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Emaiden1984 May 31st, 2022 12:45

72kg, try to get lower, but as I am into tall bulky girls it is still fine, they handle me with so much ease…

TheLurker1 June 24th, 2022 00:26


Originally Posted by TheLurker1 (Post 248510)

I weigh 221lbs to 223lbs depending on the time of day. I was quite surprised to learn that people who indulge in sessions are as heavy, or even heavier than I am. I'm going up to 230-235ish.

An extension question, I suppose:

Do you consider dropping a few lbs before your session, in an endeavour to make it easier on the woman in question?

I have bulked up 30lbs since I made this thread.
The heaviest I was when being lifted was 247lbs.
There are very few women on this planet that I can't lift.

The heaviest I will ever bulk up to is 260lbs, but I am cool with 255.

LilMatty June 28th, 2022 23:01

I have gone down to around 68 lbs. Really really trying to stay so little. A lot of laps to sit on. Lol

joshuaw July 4th, 2022 06:28

I weigh around 180lbs, so the majority of females are able to lift me one way or another

dodge77 July 5th, 2022 13:03

I’m about 170lbs now and my wife is in the 190’s.


Originally Posted by tjw1971 (Post 258009)
I'm about 210lbs. at 5'9", myself. Back when I was married to my ex-wife who lifted weights, I weighed about 185lbs. She was around 160lbs. at 5'6" and I used to tease her to "catch up with me". She started taking protein supplements and all that and doing more heavy lifting in the gym. Before too long, she was tipping the scale at 195, and teasing me about being too easy to pick up and carry with no effort. She had the same body type as your wife, I think ... also a DD cup and had broad shoulders and thick, muscular legs.

She gave some pretty big guys piggybacks, even up flights of stairs. And I think her extra size really helped with their willingness to give it a try.

2010xsf July 5th, 2022 21:13


Originally Posted by dodge77 (Post 269199)
I’m about 170lbs now and my wife is in the 190’s.

Cool ! how tall are you and your wife ?

dodge77 July 5th, 2022 23:24


Originally Posted by 2010xsf (Post 269217)
Cool ! how tall are you and your wife ?

I’m 5’9 and my wife is 5’2. She lifts weights regularly. Squat, deadlift, bench press so she is thick and strong.

joshuaw July 12th, 2022 18:35

I currently weigh around 180 pounds. There was a time were I was down to 150 pounds, partly because of wanting to make it easier for girls to lift me in more impressive ways. Regained the weight over the years sadly, but most girls are able to handle 180 anyway.

yaqoub1994 July 14th, 2022 11:09

i used to weight around 60 kg befor i started working out , and my height is 183cm. used to be very skinny but now after 4 years im 95 kg 8)

Bbwbearhug July 15th, 2022 16:54

Between 140-145 lbs

tinkuthewimp1981 August 10th, 2022 11:56

I am 6 feet and 180 pounds

Slevin August 11th, 2022 18:15

155 pounds (70 kilograms)

badman555 August 11th, 2022 21:57

130 pounds, i am the kind of person who can eat a ton of crap and never seem to put on weight:hmm:

At least it makes it easy for me to be lifted.

neighborgirl August 14th, 2022 08:43

I weigh approximately 170 pounds and 6,2 feet

yumimat1985 August 21st, 2022 21:47

135 lbs

Antediluvian777 September 3rd, 2022 02:18

I am 200 pounds (give or take).

nickeleyegold September 3rd, 2022 06:32

135-140lbs looking to find a girl who can bench me and lift me under my armpits

Moadel September 7th, 2022 07:34

Unfortunately 200 pound which i guess very hard to get a proper lift

AAAZZZ October 3rd, 2022 00:12

168 cm

62 Kg

mutahr November 5th, 2022 16:25

6' 185lbs

Lora Cross November 12th, 2022 15:53

107# lifting up to 230#
I am a full time travel model and sessiongirl. I am currently quite light at 107# yesterday when i weighed in.

My best lift was an hour session with a 230 lb man which is posted on my clips4sale store. The weight distribution, anthropomentrics of the person being lifted and their skill and experience can make me lifting them much easier or harder.

