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calvinklein September 27th, 2016 16:23

New studio:
Hi friends,
I am not a professional at making clips or a studio, but over the time I have done many videos. So I finally decided to sell those clips to recover atleast some part of the money spent on them.

I will price the clips according to the content. Example, a 10 minute long clip which is of a lower video quality will be available for $3-4. The main website is under construction.

Meanwhile, I start with my best clip to see how things are going to work out.

calvinklein September 27th, 2016 16:32

My first clip

This clip is an absolute treat for overhead lift fans. It includes different kinds of overhead lifts which the girl hold up to 1 minute long. Please do comment. As the clip is about 22 minutes, it's quite expensive.

Here is the preview:

Far September 27th, 2016 17:13


Originally Posted by calvinklein (Post 184655)
Hi friends,
I am not a professional at making clips or a studio, but over the time I have done many videos. So I finally decided to sell those clips to recover atleast some part of the money spent on them.

I will price the clips according to the content. Example, a 10 minute long clip which is of a lower video quality will be available for $3-4. The main website is under construction.

Meanwhile, I start with my best clip to see how things are going to work out.

Welcome to producer corner:thumbup1:
I see that you working with Indiebill too, so I'am not alone now on this platform:)

calvinklein September 27th, 2016 17:26


Originally Posted by Far (Post 184661)
Welcome to producer corner:thumbup1:
I see that you working with Indiebill too, so I'am not alone now on this platform:)

Thanks a lot! And yes, the people out there are really very friendly. It's worth working with them. I think you agree too with this :)

Far September 27th, 2016 17:29


Originally Posted by calvinklein (Post 184664)
Thanks a lot! And yes, the people out there are really very friendly. It's worth working with them. I think you agree too with this :)

Totaly agreed with you: for almost half year that I posting here I not receive any negative comments:thumbup1:
Wish you good luck and profit with your new studio)

calvinklein June 25th, 2017 10:43


Originally Posted by calvinklein (Post 184656)

This clip is an absolute treat for overhead lift fans. It includes different kinds of overhead lifts which the girl hold up to 1 minute long. Please do comment. As the clip is about 22 minutes, it's quite expensive.

Here is the preview:

The updated link for the above video is:

I have been inactive for some personal reasons. So couldn't update the store.

j-ram June 25th, 2017 20:26


Originally Posted by calvinklein (Post 197141)
The updated link for the above video is:

I have been inactive for some personal reasons. So couldn't update the store.

Well worth it:thumbup2:

CageDemon June 26th, 2017 12:54


Originally Posted by calvinklein (Post 197141)
The updated link for the above video is:

I have been inactive for some personal reasons. So couldn't update the store.

Wow! Thanks Calvin. I'm going to try to buy it now!!! :thumbup2:

calvinklein June 26th, 2017 13:04


Originally Posted by CageDemon (Post 197192)
Wow! Thanks Calvin. I'm going to try to buy it now!!! :thumbup2:

Let me know how is it:thumbup1:

CageDemon June 27th, 2017 15:36


Originally Posted by calvinklein (Post 197193)
Let me know how is it:thumbup1:

Bought it yesterday my friend and I have to say its probably the best overhead video I've ever seen! I still cant believe how easy the lifter overhead lifts the liftee over and over again like she weighs nothing!

Absolutely brilliant clip and well worth the money for anyone else considering it-and on that point thanks loads to those who recommended it to me as well (j-ram especially) :thumbup1:

I really hope there's more where this came from? The only thing that could have made it better (for me personally) is if they were in bikinis (or less :D) on a beach or something but that might be wishing a bit too much. :lol:

Thanks again for a great contribution.

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