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mostazarock January 26th, 2025 21:54


Originally Posted by scrapped (Post 302569)
I can barely remember the exact experience but I was around 11. I was one of the smallest in our class and and that caught the attention during one of the breaks. One of the girls in basketball team decided that she could pick me up and I said go ahead. She was a full head taller than me. She just put her hands under my armpits and pushed me straight up over her head and kept me there grinning. That triggered 3 more girls to try the same thing, picking me up by my armpits. They all succeeded... The most interesting one was a skinny girl nearly my height just approached me and picked me up effortlessly. I think that was the point for me...

did you ever had an orgasm while being lifted by them?

Dormamu69 January 30th, 2025 18:34

Strane encounter of a senior school girl lifting me when i was in class 5

Originally Posted by jlcircusrider (Post 6922)
I have tried this before and the result has been very disappointing.

Whilst I can not remember exactly at what age I do know that when I started school at the age of 5 I knew that I wanted to ride on girl's backs.

If everyone could be persuaded to contribute we could get an idea if this is an inherited trait as I have though for some years.

Please help with the study.

I was in class 5 and i had little chitchats with a girl in class 7. One day playfully she lifted me and said should i drop you and took me to terrace. I was very scared.. but she was just joking then. But that kick and adrenaline rush where it was not even sexual at that age.. i still wonder where is she

Randomguy March 3rd, 2025 18:37

I was proably about seven or eight when i discovered i enjoyed it, i rember a girl in my class, who was the biggest girl in the class. Picked me up in a bearhug out of nowhere, she held me up for maybe 10 sec before putting me down,i a got rush of adrenaline, but it was not a sexeual feeling. From then on a started fantizing about it.

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