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CageDemon May 22nd, 2021 21:15

Great video, again. Support calvinklein
To anyone who hasn't already bought this clip:

Buy it straight away, you will not be disappointed. :tt1:

How this young woman (at less than 100lbs) is able to hold a man nearly a foot taller and almost twice her weight over head I can't begin to understand.

It actually looks pretty easy for her.

Also support calvinklien so he can continue making amazing videos the way only he does.

calvinklein May 25th, 2021 17:40

Small girl is back! Weighing 45 kg(98 lbs) and 5'1 (154 cm) tall lifts a much bigger guy who weighs 72 kg(154 lbs) -5'10 (178 cm) in some awesome lifts that include a an overhead hold standing on one leg, shoulder half-squats and many other amazing lifts that feel impossible for a girl her size. The video is 12 minutes long.

Preview image:

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Get the full clip here:

piggybackrides May 25th, 2021 20:25


Originally Posted by calvinklein (Post 254475)
Small girl is back! Weighing 45 kg(98 lbs) and 5'1 (154 cm) tall lifts a much bigger guy who weighs 72 kg(154 lbs) -5'10 (178 cm) in some awesome lifts that include a an overhead hold standing on one leg, shoulder half-squats and many other amazing lifts that feel impossible for a girl her size. The video is 12 minutes long.

Preview image:

Preview video:

Get the full clip here:

This girl is incredible calvinklein! How did you even find her? Looking at her physique I'm assuming she has some type of athletic background (gymnast, dancer, etc.). Also is it possible to set her up with a heavier liftee for her next video? Looking at how easily she can lift the guy in the videos, I think it's possible, even likely that she can do some of the standard lifts with a 250 lb guy.

Coolbeans May 26th, 2021 15:45


Originally Posted by piggybackrides (Post 254483)
This girl is incredible calvinklein! How did you even find her? Looking at her physique I'm assuming she has some type of athletic background (gymnast, dancer, etc.). Also is it possible to set her up with a heavier liftee for her next video? Looking at how easily she can lift the guy in the videos, I think it's possible, even likely that she can do some of the standard lifts with a 250 lb guy.

Agreed. And again I request seeing her do some two-on-one lifts. Get her to hold two guys at the same time and I think you'll get a lot of sales. Great videos.

badboy4375 May 26th, 2021 21:11


Originally Posted by piggybackrides (Post 254483)
This girl is incredible calvinklein! How did you even find her? Looking at her physique I'm assuming she has some type of athletic background (gymnast, dancer, etc.). Also is it possible to set her up with a heavier liftee for her next video? Looking at how easily she can lift the guy in the videos, I think it's possible, even likely that she can do some of the standard lifts with a 250 lb guy.

Yes, I agree with everyone else that these videos with her are awesome.

I'm just wondering if she requested for there not to be audio. Seems she is smiling and talking throughout, almost as if she's talking to the camera.

I can only speak for myself but something about having audio makes the videos much more enjoyable even when I don't speak the language.

calvinklein May 30th, 2021 17:50


Originally Posted by piggybackrides (Post 254483)
This girl is incredible calvinklein! How did you even find her? Looking at her physique I'm assuming she has some type of athletic background (gymnast, dancer, etc.). Also is it possible to set her up with a heavier liftee for her next video? Looking at how easily she can lift the guy in the videos, I think it's possible, even likely that she can do some of the standard lifts with a 250 lb guy.

She says she can do it. Just that she needs a bit of practice and can even hold 200 lbs overhead. She's a dancer. I am looking forward to doing more videos with her.


Originally Posted by Coolbeans (Post 254515)
Agreed. And again I request seeing her do some two-on-one lifts. Get her to hold two guys at the same time and I think you'll get a lot of sales. Great videos.

I would try that. She can possibly lift 2 guys without much of a problem but again as I said, she wants to try it all out after a 2 month practice. She's out of gym for 3 months because of lockdown.


Originally Posted by badboy4375 (Post 254520)
Yes, I agree with everyone else that these videos with her are awesome.

I'm just wondering if she requested for there not to be audio. Seems she is smiling and talking throughout, almost as if she's talking to the camera.

I can only speak for myself but something about having audio makes the videos much more enjoyable even when I don't speak the language.

I also don't like videos muted. However, due to some technical problem, the audio ended up omitted. Since the two videos are done at the same time, I couldn't do much later. But the next videos will be with sound, ofcourse

badboy4375 May 30th, 2021 21:45

Good to know! I have bought both with her, and will happily buy the next.

calvinklein June 16th, 2021 19:23

This small girl available for custom videos. Her email is

She's in a need of money and asked for help. But apparently what I am willing to pay her is not enough for her. But in case anyone wants to order with her, please don't hike the rates:thumbup1:

Ps: I hope I can post this here, dear Mods?

badboy4375 June 17th, 2021 20:58

Would this be the same girl from the previous video?

cultru June 18th, 2021 22:28


Originally Posted by calvinklein (Post 253411)
I thought I would give up, but I will not :D

This video features some incredible overhead lifts and presses by a very beautiful and tall girl. The lifer is 177 cm(5'10) and 65 kg. Liftee is 159 cm (5'1) and 49 kg.

She even overhead presses a taller girl (182 cm and 66 kg) and holds for a short period


Get the full clip here:

I'm highly impressed by one-arm overhead chair and by coffin lift at the end of full clip.
It's obviously sportsacro girls.
Is it possible to make clip with trio lifts (not overhead, just any crazy carries)?

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