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kyper0203 April 23rd, 2021 02:01

I don’t know exactly what age or how I first realized I liked being lifted and carried. It has been something I’ve known I enjoyed for as long as I can remember going back to being a little kid at just 4 or 5 years old.

Pelikanbird April 25th, 2021 00:30

My childhood
L&C is not a fantasy but lifestyle that goes back early stages of my life. When I was in secondary school i used to gaze at tall ladies like teachers or taller students who were potential Amazon lifters and visualised how could they lift me in details. After I grew up I combined my lifting and lap sitting Fantasies with adult games as well

wheeler83 April 25th, 2021 11:12

I was 8 when i became interested in lift & carry

submittome7 April 25th, 2021 17:49

To be honest pretty recently, I've always admired females who can physically challenge a man in a contest of strength. Lifting is just another form to portray that ability.

lombre April 26th, 2021 06:42

I have actually been intrested for a large portion of my life. I'm 22 now but i started getting into it when i was around 12/13. I dont know how I got into it but im glad i did

mostazarock April 26th, 2021 16:47


Originally Posted by lombre (Post 253190)
I have actually been intrested for a large portion of my life. I'm 22 now but i started getting into it when i was around 12/13. I dont know how I got into it but im glad i did

ever been lifted? (especiaally highschool i love those experiences)
or seen a guy being lifted in person , not a video?

Borsonero April 28th, 2021 17:57

Think I was 16 or 17, when I saw Cory Everson lifting a guy overhead in a movie. Think the name of the film was "Ballistic". That was it for me, like a switch, think I replayed that scene a hundred times. :D

wabba April 28th, 2021 18:30

I didn't realize it was a fetish but I became interested in strong women in my teens, maybe because of comic books or older teachers, and lifting men is an obvious show of strength.

Steackx May 3rd, 2021 12:35

When I was 9, a girl in my class was blamed to be fat by some kids. She used to say "I'm not fat, I'm strong"
One day, I was probably the heaviest kid in the area when she said she was strong, and she front lifted me without asking me, with ease!
I had a strange feeling, but felt good and wanted to be lifted again.

During years, I enjoyed being with strong looking girls, but considered I was to heavy to get lifted anymore by a girl and never asked or tried something.

When I was 17, I was having fun with a chubby friend, we were wrestling and I put my arms around her shoulders to make her down. But in an unexpected movement, she bent and pull my arm to lift me on her back. I felt surprised and really aroused. What I wanted the most had just happened. She put me down and Thanks to the big hoodies and baggies, no one saw that I really enjoyed that. I was like "Hey, what did you do?" She laughed, took my arms, put her back on my front lifted me again and gave me a real piggyback. She was way smaller and lighter than me (she was 5 tall and 130lbs when I was 5,7 and 185/190 lbs) This probably last 30 seconds, but at that moment, it was the greatest 30 seconds of my life.
Then, we lifted each other many times!

But I didn't have word to explain this. I thought I was aroused because of the contact or the fact I really appreciate this girl, even I knew I like to be lifted by girls, I thought it was the same for every guy...

I found many years later that was a real fetish, and that people took pics or made movies!

robert98 May 4th, 2021 15:02

I was into LandC fetish since childhood(8-9), but i figured this out in my late teenage years.

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