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SuperKekw May 5th, 2022 19:25

I think I was born with it. Can't really think of an exact age, but I remember always being into it. I can't explain why though lmao

Jimmiharris May 24th, 2022 21:37

I was around 14 years old

sammysandhoro86 May 26th, 2022 03:47

I feel the fun of lift carry maybe around 10 years old when I am still studying at elementary school. I keep dreamin being lifted by my girl classmate. And I can get it when I am working and get lifted by my girlfriend.

Emaiden1984 June 1st, 2022 12:34

Since childhood, I have always been a very skinny little guy, so many adult woman just picked me up for fun when I was like 10 or 11 already, started to love it back then and probably got my desire for talker bigger woman back then

erlliastar June 4th, 2022 18:15

like at 16 :blushing:

Thewadzee June 6th, 2022 13:46

very young
i liked it as a fun thing since i was a child. i used to get piggybacks from my older cousins all the time, boys and girls.

sexually it started when i was 12, my friend's sister lifted me up. i didnt have sexual feelings for her but i knew then that being lifted did something for me.

lxx807856244 June 19th, 2022 05:48

About 24 years old after I graduate fron college.
My health was not good, and my physical education scores were poor. After graduate I started to exercise more to be healthy and stronger. So I fell in love with girls whoever have athletic bodies, not only l&c. I also love girls who are good at sports or dancing.

shootingstar June 20th, 2022 11:54

It wasn't until I was older, in my mid 20's. Then there was no going back hehe

2010xsf June 20th, 2022 12:57

Me, at 11 years old, at the swimming pool, a very developed and strong girl, physically taller and heavier than all the boys in the class. she took us on her shoulders in the shallow water and she loved to show us her strength

LilMatty June 28th, 2022 22:35

I have always been short. Girls that were friends always wanted to pick me up or put me on their laps. I hated it and was embarrassed. But then around 8th grade I started liking it. By high school I was I guess "out of the closet" about my fetish especially lapsitting.

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