I have a regular who i lift and carry at 220# about 3 x per year who is much easier to lift than some 180# newbies to being lift and carried. He knows how to tense his body and how to position himself and balance while being lifted by me to make it as easy as possible for me to lift him. I've noticed in particular that the shoulder ride is hard for newbies!

Hope y'all are having a great day!


nickeleyegold November 14th, 2022 05:52

Looking to be lifted under the armpits or bench pressed

Nils08 November 16th, 2022 14:12

170 lbs

Sleeps December 14th, 2022 18:51

About 151 lbs.

Muscle_Chick_Fan February 12th, 2023 17:55

How Much Do U Weigh?

Originally Posted by TheLurker1 (Post 248510)

I weigh 221lbs to 223lbs depending on the time of day. I was quite surprised to learn that people who indulge in sessions are as heavy, or even heavier than I am. I'm going up to 230-235ish.

An extension question, I suppose:

Do you consider dropping a few lbs before your session, in an endeavour to make it easier on the woman in question?

Yeah, I'm SO FAT; I weigh approximately 260 pounds; however, I'm STILL interested in a chick who weighs much less than me but can still lift and carry me almost as if I were a pack of Charmin paper towels. :hmm::laugh::tease::thumbup2:

rickbaroz February 15th, 2023 20:06


greybeezer February 15th, 2023 22:20


Originally Posted by Muscle_Chick_Fan (Post 278003)
Yeah, I'm SO FAT; I weigh approximately 260 pounds; however, I'm STILL interested in a chick who weighs much less than me but can still lift and carry me almost as if I were a pack of Charmin paper towels. :hmm::laugh::tease::thumbup2:

260lbs is me when I'm in decent shape lol I'd love to be that again.

idontknowwhat March 19th, 2023 10:42

I weigh about 190 lbs
Edit: I weighed myself. I'm lighter than I thought I was

idontknowwhat March 23rd, 2023 13:59

I don't know exactly, but last time I weighed myself, I was about 165 lbs or 75 kgs.

Frogku99 March 25th, 2023 08:50

I am 75kg and have been lifted once by an ex girlfriend of mine. She was about 60kg, but it surprised me she did it so easily. We did piggyback, leg press and cradle and she even tried to do some pushups with me on her back.
She got almost half way up, so that takes some serious strength.
During the piggyback she even adjusted me a bit by throwing me higher on her back. Thought this was kind of impressive.

Anivia March 29th, 2023 14:06

I am over 1.80 meters tall but never weigh more than 60kg. So I can easily be lifted by girls.

kokolift March 29th, 2023 21:32

I'm 100kgs and 195cm

dylan March 30th, 2023 00:51

75kgs 5'11

Blah627 April 20th, 2023 13:29

I'm probably the skinniest guy alive. I'm 1.78m tall and I weigh 45 kg. Any girl can lift me and that's probably the best part about being this skinny lol

justini April 21st, 2023 21:30

right now i am close to 176 lbs./80 kg. I am 5ft.10

liftaddict April 24th, 2023 10:17

I'm 150lbs or 68kg and 5'6-5'7ft tall, on the smaller size of the spectrum :p

Matt995101 May 15th, 2023 16:28

6’0 154lbs

2010xsf May 22nd, 2023 14:21

6'1" and 170 pounds

EllisRedding May 24th, 2023 08:42

I'm 180cm and 80kg (176lb) so somewhere in the middle of everyone maybe!

RosesAreBlue May 26th, 2023 00:37

6'1 175lb

cb57llw June 2nd, 2023 21:16

How much do you weigh
I have been staing in the 230 range for the last couple years.

Copperhead July 1st, 2023 07:47

Right now I'm at 180. My heaviest was probably 240 but now since I'm trying to be a pro fighter I need to get weigh lighter. Ideally I want to be like 140 so I can cut to 125. Plus being 140 is way easier to lift than 180

Blarmy July 14th, 2023 17:17

Im 235 but Im trying to reach 175 in about 3 months if its possible

mumbojumbo123456789 August 21st, 2023 23:01

I'm 5 foot 8 and 10 stone so been able to be lifted by numerous girls

nicovanaken August 23rd, 2023 16:06

I'm probably the heaviest one here. I am 1.74 meters and was 100 kg 1 year ago. Now I weigh 90 to 91 kg.

