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johnp September 24th, 2009 20:09

Embarrassed to discover that a girl is stronger than you
How about stories not involving L&C, but about guys who are surprised or embarrassed to find out that their wife, girlfriend or a girl they meet is stronger than them.

This happened to me when I had a girlfriend who was in a University rowing team. One day I was giving her and three of her team mates a lift to a regatta. The car started bumping and I realised I had a flat tyre. I stopped the car and got the jack and spare tyre out to change the wheel. But when I tried to loosen the wheel nuts, I couldn't turn any of them, no matter how hard I tried.

I told the girls they must have been put on too tight by a mechanic using a compressed air tool and couldn't be removed by hand. I said I would have to call the AA to come to change the tyre. The girls were worried about missing the regatta. One of them said she had changed tyres on her Mum's car and asked if she could try. I tried to explain that the problem was not about knowing how to change the tyre, but the fact that the nuts were too tight to be removed by hand. She still asked to have a go and my girl friend said we had nothing to lose by letting her try.

The girl Julie was about 4" shorter than my 5ft 7ins but very stockily built. As I muttered angrily that it was a waste of time, she got the wrench and strained as she tried to loosen the first nut. My anger turned to sheer humiliation and embarrassment as the nut eventually turned. I stood in silence with a beetroot red face as she loosened the other 3 nuts. I didn't dare look at my girl friend or the other girls as I was sure they would be laughing at me.

I stood in stunned silence as she carried on and changed the wheels over. My final humiliation was when she smiled at me and said that she hadn't tightened the nuts fully, just in case I had to change the wheel myself in the

None of the girls ever mentioned the incident again, but I still felt embarrassed every time I met Julie.

agentdowell September 24th, 2009 22:30

Haha! I guess you learned your lesson.

fairyplant77 October 15th, 2009 21:16

I think most of us would be embarrassed to find out a girl was stronger than us. If you go to a serious gym (like Gold's Gym), you will quite likely find a girl lifting more weight than you. I was once in there and a girl was doing straight-legged barbell lifts with 135lbs. I can barely do those at all because I'm not very flexible -- let alone with 135lbs!

I also dated a girl once who was pretty strong. She wasn't very big, but her biceps showed through her sleeves -- and it was enough to make me feel quite uneasy. And yes, it sucked not to be able to look at them (since she was sitting right in front of me).

ponyplay October 16th, 2009 15:27

Stories or real experiences!?

I did meet a girl that was for sure stronger than me... she was short, and a bit cuddly. But much shorter than me. I guess whe were about the same weight. Yes i could lift her. But she lifted and caried me more easily. The most astonishing thing was that she could give me a shoulider ride, having me up in a second an let me sit there for minutes. I had to admit i had to struggle to lift her on my shoulders. Wrestling with her meant i lost, she really had strong arms but strong short legs too. I was no match for me. I even dared her todo her thing with a gril much taler then her (and even me). I guess about 6'2 tall, she was like 5'2... she destroyed her if it wasn't form e to come in between. The tall lady didn't know what happened to her and looked in shock ...

Leobor October 16th, 2009 18:10

Hmmm... It never happened to me actually, exept in 6-7 grade in elementary school when I did arm wrestling with some girls and I lost. But I was not embaressed then too much. But if she lifted me, hell I think I would be very embaressed.

Vodevil October 16th, 2009 18:33

I have to admit that I?m somewhat a weakling. I find it more surprising and alluring than embarrassing if a girl is stronger than me.

pipi November 11th, 2009 11:36

it happened to me few months back when i was shopping in a mall with my wife. since i am quite taller than my wife (she is actually 5'2'') so she calls me 'lambu' (ie tall person). But that day in a mall, a really well built and really very tall (must be 6'2'' if not more) girl suddenly appeared and start selecting clothes along with me in that along side me. Now i wanted to go away from her but my wife didnt understand my embarrassment and instead told me to look at that girl. And not only this she also told me that that girl is much taller than me... it was like rubbing salt on my injury.

mansell3000 February 7th, 2010 14:35

Reading this thread reminds of an embarrassing experience I had when I was about 22 years old. I had been going out with a girl called Kathy for about 3 months. I am 5ft 7ins tall and weighed about 150lbs at the time. Kathy was about an inch shorter than me but was probably a few pounds heavier. She had a workmate called Sam who used to tag along with us sometimes. She was about 5ft 4 ins tall, but very solidly build and probably outweighed me too. She was very much into sports and spent a lot of time at the gym. I also suspect she had lesbian tendencies and had a secret crush on my gf.

One day the three of us went to an open air rock concert in a park. There were no seats and we were at the back of the audience and couldn't see the stage. My gf wanted to see a particular band and when they came on, she complained that she couldn't see anything. She pointed out that other girls were sitting on their boyfriends shoulders to get a better view and asked if she could do the same. I obliged and lifted her up. It was a hot day and she was wearing skimpy shorts and it felt good having her bare thighs on my shoulders and neck. However after a spell I found her weight too much to take and and had to let her down. She was really disappointed because she was enjoying the band.

Sam immediately said my gf could sit on her shoulders instead. She bent down and stuck her head between Kathy's legs and lifted her up. Whilst I was impressed how easily Sam had picked her up, I soon became jealous as it seemed that Sam was enjoying having my gf on her shoulders as much as I did. At a break between songs she let Kathy down. I said that I would take over again. However Sam gave me a superior smile and said "It's no problem I can hold Kathy up there all day". I felt my face go red with embarrassment. To make things worse my gf said she agreed because she thought Sam was a lot stronger than me. I had to stand by feeling humiliated and jealous as Sam carried my gf for the rest of the set, only taking breaks between songs.

In fact it affected me so much that I argued with gf about it afterwards and we split up.

xi February 7th, 2010 23:29

mansell3000: Did you keep in contact with Sam? :D

warthog February 8th, 2010 14:33

I was late to grow when I was a kid. At age 13 I was 1.42m (4'7'') and 43 kgs (95lbs) which are rather meager measurements for a boy (today I'm 5'9''). My non identical twin brother was actually 10cm (4'') taller than me at the time. Very embarrassing. I had two interactions with stronger girls that I remember. One was on a birthday party at someone's house, for some reason I was challenged to an armwrestling with a very heavyset girl. She wasn't muscular, just really overweight. Anyway she kicked my ass and I was dumb enough to ask for a rematch with the same result. That was VERY embarrassing because many kids were watching. Unfortunately I didn't have this strong girl fetish back then so there was only shame without arousal... I also had a few run ins with a girl who used to be a good friend of mine (sort of like a girlfriend but now actually calling it so) and after we broke up she really liked to taunt me, asking me to armwrestle with her (which now I was wise enough to decline, but she laughed and said I was afraid of girls) and threatening to beat me up (and once she almost did it but a teacher intervened). You could say I was bullied by an ex girlfriend. She was much taller and heavier than me back then, and also a brat who smoked at 12 and I was a nerd (still am). Don't know how we ever were friends. We actually got things straight years later when I was able to look her in the eye...
And those my friends are true stories. I sometimes wish I could return to those situations to be able to enjoy them properly...

mansell3000 February 8th, 2010 21:58


Originally Posted by xi (Post 29062)
mansell3000: Did you keep in contact with Sam? :D

No way. As I said in my post I was sure she had lesbian tendencies and had designs on my girl friend. I did not find her attractive and we did not get on all that well. She probably got a kick out out of embarrassing me as well as trying to impress my gf with her superior strength. I didn't see either of them again after my gf and I split up and I don't know how their friendship/relationship developed.

