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sachin007 July 18th, 2014 01:36

Hi there,
Just wanted to add that I am 25 years old.Kindly approve me folks.

sachin007 July 23rd, 2014 07:45

Kindly confirm
Hi Admins,
I am an old user with login 'sourav' and due to some problems i had my Id deleted on request.Now I have opened another account 'sachin007' as i could not find a way to request revoke of my Id 'sourav'.I have posted few posts with that id.Kindly confirm me folks.

Josh4Lifts July 23rd, 2014 16:40

Im requesting full forum access. I have a secure password. Im 30y old. Im from Germany. Found this page through Google. Thank you


Cradlecarry Greg July 30th, 2014 16:22


My password is secured
I am over 18
I found the site via Google
I am from The United Kingdom
Could you please give me full access to the forum.

Thank you,
Greg Beale


nitinmohite August 7th, 2014 18:01

Hello. I believe I meet the requirements to become a standard member.
My password is secure.
I am way over 18.
I found about this forum on google.
I'm from India.

-please only ask once

omni August 10th, 2014 23:52

Request for full access
Hello I have just registered for this forum. I found the site via Google, am from the UK and over 18. Can I have full access to the forum please.

omni August 11th, 2014 00:18


Originally Posted by omni (Post 140691)
Hello I have just registered for this forum. I found the site via Google, am from the UK and over 18. Can I have full access to the forum please.

Just seen what you have to do. I'll post some pics in the lounge and come back later this week!

Akshayb August 11th, 2014 06:41

Request for standard access/
Respected sir,I am over 18 years of age, have a secure passwrd, found this forum through google. I have posted 5 replies on lc discussion thread (no images though), and am currently living in India (only temporarily as I will move to trinidad after a week). If I am not graned a standard access, please tell me the requireents for doing so. Thank you.

Akshayb August 11th, 2014 06:42

Request for standard access/
Respected sir,I am over 18 years of age, have a secure password, found this forum through Google. I have posted 5 replies on lc discussion thread (no images though), and am currently living in India (only temporarily as I will move to trinidad after a week). If I am not granted a standard access, please tell me the requirements for doing so. Thank you.

LUC76 August 11th, 2014 17:52


I've posted five posts, can i have total access to this forum please ?


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