When I weighed 100 kg, I was also (easily) lifted. Sometimes I asked ladies in a private house that. The ladies who tried it could do it all there.

With my new weight, no lady has yet tried to lift me.

Sorry for my English, I use Google Maps but my English is not good.

greybeezer August 24th, 2023 01:34


Originally Posted by nicovanaken (Post 284235)
I'm probably the heaviest one here. I am 1.74 meters and was 100 kg 1 year ago. Now I weigh 90 to 91 kg.

That's not very heavy actually, I'm 150kg at the moment.

Jail October 16th, 2023 21:05

My weight
At the moment I'm at 70 kilos, but before I was at 60.

androg October 18th, 2023 21:10

I weight 70kg circa and I’m 1.75m tall

Freckledman91 November 16th, 2023 04:27

How much I weigh
I am 5'6 and 130 lbs hehe.

fmsfms November 19th, 2023 00:45

77kg 5,11

cccs November 19th, 2023 09:39

168 cm and 67-68 kilos.

Nolookman February 12th, 2024 15:48

I weigh about 160 and my gf can still squat me about 15 times and lift me over her head

Upperdupper February 28th, 2024 13:32

I’m 1,87m and 92kg. Very hard to be carried, unfurtunally

greybeezer February 28th, 2024 21:32


Originally Posted by Upperdupper (Post 291138)
I’m 1,87m and 92kg. Very hard to be carried, unfurtunally

Not hard at all, I'm 50kg more then you and have been lifted multiple times mostly shoulder sits.

rickbaroz February 29th, 2024 00:25


tjw1971 March 5th, 2024 00:25

re: hard to carry
Nah, you just need to try with different women. One of my friends, Eric, is around 95kg and he used to date this Asian girl who only weighed about 58kg. He used to do house painting and she'd go with him and help. Every time he needed to paint around the tops of door frames, she'd go between his legs and boost him up onto her shoulders and hold him up there until he finished them. It was just faster and easier than messing with a step-ladder.

She had pretty muscular-looking legs but still, he wasn't that far from twice her weight and she used to do it easily.


Originally Posted by Upperdupper (Post 291138)
I’m 1,87m and 92kg. Very hard to be carried, unfurtunally

169qwe March 7th, 2024 08:24


Originally Posted by Upperdupper (Post 291138)
I’m 1,87m and 92kg. Very hard to be carried, unfurtunally

I weigh more than you and have been lifted by close to 200 women over the years.

I'm in the U.S. I don't know where you are, and I acknowledge that certain cultures are less receptive to F/M lifting than others.

But based on my experience, the majority of girls can handle your weight.

dcrt440 March 8th, 2024 04:07

Did you ever achieve your goal?

Lil8810 April 12th, 2024 04:07

5’7’’ 145

sfusama5 April 16th, 2024 14:55

90 kg 175 cm

Lk April 22nd, 2024 23:12

No lets make it harder

ksapak1 May 7th, 2024 14:31

i am 5,9 ft and 187 lbs

Mark G May 20th, 2024 23:20

How much do you weigh
5ft 9.ins 133lbs

vit May 29th, 2024 19:20


j.ingoff May 29th, 2024 22:57

I ballooned up during Covid, but I'm back down to 190lbs. Still a bit more than I'd like, I don't feel fully comfortable, but I'm getting there!

zxu1105 May 30th, 2024 17:27

174cm 72kg

ranka7 June 8th, 2024 10:41

I am 180cm/72kg

nicovanaken June 8th, 2024 23:56

This morning, I was 81,5 kg / 174 cm

dorlm July 18th, 2024 15:34


Originally Posted by greybeezer (Post 248554)
I'd love to be as light as you guys lol.

Same lol... I am a big guy so it's hard to find a girl to satisfy the fetish. I had a session where she couldn't lift me but bounced me on her lap for a while, and that had a pretty good effect,...

gremlin_95 July 23rd, 2024 11:28

6’0 205. Kinda average I guess

Mada145 July 24th, 2024 18:08

In kilograms 65

soarmenow July 30th, 2024 00:18

147 all-purpose pounds --- on one of my "buff" days.

laurens0856 July 30th, 2024 22:15

I myself am quit light as I'm 105-110 lb changing through the day

AgentGucci August 8th, 2024 10:09

Around 54kg or 122lbs I’d say

l&c August 27th, 2024 06:14

93.5kg (206lbs). The lightest I've ever been in almost 20 years. Unfortunately, there's no chance of me getting a lift and carry session anytime soon.

nicovanaken August 27th, 2024 12:16


Originally Posted by l&c (Post 297583)
93.5kg (206lbs). The lightest I've ever been in almost 20 years. Unfortunately, there's no chance of me getting a lift and carry session anytime soon.