ponyplay February 9th, 2010 15:33

I already told i dated a girl yaers ago that was really strong. Stronger than a lot of bigger guys. Fact is I encouraged her a lot of times to demsontrate her strength. I ma talking abput the period i was stille a student, during those days it seemed easier to be lifted and carried or to witness some lifts and carries. I used to have a sexual relationship with her for some time (i had the luck she had a crush on me) and was lifted many times during sex because i asked for it (and used her for it, i did not fancy her). I guess what i am going to tell here i never told before... But if you saw pics of guys being liftend an getting a blow job like on Mistress Taylor posts... Well i experienced it a few times, she could do it and although she had to work hard to make it possible she did it for me. i alos liked to be naked (she was clothed) and be cradles by her, she walked around with me in her arms, being thrown over her soulders or riding on them. She would give me a feeling of being totally controlled and quiet powerless when she did so. Like I already said she really outwrestled me... and it would sexually excite me, surely when she wrestled me and lifte me up, me being naked she being clothed.
Also when she carreid me I liked her to be in front of the mirror so i could see it myself. i must admit i sometimes evens asked her to walk with me in the hallway where other people could possibly see us... Damn, i was quite a pervert those days. But it's arleady years and years ago... we broke up because i wanted it, she didn't want but i really did not lik her tham tuch except for the fact that she was a great lifter and could fulfill my fantasies...

dendrin February 9th, 2010 22:45


Originally Posted by mansell3000 (Post 29125)
No way. As I said in my post I was sure she had lesbian tendencies and had designs on my girl friend. I did not find her attractive and we did not get on all that well. She probably got a kick out out of embarrassing me as well as trying to impress my gf with her superior strength. I didn't see either of them again after my gf and I split up and I don't know how their friendship/relationship developed.

Was she one of those who didn't believe in using a razor? :?

winniethebeer February 10th, 2010 02:11

Ponyplay she didnt care when you asked her in different occasions to carry you nude? Was she into it?

Leobor February 10th, 2010 07:08


Originally Posted by mansell3000 (Post 29125)
No way. As I said in my post I was sure she had lesbian tendencies and had designs on my girl friend. I did not find her attractive and we did not get on all that well. She probably got a kick out out of embarrassing me as well as trying to impress my gf with her superior strength. I didn't see either of them again after my gf and I split up and I don't know how their friendship/relationship developed.

I would be curious.

ponyplay February 10th, 2010 08:19


Originally Posted by winniethebeer (Post 29183)
Ponyplay she didnt care when you asked her in different occasions to carry you nude? Was she into it?

I don't think she was really into it but was naturally strong and could do it. Since she had a crush on me she liked to show off i guess... so she would carry me if i asked her because she wanted to please me. I also asked her to lift other people and she did it too. I guess I already mentioned somwhere in this forum I could stimulate her to humiliate a much taller girl (well i guess in those student days some alcohol was invloved too)... I never saw a clip or video that thrilling really. The way she toyed with her was impressive although it ended with the taller girl bein in tears and totally horrified... that girl was lifted and carried a lot of times an completely overpowerd... I still wonder what she could have done with a gril of 100lbs :w00t:

rickishi February 12th, 2010 06:05

IN my college days , our college was distributing used books free , so they gave books in bulk for all students to take home and give it to any children they want (around 20 heavy books) , I was struggling to carry them together and took short breaks after some distance to put them down and carry again till I reached my bike.

But in between I noticed , not one but quite a few girls were able to carry the same number of books and move without struggling much like me , most were slimmer and smaller than me , some were actually standing and chatting with books on their hands. It was quite a turn on :)

blinkfan4life182X February 13th, 2010 20:48


Originally Posted by ponyplay (Post 29192)
The way she toyed with her was impressive although it ended with the taller girl bein in tears and totally horrified... that girl was lifted and carried a lot of times an completely overpowerd... I still wonder what she could have done with a gril of 100lbs :w00t:

She would jsut go up to random tall girls and start overpowering them?

ponyplay February 16th, 2010 15:09


Originally Posted by blinkfan4life182 (Post 29372)
She would jsut go up to random tall girls and start overpowering them?

Nope, like i said I encouraged her to do so... and I must admit that alcohol was involved in those student days for me to have the guts to ask and her for her to really do what I asked.

She lifted guys and girls on command :). We were living in the same student house, the tall gril was the friend of another girl living there... she claimed to be strong but was no match for my little girl... it happened on a night where we had some drinks and were discussing about the stronger sex i must have said someting like' Cindy is the strongest of us all' which made the tall girl laugh. So we made some room for a catfight that ended u p in a humilaiting lift and carry and being completely overpowered and toyed with session for the tall one.

Like I said she was in tears and horrified, we stopped the fight after about 10 minutes or somehting, because otherwise she would have really been hurt.

I was the only time I literary saw a girl fly through the room (she would pick her up, spin her and let her go) that was when we stopped the fight..; Cindy was like on extasy I had to ask het more than 3 times to stop fighting.

A pity no one filemd this i guess it would be the bestseller of all time here :)

blinkfan4life182X February 16th, 2010 17:18


Originally Posted by ponyplay (Post 29514)
A pity no one filemd this i guess it would be the bestseller of all time here :)

lol yeah id purchase it :thumbup1:

The Lifted One February 16th, 2010 18:38

I've never been embarrassed about it. I'm 5'8" 155 lbs., so it's just a reality that some women are stronger than I am. Nothing to be ashamed of.

triplefez February 16th, 2010 20:30

mmm i think im not be embrassed ,,, thats hot XD

Mike February 28th, 2010 14:17

sorry for the question, but.. there are other forums with this true stories?

Leobor February 28th, 2010 14:27


Originally Posted by ponyplay (Post 29514)
A pity no one filemd this i guess it would be the bestseller of all time here :)

Hell, I would buy that!

blinkfan4life182X February 28th, 2010 19:59


Originally Posted by Mike (Post 30149)
sorry for the question, but.. there are other forums with this true stories?

what do you mean?

nomadicbunny March 6th, 2010 23:10

Well I would probably just laugh it off and pretend to be emberassed but I dont think I will ever meet a girl stronger than me.

hud01 March 8th, 2010 17:45


Originally Posted by nomadicbunny (Post 30481)
Well I would probably just laugh it off and pretend to be emberassed but I dont think I will ever meet a girl stronger than me.

You might be surprised. I know a natural female bodybuilder who is 5'3" and 105 pounds and she can curl 30lb dumbbells. So think about a girl who is 160lbs or more.

Storm March 9th, 2010 19:38

Hey all!!!! Sorry for my quietness - been away, did World Championships then had surgery on my shoulder and now rehabbing.
Its an interesting thread and most guys will naturally have a degree of challenge to thier masculinity which can then manifest in a number of ways ranging from defensive outrage to excitement. however that person reacts is thier own affair and shouldnt be judged - however, when it then overspills into come kind of unkindness that is when it becomes an issue.
From training and competing for over 20 years, I have had this stuff happen in gyms etc for a long time and a majority of the time it isnt a problem.
anyway - thats my input -
And its good to be back and to see you all.

phoneman March 10th, 2010 02:07


Originally Posted by Storm (Post 30668)
Hey all!!!! Sorry for my quietness - been away, did World Championships then had surgery on my shoulder and now rehabbing.
Its an interesting thread and most guys will naturally have a degree of challenge to thier masculinity which can then manifest in a number of ways ranging from defensive outrage to excitement. however that person reacts is thier own affair and shouldnt be judged - however, when it then overspills into come kind of unkindness that is when it becomes an issue.
From training and competing for over 20 years, I have had this stuff happen in gyms etc for a long time and a majority of the time it isnt a problem.
anyway - thats my input -
And its good to be back and to see you all.

