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jlcircusrider April 11th, 2009 12:01

At what age were you into L & C
I have tried this before and the result has been very disappointing.

Whilst I can not remember exactly at what age I do know that when I started school at the age of 5 I knew that I wanted to ride on girl's backs.

If everyone could be persuaded to contribute we could get an idea if this is an inherited trait as I have though for some years.

Please help with the study.

Nateliftee April 11th, 2009 15:05


Originally Posted by jlcircusrider (Post 6922)
I have tried this before and the result has been very disappointing.

Whilst I can not remember exactly at what age I do know that when I started school at the age of 5 I knew that I wanted to ride on girl's backs.

If everyone could be persuaded to contribute we could get an idea if this is an inherited trait as I have though for some years.

Please help with the study.

I was lifted (in a straight up) by my first girlfriend when I was 6. That is when I became fascinated by the act.

Mettalican5000 April 11th, 2009 17:55

When i was 12 watching WWE lol

Slevin April 11th, 2009 18:05


GeeDee April 11th, 2009 18:26

no idea..i guess i was born with it...

shanu April 11th, 2009 19:03

got lifted by a girl of ma class when i was 6. since then... :D

tragmich April 12th, 2009 20:48

At the age of 5 or 6 I spent much of my time persuading girls in the neighbourhood to give me piggybacks.

I was lucky, because we were 6 kids, 3 girls and 3 boys, of about the same age that lived in a small village a few km from the town centre and during summertime the pb?s were frequent. A couple years later the girls moved away, so the fun stopped.

Later, at age 12, it became sexual and at the age of 14 I started collecting l&c stuff. I also thought, that there was something wrong with me, as "normal" porn mags didn?t cause any arousal.

Germanator April 12th, 2009 22:07

I was about five. i was forced to spend a lot of time with the daughter of my parent's best friends. and because she was a girl, she surely had a lot of barbie dolls and i remember that one time while i was playing video games, she was playing with her barbies and she made one carry the other one, which suddenly caught my attention for some back then unknown reason. then, a few years later i saw the movie sleepwalkers on tv (i'm a lot into scary movies) and when i saw the mother ots carrying the unconscious woman i felt that i surprisingly liked it!!

Nateliftee April 13th, 2009 02:52


Originally Posted by Germanator (Post 7103)
i was about five. i was forced to spend a lot of time with the daughter of my parent's best friends. and because she was a girl, she surely had a lot of barbie dolls and i remember that one time while i was playing video games, she was playing with her barbies and she made one carry the other one, which suddenly caught my attention for some back then unknown reason. then, a few years later i saw the movie sleepwalkers on tv (i'm a lot into scary movies) and when i saw the mother ots carrying the unconscious woman i felt that i surprisingly liked it!!

LOL! I can remember doing that with my sister's She-ra and my He-man character dolls. (both F/M and F/F) If you positioned the legs just right they could stand on their own.:D (just in a cradle) If you tried a male lifter, the legs were too bulky so they would just fall with the doll.:D

GeeDee April 13th, 2009 15:06


Originally Posted by Nateliftee (Post 7124)
LOL! I can remember doing that with my sister's She-ra and my He-man character dolls. (both F/M and F/F) If you positioned the legs just right they could stand on their own.:D (just in a cradle) If you tried a male lifter, the legs were too bulky so they would just fall with the doll.:D

nice ...

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