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theSittingTroll July 11th, 2020 14:36

I remember in pre-school as a 6 year old playing with a girl who LOVED showing off how strong she was. Some of her feats included lifting me and other kids. I remember always competing with her about who was stronger, but secretly enjoyed that she wanted to lift me to prove her strength. Ofc I had no romantical feelings at the time, but still got a tingling sensation when she lifted me.

Fast forward to grade 6, there was a tall and athletic girl in my class who CLEARLY had the biggest biceps of my whole class. She was more muscular than all the boys included until around age 16, when testosterone seriously kicked in for the jocks, and they ofc surpassed her. But I remember one instance that I happened to grapple with her on a log just for fun, and she beat me EVERY TIME. I felt humiliated, but here as well secretly enjoyed losing to a girl.

tequila July 14th, 2020 07:54

Since I can remember

HotNurr July 25th, 2020 00:30

When I was younger, I liked it a lot, and now that I am older, it excites me aswell

toto101200 July 27th, 2020 00:49

At 11 i think

Bundymania July 29th, 2020 23:21

It came along with puberty. I discovered l/c websites when I was around 14 years old in 1997, though I can?t remember what those websites were named and they?re long gone now.

2010xsf July 31st, 2020 15:41

It was at the age of 10. an 11 year old girl asked us to climb on her shoulders in the school playground

Laserlocc August 5th, 2020 16:35

Since I was 10 or so.. Had a crush give me a piggyback ride

Transit September 1st, 2020 03:07

When I was 10 more or less. My parents use to work all day: one day, a new babysitter arrived, she was a few years older than us, but a bit smaller and thinner than my sister, one day, the babysitter offered her back for a piggyback:blink: and I was suprised to see that skinny girl carrying a taller and heavier girl smiling all the way :w00t: from that moment I think... because I started to pay attention at school when a girl carry an other girl:thumbup2:

upandaway September 3rd, 2020 10:33


Originally Posted by HotNurr (Post 243387)
When I was younger, I liked it a lot, and now that I am older, it excites me aswell

hi, were u lifted as a child or as teenager a lot?

how tall r u? how much do u weigh?

what do u feel when a girl lifts u? do u feel safe, excited, aroused, overpowered, helpless?

TheWolfe September 3rd, 2020 17:10

I think I may have answered this thread a while back but since it's been bumped...

I'm just a few weeks short of 55 and I've been into L&C for over 50 years. It started as a desire to lift women after seeing things like Dick Van Dyke carrying Sally Ann Howe in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in the late '60s. That grew into an appreciation of F/F in high school in the early '80s. Been in the online community since 1998, which was when I got my first PC.

I don't know if this was THE thing but I know it made a big impression on me at about 3 or 4 years old. Carrying is a theme in the movie. Here's when they first meet and it's not particularly pleasant.

Then at the end of the movie...

She looks so light and he carries her effortlessly. I think that was the hook. I couldn't wait to try it. I remember trying to lift girls I knew. It was playful kid stuff but there was a bit more to it for me. Even though I had no clue about sexuality at that age, there was some instinctual level that it connected for me. I've been obsessed with it ever since. F/F is just an extension of my desire to lift girls. If someone is going to lift her, why not another girl instead of a guy who isn't me? Plus the fact that a girl can lift her shows that it doesn't take a big, strong guy to do it. The more feminine the lifter, the better. It's like the lifter's femininity multiplies that of the liftee, which is probably why F/M is such a turn off for me.

And I've always HATED being lifted by anyone. I remember being 3 or 4 - about the same time I saw that movie - and my mom and I met up with my dad at a work party. He was being a proud dad and he carried me around the room to introduce me to his coworkers and I got really pissed off. He was embarrassing me, making me feel like I seemed weak or inferior. I wanted to stand on my own two feet!

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