Glad to see you back. Hope you can visit more often. As I said in another thread, we miss you.

carrychris2009 March 21st, 2010 18:05


Originally Posted by Storm (Post 30668)
Hey all!!!! Sorry for my quietness - been away, did World Championships then had surgery on my shoulder and now rehabbing.
Its an interesting thread and most guys will naturally have a degree of challenge to thier masculinity which can then manifest in a number of ways ranging from defensive outrage to excitement. however that person reacts is thier own affair and shouldnt be judged - however, when it then overspills into come kind of unkindness that is when it becomes an issue.
From training and competing for over 20 years, I have had this stuff happen in gyms etc for a long time and a majority of the time it isnt a problem.
anyway - thats my input -
And its good to be back and to see you all.

Storm glad to see your back here posting again. it is always nice to hear from you. well i hope your shoulder is feeling better soon and take it easy on the lifting. we want you well.
I miss your input. hope the world championships went well for you.
tc and glad to see your "back":tt1: and all of you for that matter >smile<

bill616 April 25th, 2010 00:03

i don't know where to put these but -
There use to be an item "tall and strong", but I can't find it.
Any way, I came across these clips of an olympic cross country skier who is amazingly built and apparently quite strong. I was impressed!!! What do you think?

Vodevil April 25th, 2010 11:16

I already mentioned how hot my personal trainer is. I forgot to mention when I discovered that her upper body is at least 20 per cent stronger than mine.
After my first session with her we went to do some stretching. She asked me to do some pushups and to demonstrate how to do them, she made 10 really easily. I tried to stay as calm as possible, when I watched how her big boobs and perfectly shaped lower body hit the floor, and somehow I managed to do so. I managed to do 10 pushups, but only barely.
The only reason why I was embarrassed in that situation was because there were other people around.

mansell3000 May 1st, 2010 15:35

About a month ago my gas boiler cut out and I had no heating or hot water. I have a maintenance agreement with the gas company and they said they said they would sent an engineer to attend to it.

When the door bell rang a few hours later, I found two people in gas company overalls on my door step. The one in front carrying a tool box was a young lady about 25 years old. She was about 5ft 5ins tall and looked quite solidly built. She was very attractive in a tomboyish sort of way with a lovely smile. She introduced herself in a very cheerful manner, saying she was the gas engineer. She explained that her colleague was an apprentice, learning the trade. He was a shy young lad about 21 years old and 5ft 11ins tall with a slim build.

The engineer checked my system out and told me that the pump had seized up and said she would replace it. She gave a wrench to the apprentice and asked him remove the old pump whilst she got a new one out of their van. She was gone a few minutes and I noticed he was struggling to undo the nuts between the pump and the pipework.

When she came back in she asked him how he was doing. He said the nuts were very tight and wouldn't move. She explained they had probably become a bit rusty and corroded over the years. The apprentice carried on struggling to release the nuts and became hot and flustered. I was just about to offer to have a go when the engineer told him to have a rest and she would take over. She took off her jacket and was wearing a short sleeved shirt. I noticed she had very strong looking forearms. She took the wrench and within seconds the first nut was loosened. The other one took a bit longer but was soon undone.

The young apprentice's face was bright red, probably from the embarrassment he felt as much as the effort he put in. Whilst she finished the job the engineer tried to salvage his pride by saying there was a technique in releasing tight fittings which comes with experience. I don't think he was listening. I'm sure he was embarrassed that she had shown herself to be much stronger than him in front of me.

hud01 May 2nd, 2010 20:20


Originally Posted by mansell3000 (Post 33103)
About a month ago my gas boiler cut out and I had no heating or hot water. I have a maintenance agreement with the gas company and they said they said they would sent an engineer to attend to it.

When the door bell rang a few hours later, I found two people in gas company overalls on my door step. The one in front carrying a tool box was a young lady about 25 years old. She was about 5ft 5ins tall and looked quite solidly built. She was very attractive in a tomboyish sort of way with a lovely smile. She introduced herself in a very cheerful manner, saying she was the gas engineer. She explained that her colleague was an apprentice, learning the trade. He was a shy young lad about 21 years old and 5ft 11ins tall with a slim build.

The engineer checked my system out and told me that the pump had seized up and said she would replace it. She gave a wrench to the apprentice and asked him remove the old pump whilst she got a new one out of their van. She was gone a few minutes and I noticed he was struggling to undo the nuts between the pump and the pipework.

When she came back in she asked him how he was doing. He said the nuts were very tight and wouldn't move. She explained they had probably become a bit rusty and corroded over the years. The apprentice carried on struggling to release the nuts and became hot and flustered. I was just about to offer to have a go when the engineer told him to have a rest and she would take over. She took off her jacket and was wearing a short sleeved shirt. I noticed she had very strong looking forearms. She took the wrench and within seconds the first nut was loosened. The other one took a bit longer but was soon undone.

The young apprentice's face was bright red, probably from the embarrassment he felt as much as the effort he put in. Whilst she finished the job the engineer tried to salvage his pride by saying there was a technique in releasing tight fittings which comes with experience. I don't think he was listening. I'm sure he was embarrassed that she had shown herself to be much stronger than him in front of me.

Nice one

rickishi May 4th, 2010 17:49

A similar experience happened at my work place today , my personal PC was broke and the person who came to look at my PC turned out to be a newly appointed hot and slim Babe (smaller than me of course) !

Now she checked it out and told me to bring the CPU to her Workplace to disassemble it and have a look by the guys there , I tried to pick it up and go with her , but was not able to for long as my grip was slipping from the heavy CPU often and wrists hurt too. Then she took it and carried it up the steps 2 floors above , I could have chosen to return back to work place , But I followed her up to her workplace :D .

oh Boy you should have seen her bottom wiggle while walking with that CPU in her arms. I was imagining myself in that place :wub:

I was quite turned on the whole day today , she will bring back the PC tomorrow , hope to see some more action from this strong babe 8)

hud01 May 9th, 2010 19:06

How about one that can kick your ass and look beautiful while she does it

hud01 May 10th, 2010 20:50

I don't know if she was stronger, but a pretty good feat of strength.

I was playing coed volleyball and went to the floor to get a ball. One of my female teammates, put out her hands grabbing mine. She pulled me to my feet without any effort on my part.

She didn't brace herself or do anything unusual, she pulled and I was on my feet.

I never did get the chance to find out exactly how strong she was, but I still think about it.

What did I think....Wow how cool and how strong is she?

hud01 May 16th, 2010 19:09

For those of you who think that a girl can't be stronger than a guy....

johnp June 5th, 2010 06:26

Some years ago I was beaten at arm wrestling by the mother of my girl friend at the time. My girl friend was at University and she was going home for a few days to see her Mum and asked me to go with her. Her parents were divorced and her Mum lived on her own.

When I met her Mum I was really surprised. I new she was 42 years old but she looked about 10 years younger. She also looked really fit and strong.

