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jfiochetti2001 November 17th, 2022 14:40

Around 10 years old I saw a show on tv and a woman lift a man when she dance with him and I was friend with my female neighborn and she was a year older than me and taller than me and I asked her to lift me and she lilted me in front carry and I was very excited. After that my female cousin was 2 years younger than me and a little bit shorter but I often sit in her laps and she accept to liftes me in front lift and one time on her shoulders.

Shetab November 18th, 2022 06:43

At age 7
When i was 7, i used to play with my neighbour girl with 1 year younger than me. She lifted me many times. Usually i wanted to prove my 'manliness' by lifting her as well. But i always secretly loved the other way around.
I watched some cartoon scenes which triggered me into this fetish. Like, wonder woman carrying superman in justice league cartoon.
there was a live action show called 'power rangers mystic force', where the skinny girl cradle carried the tall guy. It blew my mind when i was kid.
Then i have another trigger, when i saw beth phoenix lifted santino marella in a match in wwe. It was really unexpected for me, cause i didnt know about beth being that strong.

Bloomz balor December 11th, 2022 08:45

When I saw Chyna lift a refree with one hand

liftca December 27th, 2022 07:07

Guess I was born with it.

PNW Shyguy January 12th, 2023 01:51


Originally Posted by upandaway (Post 274392)
hey! me too, because it starts early on for most of us here

also, the smaller and lighter you are, the easier and more likely it is to be lifted

how small are we talking? were you very skinny as well? how big are you now?

this may be related to the development of our self image or perception while growing up, perhaps in a subconscious way

I was always shorter than average and much skinnier than average. I’m 5’11” and 200 pounds now. You might be on to something with the developmental self-image or perception. That makes me think.

Bombowritoo January 19th, 2023 14:32

I think about 20 is the age I started liking lift & carry stuff

edmanno February 18th, 2023 20:25

As young as I can remember. Used to watch a lot of cartoons as a kid and seeing on there in a numerous sort of way is definitely what initially created my interest in it.

Jetto February 18th, 2023 22:53

Good question.
Probably for the first when I watched cartoon with strong girls sometimes carrying men, like She-Hulk. Or Diane stopping rocket - that was fantastic scene too.
But it was in subconscious. I understood, that lift&carry is my fetish in middle school (14-16 years old) when I saw girls giving piggyback rides to some of my friends. Cool guys only and... I was too ashamed to ask a ride too. Now I'm 31 years old and still don't know this feeling ;/

piesgot February 25th, 2023 12:37

As young as I can remember for sure. Definitely got the idea and interest from some of the super hero cartoons I used to watch as a kid. Not sure why it stuck with me for so many years. Kinda interesting to think about

appleandspace March 3rd, 2023 23:02

I think already 10 years old is when I first started to really get into it. I’m not really sure where it came from tbh. Probably tv shows? Or just a fascination with strength in general.

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