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ls6157486 July 18th, 2018 17:50

I think when I was 13-14 years old

enola02 July 18th, 2018 22:59

I was probably 6. I remember seeing pat Sakai lifted by a fitness girl on wheel of fortune that got me excited

kramer65486 July 20th, 2018 17:13

Around 13 or 14 when I was watching wwe

pgbk0000 August 23rd, 2018 20:20

At a young age
As a child I was very fascinated seeing women lifting and carrying people around and I would not be able to keep my eyes off of that! Probably around the age of 12 or 13 was when I began to develop an interest for L&C! I would occasionally browse pictures and videos of women lifting and carrying people in different positions, mostly piggyback! The moment I really got into L&C was when I watched an Indian film and there was a brief scene where the Mother is carrying her grown-up adult son on her back and is walking effortlessly as if he was very light as a feather! The son had his arms around her neck and his scrawny legs were wrapped around her waist! It was about 3-4 seconds, but it is the best piggyback ride I have ever seen and my most favourite! :D:thumbup2:

jfiochetti2001 August 24th, 2018 07:17

Quand j'avais 6 ans , j'avais une voisine qui avait un an de plus que moi, elle ?tait plus grande d'environ deux centim?tres, elle ?tait tr?s jolie et elle portait des shorts qui montrait ses jambes muscl?es et j'essayait de trouver une fa?on de me faire porter par elle, entre autre je me souviens d'une fois, nous ?tions dans le hangar en dessous de notre galerie et j'avais grimp? sur un baril et faisant semblant que j'avais peur de descendre, elle m'avait port?e dans ses bras,pour me poser par terre.

Vers l'?ge de 10 ans dans des ?mission am?ricaine, entre autres The Carole Burnett show, lors d'une danse, son partenaire lui avait saut? dans les bras dans un berceau et ?a m'avait tr?s excit? . Par la suite une t?l? s?rie comique Laverne and Sherlay une des deux com?diennes Laverne avait un plaisir ? porter les hommes . Et ? l'adolescence ma cousine qui ?tait plus jeune que moi de deux ans. mais elle ?tait assez grande environ deux centim?tre de moins que moi elle portait des jupes et des shorts tr?s courtes et j'ai r?ussi ? quelques reprises de trouver une fa?on ? obtenir des port?s par elle et la je me sentais explos? dans mon pantalon.

elbenjo90 August 24th, 2018 10:25

I can remember having dreams of being lifted and carried by a girl crush when I was about 8 years old.

wachinango September 4th, 2018 22:10

i think like 15 high school , lots of fun :thumbup1:

pgbk0000 September 5th, 2018 00:02

Piggyback ride link + stills

Originally Posted by pgbk0000 (Post 215676)
As a child I was very fascinated seeing women lifting and carrying people around and I would not be able to keep my eyes off of that! Probably around the age of 12 or 13 was when I began to develop an interest for L&C! I would occasionally browse pictures and videos of women lifting and carrying people in different positions, mostly piggyback! The moment I really got into L&C was when I watched an Indian film and there was a brief scene where the Mother is carrying her grown-up adult son on her back and is walking effortlessly as if he was very light as a feather! The son had his arms around her neck and his scrawny legs were wrapped around her waist! It was about 3-4 seconds, but it is the best piggyback ride I have ever seen and my most favourite! :D:thumbup2:

I have posted a video link of this awesome piggyback ride along with a couple of pictures from their film photoshoot in the Indian F/M L&C section, definitely worth checking out! :thumbup2::tt1:

kan January 6th, 2019 07:12

When I was around 10 years old I think. Got into F/M lifts when I was 12 I suppose, when one of the many M/M horesplays surprisingly led to a girl wanting to lift me up:D Since then its been F/M all the way ;)

Plzhdk February 3rd, 2019 08:37

It was probably around 16 or 17. Before I never really cared about it.

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