In the evening we went out for a meal and my girl friend's best mate from school came with us. Afterwards we all went home and sat chatting. We all had a few drinks and were enjoying ourselves. My gf and her friend got engrossed talking about their school days and I got chatting to her Mum. Feeling a bit bold with the drinks, I couldn't help telling her how good she looked. She told that after the divorce she was down and put on weight, but over the past year she had got her life together again. She kept fit by going to the gym several times a week.

My gf overheard that and said "She's really stromg, she could beat you at arm wrestling". Being a bit merry with the drink, her Mum and I were up for the challengs. We sat at the table and locked arms. I put all my effort into it to beat quickly but her arm didn't move. After a while I realised I couldn't win so I decided to concentrate on getting a face-saving draw. However after a long stalemate I felt my arm getting weaker, and slowly but surely she pushed it down to the table. She asked if I wanted another go, but knowing she would beat me again I declined.

Since that day I have had no wish to ever have another arm wrestling match with a female.

hud01 June 5th, 2010 21:24


Originally Posted by johnp (Post 34865)
Some years ago I was beaten at arm wrestling by the mother of my girl friend at the time. My girl friend was at University and she was going home for a few days to see her Mum and asked me to go with her. Her parents were divorced and her Mum lived on her own.

When I met her Mum I was really surprised. I new she was 42 years old but she looked about 10 years younger. She also looked really fit and strong.

In the evening we went out for a meal and my girl friend's best mate from school came with us. Afterwards we all went home and sat chatting. We all had a few drinks and were enjoying ourselves. My gf and her friend got engrossed talking about their school days and I got chatting to her Mum. Feeling a bit bold with the drinks, I couldn't help telling her how good she looked. She told that after the divorce she was down and put on weight, but over the past year she had got her life together again. She kept fit by going to the gym several times a week.

My gf overheard that and said "She's really stromg, she could beat you at arm wrestling". Being a bit merry with the drink, her Mum and I were up for the challengs. We sat at the table and locked arms. I put all my effort into it to beat quickly but her arm didn't move. After a while I realised I couldn't win so I decided to concentrate on getting a face-saving draw. However after a long stalemate I felt my arm getting weaker, and slowly but surely she pushed it down to the table. She asked if I wanted another go, but knowing she would beat me again I declined.

Since that day I have had no wish to ever have another arm wrestling match with a female.


ownsville June 20th, 2010 19:16

I don't so much get embarrassed by finding girls to be stronger than me as much as excited - although I have to admit if it were some kind of public humiliation I'd probably cry a bit :crying:

brucebarnes June 26th, 2010 10:32


Originally Posted by ownsville (Post 35649)
I don't so much get embarrassed by finding girls to be stronger than me as much as excited - although I have to admit if it were some kind of public humiliation I'd probably cry a bit :crying:

I have to say, I've never truely encounted a girl stronger than me (that I found attractive at least) --obviously, there are muscle body builder types out there that are much stronger, but I don't count them.

When I talk about being "over powered" even by legends like Lia Labowe, I'm wrapping their high skill level in there.
Lia for examplke could really beat me up if she wanted to because she has tremendous more skill and training tha I.
But strength wise, although her lifts are awsome, I don't thbk shes actually "stronger" (maybe pound for pound, but not overall).
OK, maybe legs??? hard to say, but certainly not upper body (then again, it's asking an aweful lot to find upper body strength in a girl that's not a pro body builder).

In a session w/Lia, for example (and I mention Lia because most of you know her, but I've had lots of wrestler sessions with others), I always do an arm wrestle on the off chance hope that she is really upper body stronger than I, and it never happens.
The thought that here's a girl that spends much of her lift training, and me, near couch potato is still stronger (again, talking upper body), is always a disappointment, and ruins the feeling of being in the presence of a physically Superior entity.

On the other hand, when I finally do encounter the great surprise of being beaten strength wise by a non-muscle crazy girl, it will be an awsome experience :)

mark.johnson21 June 26th, 2010 18:53

You had a session with Lia Labowe? Wow, that sounds awesome. One of my favorites for sure, but I thought I read somewhere that she stopped doing sessions with guys... which seems to imply that one client went a bit too far. Anybody else hear this?

Mike January 25th, 2012 19:57

I have just been beaten by a 5'7 115 lbs beautiful girl in armwrestling. Can someone explain that to me? I'm still in shock right now.
It was an amazing experience, but in that moment i was in very embarrassed because her was with her friends, female.
Are really girls stronger than men now? She beat me with easily. Maybe because her hands was bigger than mine, i dont know.

rickishi January 27th, 2012 12:59


Originally Posted by Mike (Post 76857)
I have just been beaten by a 5'7 115 lbs beautiful girl in armwrestling. Can someone explain that to me? I'm still in shock right now.
It was an amazing experience, but in that moment i was in very embarrassed because her was with her friends, female.
Are really girls stronger than men now? She beat me with easily. Maybe because her hands was bigger than mine, i dont know.

I think the only thing you can do now is bask in the glory of being overpowered by a woman :)

Seriously dude, not all get this kind of a lucky chance, specially not in India

rickishi January 27th, 2012 13:25


Originally Posted by rickishi (Post 33272)
A similar experience happened at my work place today , my personal PC was broke and the person who came to look at my PC turned out to be a newly appointed hot and slim Babe (smaller than me of course) !

Now she checked it out and told me to bring the CPU to her Workplace to disassemble it and have a look by the guys there , I tried to pick it up and go with her , but was not able to for long as my grip was slipping from the heavy CPU often and wrists hurt too. Then she took it and carried it up the steps 2 floors above , I could have chosen to return back to work place , But I followed her up to her workplace :D .

oh Boy you should have seen her bottom wiggle while walking with that CPU in her arms. I was imagining myself in that place :wub:

I was quite turned on the whole day today , she will bring back the PC tomorrow , hope to see some more action from this strong babe 8)

I had mentioned a Year back How A young computer Hardware engineer turned out stronger than me when she carried the heavy Desktop at work place. despite being much smaller and weaker looking than me, she was able to carry the machine 2 floors above on stairs, whereas I was not able to move 10 meters carrying it !!

Anyways after that I never met her,but saw her occasionally attending broken computers of others in my floor, she left the company a few months before

Today I hit upon her Facebook profile , It turned out she had married recently, she seemed to have gained a very slight bit of weight, but still on the slimmer side, with the same killer bod :D . and the best part is her husband is little bigger than her

Or I would rather say , he looks "Very Liftable" by her :)

If her husband likes getting lifted, I bet he will be thanking the heavens his whole life :D

Mike January 27th, 2012 15:16


Originally Posted by rickishi (Post 76976)
I think the only thing you can do now is bask in the glory of being overpowered by a woman :)

Seriously dude, not all get this kind of a lucky chance, specially not in India

Of course it was a beautiful experience. I always know that many averange girls are stronger than me, maybe because I'm a little bit under 5'8 and 150 lbs with small bone structure (like I said, her hand was bigger than mine and also her wrist :blink: ) but I'm still in shock right now because she was only 115 lbs and very skinny and she doesnt do any sport. But ok... she a "tall" girl (5'7)
She beat me in like 10 second!! and also she want to challeng my left arm (my weaker arm) in the beginnig I said "no" with her and also ther other two girls laughing about it. But at the end i said yes... well my weak arm is really weak i discover... she beat me in like 5 sec or less.
She ask me to try to beat her with my right arm, like the first challenge, but i refuse. I said to her: you beat me because i was in the wrong place with my elbow... nice excuse :D obviously no one of the girls believe in this excuse, but i dont care.
The bottom line is, the girl was thin and light and she beat me with easy with any struggle, I'm not a superhuman (off course :D ) but also I'm not that weaker...
So, in my opinion: the girl was very strong with big bone structure
maybe is possibile that if this girl can beat me, many other girls can beat me... I think there is a good chance that many woman taller like me or more taller than me are stronger than my self. I like this fact, but I did not believe that for a girl is so easily to destroy me. :?

