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zandax01 December 29th, 2020 12:48

6ft5 and I weight 213lbs , curious to see the effect the coming days of all those end of year party diners

ocatcher December 29th, 2020 23:40

6'3 and 190. Seems like our thread beats the world average height. Shame it doesn't benefit our fetish though.

ronz233 December 30th, 2020 18:41

5' 5'' 140

l&c December 31st, 2020 15:00

100 kg

Sergcv7 January 2nd, 2021 21:13


FinQ January 2nd, 2021 22:36

I'm 6'2 and 95kg. Interesting how big we all are... I actually had this conversation with a session girl. She said it's normally bigger guys who are into l&c. I think the right word for that is... incongruous!

TheLurker1 January 3rd, 2021 00:20


Originally Posted by FinQ (Post 248992)
I'm 6'2 and 95kg. Interesting how big we all are... I actually had this conversation with a session girl. She said it's normally bigger guys who are into l&c. I think the right word for that is... incongruous!

You're right, we've got some units on this forum. I really would have expected us to be lighter.

TheGovernor8430 January 3rd, 2021 14:41


Originally Posted by FinQ (Post 248992)
I'm 6'2 and 95kg. Interesting how big we all are... I actually had this conversation with a session girl. She said it's normally bigger guys who are into l&c. I think the right word for that is... incongruous!

Which session girl was it? I always forget to ask them if they get smaller or bigger guys for l&c sessions.

maakran January 3rd, 2021 15:09

5ft8 (173cm) 150lbs (68kg)

mark.johnson21 January 3rd, 2021 20:53

5'4 135lbs

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