Sorry, I use Google Translate:

I don't know. I was lifted more when I was a lot heavier than I am now. Now I weigh 81 to 82 kg and have never been lifted again. When I weighed 100 kg, there were ladies weighing barely 50 kg who could lift me. The last time I was lifted easily I was 100kg and the lady was 88kg and about the same size as me. The first time she seemed to have a little trouble, but when I asked to pick me up again, I immediately went 12 inches into the air without any effort.

tjw1971 September 6th, 2024 02:35

Nah.... always a chance!

Originally Posted by l&c (Post 297583)
93.5kg (206lbs). The lightest I've ever been in almost 20 years. Unfortunately, there's no chance of me getting a lift and carry session anytime soon.

greybeezer September 6th, 2024 10:33


Originally Posted by l&c (Post 297583)
93.5kg (206lbs). The lightest I've ever been in almost 20 years. Unfortunately, there's no chance of me getting a lift and carry session anytime soon.

I've never been as light as you in adulthood, and have had many sessions weighing at least 40kg more then you! It's really not difficult at all to find someone to session with at your weight you just have to try.

musso3567 December 11th, 2024 04:40

I think
[QUOTE=TheLurker1;248510]제목. 내 몸무게는 하루 중 시간에 따라 221파운드에서 223파운드이다. 나는 세션에 탐닉하는 사람들이 나보다 무겁거나 심지어 무겁다는 것을 알고 꽤 놀랐다. 나는 230-235ish로 올라갈 거야. 연장 질문, 내 생각엔: 당신은 문제의 여성에게 더 쉽게 하기 위해 세션 전에 몇 파운드를 감량하는 것을 고려합니까?[ /인용] my weight is 180lbs i think strong woman can lift me

cartergex1 December 12th, 2024 01:59

I am around 170 lbs, the lightest I have been in a while since starting a new job recently that keeps me very physically active.

Brian95 January 22nd, 2025 04:02

At 5'11 (1.8 m), I'm only about 125 lbs (57 kg), not because I try to stay skinny, but just because I have a fast metabolism, a slim frame, and an active lifestyle I guess. It's a funny coincidence that I've always liked getting lifted, because practically anyone can do it. When a girl say "What? No way you're only 125 lbs!" I can just say "See for yourself; pick me up. Trust me, you won't believe how easy it is." They usually laugh when they do because it surprises them. Like a lot of people on here have been saying, girls can lift a lot more than they think, and attitude is a big part of it.

Lightboy January 22nd, 2025 18:34


Originally Posted by Brian95 (Post 302496)
At 5'11 (1.8 m), I'm only about 125 lbs (57 kg), not because I try to stay skinny, but just because I have a fast metabolism, a slim frame, and an active lifestyle I guess. It's a funny coincidence that I've always liked getting lifted, because practically anyone can do it. When a girl say "What? No way you're only 125 lbs!" I can just say "See for yourself; pick me up. Trust me, you won't believe how easy it is." They usually laugh when they do because it surprises them. Like a lot of people on here have been saying, girls can lift a lot more than they think, and attitude is a big part of it.

So true bro, anything below 60 is easy for them, being a 5'11 and oscillating between 55 and 59 kg in a year. I used to think I'm a big guy but soon realised that's just average girly weight. The chubby ones weigh even more than us.

Neon2k January 23rd, 2025 09:17

Same rn I am 6'1 and 125 lbs , I haven't been carried a lot only once in the past 5 years and boy was it so easy for her she was only 5'2 and relatively fit like 110lbs

Msttarov February 11th, 2025 21:03

My weight
I weight 70 kg so I think easy target for any girl to easily carry me around

civelensky February 24th, 2025 21:31

Between 80-83 for several years

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