rickishi January 27th, 2012 16:31


Originally Posted by Mike (Post 76994)
Of course it was a beautiful experience. I always know that many averange girls are stronger than me, maybe because I'm a little bit under 5'8 and 150 lbs with small bone structure (like I said, her hand was bigger than mine and also her wrist :blink: ) but I'm still in shock right now because she was only 115 lbs and very skinny and she doesnt do any sport. But ok... she a "tall" girl (5'7)
She beat me in like 10 second!! and also she want to challeng my left arm (my weaker arm) in the beginnig I said "no" with her and also ther other two girls laughing about it. But at the end i said yes... well my weak arm is really weak i discover... she beat me in like 5 sec or less.
She ask me to try to beat her with my right arm, like the first challenge, but i refuse. I said to her: you beat me because i was in the wrong place with my elbow... nice excuse :D obviously no one of the girls believe in this excuse, but i dont care.
The bottom line is, the girl was thin and light and she beat me with easy with any struggle, I'm not a superhuman (off course :D ) but also I'm not that weaker...
So, in my opinion: the girl was very strong with big bone structure
maybe is possibile that if this girl can beat me, many other girls can beat me... I think there is a good chance that many woman taller like me or more taller than me are stronger than my self. I like this fact, but I did not believe that for a girl is so easily to destroy me. :?

Dont worry, you will get over it .. On the positive side, she might feel you are weak and maybe try to show her strength trying to carry you and all... I mean look at the bright side. Be positive ;)

Maybe if you feel you are too weak for an average guy, you could try some strength training program

BTW. I am Just 5.5 and weight 74 kg , In fact many chinese girls are taller than me these days ( I observed that in my last trip) so Imagine my state :D

Mike January 27th, 2012 17:00


Originally Posted by rickishi (Post 76999)
Dont worry, you will get over it .. On the positive side, she might feel you are weak and maybe try to show her strength trying to carry you and all... I mean look at the bright side. Be positive ;)

Maybe if you feel you are too weak for an average guy, you could try some strength training program

BTW. I am Just 5.5 and weight 74 kg , In fact many chinese girls are taller than me these days ( I observed that in my last trip) so Imagine my state :D

In fact I'm not sad, but happy about this. I love to be the inferior part against a beautiful girl.
I dont write my previoust post to tell that I'm with problem now because this thing :D In fact I hope to do more armwrestling, maybe a lift (I hope in the future!) if she want. Now she know that she's stronger than me.
I write my post to make understand to all that girls are stronger than man now, not in general of course, but is possible to a girl to beat a man.
I also love to be a dominant part in a relationship, but many times I also love to be the weakest part. Like many guy of this forum what I think... or I'm wrong?
I'm a little bit under 5'8 and now I think that if I meet a girl taller than me she can probably beat me like nothing :D
I'm still thinking about her long fingers almost breaking my hand :p


Originally Posted by rickishi (Post 76999)
BTW. I am Just 5.5 and weight 74 kg , In fact many chinese girls are taller than me these days ( I observed that in my last trip)

Many girls can lift you with no problem, you weight 4-5 kilos more than me. If you lose some kilos, women can throw you in the air like nothing
If you want read my two real l&c experience in the apposite thread and my two l&c session in the other apposite thread

thestrongerthebetter January 30th, 2012 09:06

A few years ago I went out with a girl who played rugby to quite a high level. I always knew she was quite strong, but one day at a party she wrapped one arm round a guy's waist and the other arm around another guy's waist and lifted them both up....

She could quite easily get me into a fireman's lift and then do squats with me. At the time I was 80kg. I once went to the gym with her and challenged her to do seated leg presses: she put the pin straight in the bottom of the stack of weights and lifted the stack up without too much effort!

I blame this lass for my love of strong women.

I'm not a weakling myself- I'm a rugby player too (second row- for those not familiar with the game, that's the powerhouse of the scrum).

I did challenge her to an armwrestle a few times- I always won, but I can't help thinking that she *might* have let me win just to save me the embarrassment :)

I did used to love f***ing her whilst grabbing her biceps though. Used to get me off in no time at all!

Mark G February 2nd, 2012 12:13


Originally Posted by Mike (Post 76994)
Of course it was a beautiful experience. I always know that many averange girls are stronger than me, maybe because I'm a little bit under 5'8 and 150 lbs with small bone structure (like I said, her hand was bigger than mine and also her wrist :blink: ) but I'm still in shock right now because she was only 115 lbs and very skinny and she doesnt do any sport. But ok... she a "tall" girl (5'7)
She beat me in like 10 second!! and also she want to challeng my left arm (my weaker arm) in the beginnig I said "no" with her and also ther other two girls laughing about it. But at the end i said yes... well my weak arm is really weak i discover... she beat me in like 5 sec or less.
She ask me to try to beat her with my right arm, like the first challenge, but i refuse. I said to her: you beat me because i was in the wrong place with my elbow... nice excuse :D obviously no one of the girls believe in this excuse, but i dont care.
The bottom line is, the girl was thin and light and she beat me with easy with any struggle, I'm not a superhuman (off course :D ) but also I'm not that weaker...
So, in my opinion: the girl was very strong with big bone structure
maybe is possibile that if this girl can beat me, many other girls can beat me... I think there is a good chance that many woman taller like me or more taller than me are stronger than my self. I like this fact, but I did not believe that for a girl is so easily to destroy me. :?

It's incredible that a 5 ft 7 ins woman with big bone structure is only 115 lbs !!!

johnp February 3rd, 2012 22:57

I have dated two girls who I know were definitely stronger than me.

The first girl was a competitive swimmer who also did weight training. She was a little shorter than me but was probably as heavy due to her solid build. She could lift heavier weights than me, and would always beat me at arm wrestling or play wrestling. This both excited and embarrassed me, but she said it was no big deal and it was perfectly natural for a sporty girl to be stronger than her boyfriend. I learned to live with the embarrassment and love her strength in private. However one day we were with one of her swimming colleagues and they got around to talking about female strength. My girlfriend then started blabbing about how much stronger than me she was and lifted up in a bear hug. My worst nightmare is to be lifted by a girl in public and I felt totally humiliated. We had a big row afterwards and split up.

The second girl was shorter than me and quite slimly built. One day in the kitchen, I was struggling to open a jar with a very tight lid. I went to get another jar out of the cupboard, but when I turned back I saw her open the jar that I couldn't. When I asked her how she did it, her face went beetroot. It appeared that she was more embarrassed than me.This preyed on my mind and I really wanted to find out how strong she was. I found out she had gone to body pump classes (exercises with weights). I kept asking her to an arm wrestling match but she always refused. But after a time she eventually agreed. We locked arms and I pushed as hard as I could, but her arm didn't move. After a while, I sensed that she was only playing for a stalemate and wasn't trying to win. So we agreed a draw. When I asked her why she didn't try to win her face went beetroot again. She told me she was really embarrassed about being stronger than me, because she thought it would put me off her. I tried to explain it didn't matter (and would have loved to tell her it turned me on), but she wouldn't listen, I would have also loved her to lift me, but was too worried about her reaction

luff(arungen) February 5th, 2012 17:48

I've always looked really good and I've known this ever since I was a teenager (i.e. I've used it to my advantage many times). Knowing this I never felt the need to build my muscles up and get a shapely body, because I knew I could get most chicks I wanted.

