to the liftee's will and making the liftee the dominant one?

Gets kinda tricky, doesn't it?

Obviously. There's a lot of stories and quite a few videos where the girl doing the carrying is clearly being dominated by either a guy or another girl (or even by several riders at once!).

The L&C community is filled with niches and this is also true in the "domination department." The stories and films show that there's a market for riders dominating a struggling girl.

Others see it completely differently. There's also plenty of videos and stories where a strong girl is taunting the guy she's carrying around with the girl clearly being in control and dominating her rider.

Also, as this thread shows, there's those who see no domination whatsoever, but just pure fun.

This combined with the tonnes of other niches is probably why it's difficult for L&C producers to make a profit. Everyone has his own very personal desires and won't invest in videos which deviates too far from his own likings.

davelifted March 20th, 2012 22:45

We all have different ideas about domination: personally I don't get the chained to the bed scenario, or the whips etc - but some (a lot?) of people do, theres plenty of women with a well equipped dungeon make a good living out of that kind of stuff;
but for me, being lifted by a woman always means being dominated to some degree because I can't (or choose not to) do anything about it - she is totallly in control and I'm helpless. Its wonderful to be carried and feeling there is nothing you can do about it. Very very sexy. For me. But there is no other way I would ever let anyone "dominate" me.

Mettalican5000 March 21st, 2012 08:17

Unfortunately for me, if its not blatant domination, then I dont find it interesting but rather boring. I watch it purely for aspects of domination. Where one lifts another against his/her will

davelifted March 21st, 2012 15:28


Originally Posted by Mettalican5000 (Post 81298)
Unfortunately for me, if its not blatant domination, then I dont find it interesting but rather boring. I watch it purely for aspects of domination. Where one lifts another against his/her will

I agree, I'm really only interested in wrestling lifts, although was we have discussed before many of these are not really resisted neverthelss there is the attempt to convey some kind of domination.

TheWolfe March 21st, 2012 19:26

It's interesting to see all the interpretations related to domination. No one really seems to have an opinion on the submission aspect of it. Even when the domination aspect of the lifting is imperceptibly subtle, the submission aspect of the same act is usually a bit more obvious, at least to me, which after thinking deeper and deeper about it convinced me that there's almost always some vague, subtle domination aspect.

Does anyone else notice the submission part?

Mark G March 22nd, 2012 12:07


Originally Posted by TheWolfe (Post 81319)
It's interesting to see all the interpretations related to domination. No one really seems to have an opinion on the submission aspect of it. Even when the domination aspect of the lifting is imperceptibly subtle, the submission aspect of the same act is usually a bit more obvious, at least to me, which after thinking deeper and deeper about it convinced me that there's almost always some vague, subtle domination aspect.

Does anyone else notice the submission part?

I've indeed noticed the submission part. Whenever I've been lifted and carried by a woman,I've always felt very weak and submissive in their grasp. A massive turn on,though.

davelifted March 22nd, 2012 14:07


Originally Posted by Mark G (Post 81359)
I've indeed noticed the submission part. Whenever I've been lifted and carried by a woman,I've always felt very weak and submissive in their grasp. A massive turn on,though.

same for me; its very rare for a woman to be able to lift me unless i submit. Sometimes we have role played where i beg to be lifted - which is quite a turn on as well.

TheWolfe March 23rd, 2012 21:22

Okay, I'll break out of generic gender mode to put some personal input in.

I'm on this board for F/F but I also love to lift women. I don't feel like I'm dominating a woman when I lift her but, after having lots of online discussions about domination, I've realized that I like feeling her submit to being lifted, so by default I guess I like feeling dominant by lifting.

I've also realized that my interest in L&C has nothing to do with the strength of the lifter as much as it has to do with the submission of the liftee and the desire of the lifter to do the lift. It's like an intimate communication between the two. If it's the lifter's idea the communication is "I want to hold you." If it's the liftee's idea then it's "I want you to hold me." When the other party complies, they're communicating back by submitting to the desire of the other.

Because of that, I'd rather see a failed attempt at a more intimate (or playful/friendly) lift that's real between the two parties rather than an impersonal display of brute strength.

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