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daryeloyon May 20th, 2009 05:48

i am always lift my friends i am strong boy but i dont like some lift me
but i hope to get lift soon:)

ericfabre May 20th, 2009 14:36

When I was 7 I carried my older female cousin piggyback across a small creek because she does not want her feet to get wet. Since then I alkways carry her across that creek. I knew there and then I love lifting and carrying girls around. Then I discovered it is much more fun to watch girls carry another girl!

samby_01 May 27th, 2009 12:17

I got to see a L/C scene in a Indian movie and I knew I liked that.. I was i think 7-8 years old...

Also saw the LC cradle on the intro of the Addams Family Cartoon.. I remebr recording the vid on the handycam and seeing it again n again !!

But It turned sexual at 13-14 I guess..
and 21 now and still turned on by this~

Fabius June 6th, 2009 16:26

At 7.

At that time a common children game was to stand back to back, wrap arms and bend in turn, lifting repeatedly for a short time each other.
I soon realized that I specially liked to play with a girl my same age, or may be one year younger, and the best part was when I was on her back: I tried to keep my legs up in the air as much as possible, to delay the time to return to the floor, while when I was lifting her I tried to be as quick as possible to put her down.
The result was that most of the time I was on her back, the funny thing is that she never complained about it, and every time we met she was the first to propose that game..

This is my first memory, then the thing remained in a corner of my mind, only keeping a particular interest for strong girls, but not specially for L&C, and considered it as a curiosity not going to ever impact on my real life.

It was only when I grew up that I discovered this side of sex.

lorinsilvia June 12th, 2009 14:33

I was about 9-11 years old. I remember not being able to stop fantasizing about being carried by strong girls. It never went beyond fantasy though.

tinkuthewimp June 26th, 2009 06:33

hi i am into lift and carry since i was 13 ,i saw a picture of a female bodybuilder lifting a guy and thats when my association with lift and carry started

warthog June 27th, 2009 00:42

I think I was fascinated with it since a very young age. I recall really liking it when Optimus Prime would overhead lift & toss Megatron in Transformers. That was 3rd grade I think. But I only had it specifically defined when I got my internet connection at 11th grade and there a world of possibilities was opened to me (Diana The Valkyrie, which amazingly still stands).

I don't recall ever being lifted by a girl, unfortunately. I did have a few female "domination" style events. I was really late to grow and was short and scrawny all the way till 7th grade (to my shame even my twin brother outgrew me considerably then). My first memory is losing in armwrestling to some heavyset girl in a birthday party. I lost a couple of times actually... and kids were watching. That was VERY embarrassing.

Most girls at that time were quite taller than me. I had one especially tall friend (her mom once mentioned I looked like a chicken leg next to her...) who later became a bitter enemy of mine due to some envy issues with another girl. For a few years then she would challenge me to fight her or try armwrestling her which of course I declined, and she enjoyed mocking me for it. Once we almost got to really fight (she shoved me, I slapped her face in defense), but fortunately (for me I guess) a teacher was there to end it. When things cooled off between us I agreed to an armwrestling match (the class was empty) and managed a tie. After that I started to grow and the threat was removed... we actually became friends again later. Finally in 3rd grade I got totally humiliated in a 60 meter sprint run by another good friend of mine who was on the athletic team. I even remember the results: she had 9.7sec (no one else got below 10), and me 13 or 12sec... I totally ate her dust. I actually was nervous about both sprints and armwrestling for many years to follow.

I wonder if those events had anything to do with my current love of tall girls and l&c. It's a shame that at the time I never appreciated the sexiness of the situation... I just wanted to save face. Today I wish I could go back in time with my current state of mind to that tall friend of mine, and try to initiate some l&c and lapsitting in a "playful" manner.
That could've been sweet :wub:

farhanyousaf June 27th, 2009 03:01

i guess when i was around 10

dendrin June 27th, 2009 06:25


Originally Posted by warthog (Post 13733)
I think I was fascinated with it since a very young age. I recall really liking it when Oprimus Prime would overhead lift & toss Megatron in Transformers. That was 3rd grade I think. But I only had it specifically defined when I got my internet connection at 11th grade and there a world of possibilities was opened to me (Diana The Valkyrie, which amazingly still stands).
I don't recall ever being lifted by a girl, unfortunately. I did have a few female "domination" style events. I was really late to grow and was short and scrawny all the way till 7th grade (to my shame even my twin brother outgrew me considerably then). My first memory is losing in armwrestling to some heavyset girl in a birthday party. I lost a couple of times actually... and kids were watching. That was VERY embarrassing.
Most girls at that time were quite taller than me. I had one especially tall friend (her mom once mentioned I looked like a chicken leg next to her...) who later became a bitter enemy of mine due to some envy issues with another girl. For a few years then she would challenge me to fight her or try armwrestling her which of course I declined, and she enjoyed mocking me for it. Once we almost got to really fight (she shoved me, I slept her face in defense), but fortunately (for me I guess) a teacher was there to end it. When things cooled off between us I agreed to an armwrestling match (the class was empty) and managed a tie. After that I started to grow and the threat was removed... we actually became friends again later. Finally in 3rd grade I got totally humiliated in a 60 meter sprint run by another good friend of mine who was on the athletic team. I even remember the results: she had 9.7sec (no one else got below 10), and me 13 or 12sec... I totally ate her dust. I actually was nervous about both sprints and armwrestling for many years to follow.
I wonder if those events had anything to do with my current love of tall girls and l&c. It's a shame that at the time I never appreciated the sexiness of the situation... I just wanted to save face. Today I wish I could go back in time with my current state of mind to that tall friend of mine, and try to initiate some l&c and lapsitting in a "playful" manner.
That could've been sweet :wub:

Interesting, thanks for sharing.

widley July 1st, 2009 08:15

First encounter!
I was walking with a very pretty girl beside a boating lake when I think I was about 7 years old, this lake had a sloping paved area around the edge. I accidently slipped on this slope and was heading for the water feet first, when in an ins;);)tant the pretty girl grabbed me and half hauled and half lifted me up the small slope. Ever since that experience I have had an interest in strong girls and took an interest in comics with heroines who were strong. Also saw Joan Rhodes strong woman act on TV many years ago where she bent nails and tore telephone directories in half, she invited male members of the audience to do the same and they all failed.
Getting back to the pretty girl, I wish I could meet her again!

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