This of course led to me dating or encountering many women who were stronger than me down the years as I was only normally built (in my late teens I wasnt even that, but i was more to the skinny side).

BUT, I've never been affected by this because I acquired a black belt in Jeet-Kun-Do when I was young which always made me feel like "Yes, she is stronger than me but if it were a fight I would win"....also most people I dated knew of my black-belt so they likely knew this too). So I was never feeling humiliated.

Later on in life I finally got into building my body up and gained weight as well as strength. Doesnt mean there arent any women stronger than me. I only go to the gym occasionally (not a gym rat) so women who are very fit might very well be stronger than me.
I wonder sometimes though how I would have felt about women being stronger than me if I didnt have my black belt. Would it bother me a lot? Would it embarrass me? I think it would

Muscle_Chick_Fan February 13th, 2012 16:47

Embarrassed 2 Discover That A Girl Was Stronger Than Me.

Originally Posted by johnp (Post 20774)
How about stories not involving L&C, but about guys who are surprised or embarrassed to find out that their wife, girlfriend or a girl they meet is stronger than them.

This happened to me when I had a girlfriend who was in a University rowing team. One day I was giving her and three of her team mates a lift to a regatta. The car started bumping and I realised I had a flat tyre. I stopped the car and got the jack and spare tyre out to change the wheel. But when I tried to loosen the wheel nuts, I couldn't turn any of them, no matter how hard I tried.

I told the girls they must have been put on too tight by a mechanic using a compressed air tool and couldn't be removed by hand. I said I would have to call the AA to come to change the tyre. The girls were worried about missing the regatta. One of them said she had changed tyres on her Mum's car and asked if she could try. I tried to explain that the problem was not about knowing how to change the tyre, but the fact that the nuts were too tight to be removed by hand. She still asked to have a go and my girl friend said we had nothing to lose by letting her try.

The girl Julie was about 4" shorter than my 5ft 7ins but very stockily built. As I muttered angrily that it was a waste of time, she got the wrench and strained as she tried to loosen the first nut. My anger turned to sheer humiliation and embarrassment as the nut eventually turned. I stood in silence with a beetroot red face as she loosened the other 3 nuts. I didn't dare look at my girl friend or the other girls as I was sure they would be laughing at me.

I stood in stunned silence as she carried on and changed the wheels over. My final humiliation was when she smiled at me and said that she hadn't tightened the nuts fully, just in case I had to change the wheel myself in the

None of the girls ever mentioned the incident again, but I still felt embarrassed every time I met Julie.

In my case there were 3 scenarios:

1. One time, in Youth Camp, a girl beat me while we were armwrestling.
2. In middle school, during gym class (around lots of teachers and students may I add), a girl all of a sudden picked me up by my waist, and then put me back down. She then commented on how fat I was getting.
3. I had trouble opening a classroom door, but a girl came by and opened the door for me with ease.

RCDGREYSTONE80 February 17th, 2012 19:00

You guys who are 150 pounds really consider yourselves small? I really don't care anymore, but when I was younger I would have killed to be that heavy. When I entered college I didn't even weigh 100 pounds -no not anorexic have 5 1/2 inch wrists which is one thing I still hate lol, and don't put on hardly any muscle even when I work out. I would say the majority of women are probably stronger than me, of course the really skinny ones generally aren't, but most women with a little meat to them are.

My junior year of college through weightlifting/creatine and lots of chocolate I had managed to get up to around 115-120 or so (I'm 5'7) and my roommate had his sister over. She was maybe 2 inches shorter and claimed to weigh 160 (looked slightly heavier although not by much). Don't ask me how, I think I asked her about working out or something and we got to wrestling, let's just say she beat me up pretty good. She didn't even use her weight advantage all that much, without straddling she pinned me on this old couch we had, and I struggled and after a minute or two she told me to give up and I did.

I didn't take things as far as I would have liked, as my roommate had told us all to steer clear, but I got to feel her up a bit, and she was curvy but very solid-like soft thighs to the initial touch but if you felt a little deeper you could feel some good solid muscle.

Anyway, like I said at my size tons of women are probably stronger, but I can't think of that many contests of strength I've had with women as they probably didn't want to embarass me. I've been picked up a ton, although not many times of particular note most just picked me up, commented on how light I was and quickly put me down, plus I didn't get comfortable with the whole thing till midway through college unfortunately.

Storm March 7th, 2012 01:11

Hello lovelies
What a collection of stories!!
Let me give you a perspective from a strong womans point of view?
Ok - so on horse back from 4 years old and then start weight training at 13. Of course the gym is full of guys, im the only girl (generally thats the way it is!) and as far as im concerned I AM WEAK!
In fact I carried on thinking I was weak because I was comparing myself against the boxers and weight lifters in the gym who mostly all competed - until I started competing at 16.
Let me tell you gentleman - as has been previously pointed out - size doesnt necessarily mean anything. When I was at Uni - I was the first door woman in the Northern IReland and I quickly leaned that the wee ones quite often could fight like hell and to never underestimate anyone as thats when you got hurt!
I love doing lift and carry - always did from the moment my first session client persuaded me to do it and there is nothing like the feeling of knowing that the girl you are carrying on your shoulders is amazed and the honour you feel that they want YOU to do it!
So.................even though a girl may be stronger than you it doesnt mean you cant overpower with skill as was pointed out before.
Anyway,, this ended up a bit of a rambling message so I will go away now!

phoneman March 7th, 2012 02:54


Originally Posted by Storm (Post 80168)
What a collection of stories!!
Let me give you a perspective from a strong womans point of view?
Ok - so on horse back from 4 years old and then start weight training at 13. Of course the gym is full of guys, im the only girl (generally thats the way it is!) and as far as im concerned I AM WEAK!
In fact I carried on thinking I was weak because I was comparing myself against the boxers and weight lifters in the gym who mostly all competed - until I started competing at 16.
Let me tell you gentleman - as has been previously pointed out - size doesnt necessarily mean anything. When I was at Uni - I was the first door woman in the Northern IReland and I quickly leaned that the wee ones quite often could fight like hell and to never underestimate anyone as thats when you got hurt!
I love doing lift and carry - always did from the moment my first session client persuaded me to do it and there is nothing like the feeling of knowing that the girl you are carrying on your shoulders is amazed and the honour you feel that they want YOU to do it!
So.................even though a girl may be stronger than you it doesnt mean you cant overpower with skill as was pointed out before.
Anyway,, this ended up a bit of a rambling message so I will go away now!

Hi, Storm, welcome back:)

Mark G March 9th, 2012 12:09


Originally Posted by Storm (Post 80168)
What a collection of stories!!
Let me give you a perspective from a strong womans point of view?
Ok - so on horse back from 4 years old and then start weight training at 13. Of course the gym is full of guys, im the only girl (generally thats the way it is!) and as far as im concerned I AM WEAK!
In fact I carried on thinking I was weak because I was comparing myself against the boxers and weight lifters in the gym who mostly all competed - until I started competing at 16.
Let me tell you gentleman - as has been previously pointed out - size doesnt necessarily mean anything. When I was at Uni - I was the first door woman in the Northern IReland and I quickly leaned that the wee ones quite often could fight like hell and to never underestimate anyone as thats when you got hurt!
I love doing lift and carry - always did from the moment my first session client persuaded me to do it and there is nothing like the feeling of knowing that the girl you are carrying on your shoulders is amazed and the honour you feel that they want YOU to do it!
So.................even though a girl may be stronger than you it doesnt mean you cant overpower with skill as was pointed out before.
Anyway,, this ended up a bit of a rambling message so I will go away now!

You look magnificent,Storm. I am now fantasising about you lifting and carrying my 133 lbs frame. !!

A lot of what you say is true.

luff(arungen) March 16th, 2012 20:14


Originally Posted by Storm (Post 80168)
[...] there is nothing like the feeling of knowing that the girl you are carrying on your shoulders is amazed and the honour you feel that they want YOU to do it!

i gather you're only into female/female lifting then?

gethewil March 16th, 2012 20:45

I would be excited if a young girl would be stronger then me, a male of 60.

tallgirlfan March 22nd, 2012 18:27

That happened to me when i took martial arts Karate class. I though i was pretty tough beating up guys that were at a higher rank than me. Then i met this girl who was of a higher rank than me, and thought it would be easy :( ......needless to say she beat me up and humiliated me :cursing:

I'm glad not too many people saw that :blushing:

davelifted March 24th, 2012 15:09


Originally Posted by Storm (Post 80168)
What a collection of stories!!
Let me give you a perspective from a strong womans point of view?
Ok - so on horse back from 4 years old and then start weight training at 13. Of course the gym is full of guys, im the only girl (generally thats the way it is!) and as far as im concerned I AM WEAK!
In fact I carried on thinking I was weak because I was comparing myself against the boxers and weight lifters in the gym who mostly all competed - until I started competing at 16.
Let me tell you gentleman - as has been previously pointed out - size doesnt necessarily mean anything. When I was at Uni - I was the first door woman in the Northern IReland and I quickly leaned that the wee ones quite often could fight like hell and to never underestimate anyone as thats when you got hurt!
I love doing lift and carry - always did from the moment my first session client persuaded me to do it and there is nothing like the feeling of knowing that the girl you are carrying on your shoulders is amazed and the honour you feel that they want YOU to do it!
So.................even though a girl may be stronger than you it doesnt mean you cant overpower with skill as was pointed out before.
Anyway,, this ended up a bit of a rambling message so I will go away now!

Hi Storm, I am intrigued by your reference to horse riding - I recently had a "session" with a woman and started to massage her shoulders/neck to find that she had very well defined, powerful muscles there: "thats due to the horse riding I do" she said. I would never have imagined that horse riding could do that; is that a common experience do you think?

Later on she lifted me so easily (I'm 13 and a half stones) rather more so than I can lift her which leaves me to think she may well be stronger than me, and I'm generally considered to be pretty strong - but I guess that may be because she exercises her upper body (if the horse riding bit is correct) and I don't. We didn't pursue the strength comparison but we will do at some point and I must admit that if she proves stronger than me, rather than feeling embarrassed, I think I may find it a huge turn-on: she is not at all the muscly type btw, just well built I guess you could say, but very attractive with it.

mansell3000 May 27th, 2012 14:28

In the past few weeks, I've noticed a woman in my gym who is almost always there when I go. She is about 45 years old, 5ft 9ins tall with a seriously muscular, shapely body.

She spends a lot of time in the weightlifting area which I don't go to, but judging by the size of plates on the bar, she is lifting seriously heavy weights. She also uses the exercise machines with weights and normally sets them at maximum. I've seen big guys use the machines after her, and have to reduce the weight before they can carry on.

luff(arungen) June 10th, 2012 13:07


Originally Posted by tallgirlfan (Post 81383)
That happened to me when i took martial arts Karate class. I though i was pretty tough beating up guys that were at a higher rank than me. Then i met this girl who was of a higher rank than me, and thought it would be easy :( ......needless to say she beat me up and humiliated me :cursing:

I'm glad not too many people saw that :blushing:

i dont know if that is because she is stronger than you though. it's probably about the fact that she is way more skilled than you since she has a higher rank than you.

in martial arts, strength is usually not your biggest weapon in a fight.

carrychris2009 June 10th, 2012 21:33

for real. When I was younger I used to think the most embarrassing and humiliating and pride hurting thing would be to have A girl younger but stronger then me. I would be ashamed if I even saw one on TV. These days i like it. A theme of alot of my carrychris production Videos is about the woman being stronger then me.

davelifted June 11th, 2012 10:43

I have recently started to role-play the idea that a woman may be stronger than I am and I've found that some women are really turned on by this. My latest "find" is an escort I found on AW - "Sophiasexyone" - who is 5'9" and just over 11 st and really enjoys lifting me, throwing me around as a prelude to sex. I'm not sure if she is actually stronger than me, she may well be, but the role play is a real turn on for both of us.

Mike June 11th, 2012 14:27

I've noticed that some girl are stronger than me in these day. Expecially the legs. All the girls that I know or saw, even slim girl have the thighs and the calves bigger than me. In the gym some girl lift more heavy than me with the legs.
One girl that I know (I describe her in the past pages of this thread, the girl that she beat me in armwrestling) one day she want a piggyback. So I gave her a piggyback, she weight 115 lb. I do the piggyback with difficulty, because my legs are small and weak I think, than she said, "I walk slow with me, you cant carry me, let me lift you up) she piggyback me with very easy, she run we me on her back and also boucing me up a few times.
This girl is 5'7 and 115 lbs. I'm a little bit under 5'8 and 150 lbs. Well this girl is stronger than me even with the legs.


Originally Posted by davelifted (Post 86718)
I have recently started to role-play the idea that a woman may be stronger than I am and I've found that some women are really turned on by this. My latest "find" is an escort I found on AW - "Sophiasexyone" - who is 5'9" and just over 11 st and really enjoys lifting me, throwing me around as a prelude to sex. I'm not sure if she is actually stronger than me, she may well be, but the role play is a real turn on for both of us.

Very nice interesting story. I saw the photos and she's beautiful.
She really enjoy lift you in various way? She really turned on by carrying you? That's awesome.
I really think that some girls enjoy and turn on by dominating men. I always thought that some women love be stronger or lift men douring sex. Maybe one day I will try this girl.
What do you think?
Can you tell the details to us? How much do you weight?


Originally Posted by davelifted (Post 81517)
Hi Storm, I am intrigued by your reference to horse riding - I recently had a "session" with a woman and started to massage her shoulders/neck to find that she had very well defined, powerful muscles there: "thats due to the horse riding I do" she said. I would never have imagined that horse riding could do that; is that a common experience do you think?

Later on she lifted me so easily (I'm 13 and a half stones) rather more so than I can lift her which leaves me to think she may well be stronger than me, and I'm generally considered to be pretty strong - but I guess that may be because she exercises her upper body (if the horse riding bit is correct) and I don't. We didn't pursue the strength comparison but we will do at some point and I must admit that if she proves stronger than me, rather than feeling embarrassed, I think I may find it a huge turn-on: she is not at all the muscly type btw, just well built I guess you could say, but very attractive with it.

Again nice story. Who is the girl? I'm 11 stone so maybe she can destroy me :D

davelifted June 11th, 2012 15:53

Hi Mike, glad you found the stories interesting - actually they're not "stories" since they are both true.
Unfortunately the lovely lady in the second piece has retired a few weeks ago, which is terrible because I loved the way she picked me up and had me with her strap-on - this was her idea not mine and something which really turned her (and me) on!
The first lady, Sophia, is still very active and is now rather larger than her photos suggest but still very attractive (she says her weight "goes up and down, depending on the season" !). So far she has only picked me up in a front lift - she is going to fireman's lift me, but she doesn't know it yet :thumbup1:
As I wrote in the second storey I am 13 st and 5 lbs, i.e. 187 lbs - but I don't look it and don't tell them that - they wouldn't try to lift me if they knew my real weight, so I tell them I'm "less than 12 st" or something like that, I told another woman last night I was 75 kg and she's agreed to lift me: when I told Sophia my supposed weight she actually said "you don't look very heavy..........." so it works like a charm. Of course it wouldn't if you are 15 st or obviously overweight - but I can look quite skinny (if I breathe in a bit lol).
I'm working on others - but I would agree that it is to do with domination (its been discussed on another thread hasn't it) and if a woman gets off on that I think you have a good chance of persuading her to lift you, particularly if you play the "when I'm lifted I feel totally helpless" sort of thing which really turns some of them on.

Mike June 11th, 2012 17:26

Davelifted maybe it's time to open a new thread to discuss of women enjoy dominate or lift men. or is already exists that thread? I dont found it

davelifted June 11th, 2012 20:46

Mike, the thread was about whether lifting is always about domination - its not very long ago but I cant remember where it was.

phoneman June 12th, 2012 02:12

Do not open a new thread about the domination question. Here is an old thread that is close enough

davelifted June 12th, 2012 13:05

I agree, that was a good thread with lots of ideas, no point in repeating it unless someone has something new to add

clark246 August 19th, 2012 11:16

It's not embarrassing now, since like most of us here, I've come out of the 'closet' about loving strong women, but it was really hard when I was a teen. I think because it was such a turn on, back in the day when strong athletic women were not common, I was afraid of being ridiculed for being into strong girls. Wasted a lot of years before I got over that.
But the early experiences were powerful. One winter day when I was 12 , a neighbor girl, Diane, started pushing me at the top of a sled riding hill. We wound up rolling down the hill together, and at the bottom she was on top and pinned me.She wouldn't let me up for 5 minutes, rubbed snow in my face, and laughed at how she was stronger than me.
I was 14 at a friends pool party, when they started doing chicken fights in the pool. Suddenly, Grace, a blonde who was 5'8, came up underneath and put me on her shoulders to chickenfight. I was so embarassed, and everyone made fun of me, but it was such a turn on.
Not long after I was sitting in a kitchen with a few friends who were at the party, and they started ribbing me about it. Karen, a cute girl about 5'3 with brown hair and freckles, challenged me to an armwrestle. To my surprise, I couldn't put her down. She toyed with me for a long time before pinning me. At the next pool partyI heard it warn someoneshe was play fighting with, to 'watch out or I'll throw Clark at you", which made me turn red,loving it andembarrassed at the same time.
There's more I'll write about later.

Mark G August 20th, 2012 11:03


Originally Posted by clark246 (Post 91506)
It's not embarrassing now, since like most of us here, I've come out of the 'closet' about loving strong women, but it was really hard when I was a teen. I think because it was such a turn on, back in the day when strong athletic women were not common, I was afraid of being ridiculed for being into strong girls. Wasted a lot of years before I got over that.
But the early experiences were powerful. One winter day when I was 12 , a neighbor girl, Diane, started pushing me at the top of a sled riding hill. We wound up rolling down the hill together, and at the bottom she was on top and pinned me.She wouldn't let me up for 5 minutes, rubbed snow in my face, and laughed at how she was stronger than me.
I was 14 at a friends pool party, when they started doing chicken fights in the pool. Suddenly, Grace, a blonde who was 5'8, came up underneath and put me on her shoulders to chickenfight. I was so embarassed, and everyone made fun of me, but it was such a turn on.
Not long after I was sitting in a kitchen with a few friends who were at the party, and they started ribbing me about it. Karen, a cute girl about 5'3 with brown hair and freckles, challenged me to an armwrestle. To my surprise, I couldn't put her down. She toyed with me for a long time before pinning me. At the next pool partyI heard it warn someoneshe was play fighting with, to 'watch out or I'll throw Clark at you", which made me turn red,loving it andembarrassed at the same time.
There's more I'll write about later.

Sounds good !

clark246 August 21st, 2012 10:33

I was 15, at a dance , hanging with a group of guys, talking to girls. Someone tapped me on the shoulder, and turning, it was Barbara, who I'd never talked to, asking me to dance.This was in a time when girls didn't often do the asking-at least they weren't asking me ! Barbara was known as the 'amazon' in school. She wasn't fat, but she was solid and into sports at a time when most girls weren't. She looked kind of like Wynonna Judd. I was thrilled she wanted to dance with me, but hated the remarks I got from the guys I was with. We did a fast and slow dance, and I couldn't avoid the pointing and laughing from the sidelines. As a socially inept teen, I was embarrassed, even though I was really attracted to this girl. As we slow danced I could feel how strong and muscular she was. Back then no girls were supposed to be like that, and I was afraid I'd be considered gay if anyone knew I liked muscular girls. The sad end to the story is I let my fears get in the way of getting to know her better, which was so unfair to me and to her. It still bothers me, and I realize how difficult life must have been for her. Fortunately I have happier memories for future posts.

Mark G August 22nd, 2012 11:12

On one occasion when I was eighteen or nineteen,I was round some friends house,and there were a lot of girls present. One of them who was around 5 ft 3 ins tall,took the mickey out of me for being so skinny. We started wrestling and she picked me up in a fireman's lift and threw me around for about 5 minutes. It was embarrassing but I enjoyed it..........secretly ! I did have to put up with jokes from a few people for a while though. Things like "Hey Mark......I've got a ten year old brother/sister who could lift you......Ha....Ha" !

clark246 August 22nd, 2012 11:55

As an art major in college in the 70's , I had several life drawing classes, drawing nude models. A girl I sat next to one day, commenting on the fat female model, said to me, we need to get a muscular woman up there. This was pre female bodybuilding, and odd as it seems now, muscular women weren't that common. I asked her where they'd find one, and she flexed her arm , told me to feel her muscle, and said, 'oh-we're everywhere'. I made some kind of joke, and she said she would have to 'beat me up' for being a wise guy. We wound up back at her dorm, and she said why don't I draw her. She wouldn't get nude, but stripped down to her underwear, and made a few mock muscle poses. She then came over and pinned me to the bed, asking me if I still thought girls weren't strong. Needless to say, I was in heaven. We dated for a bit, before she moved on.

clark246 August 30th, 2012 10:40

Continuing my 'adventures', I had a get together at a beach house I was renting , including a couple of families . One of the girls ,Chris, was just home from college. I had known her for years, but now she was 'grown up'-blonde, pretty, average weight, and she had developed really large breasts. During the party, I noticed her and another girl flexing biceps and joking about who's strongest. Chris sat down and challenged me to arm wrestle. We went at it and I could not put her arm down. We kind of called it a draw, when her friend Claudia challenged her. Chris sat in my lap while she arm wrestled Claudia, which was amazing. Chris then said she's better at leg wrestling because her legs are stronger, and I wound up losing to her. Needless to say, I was falling for her, and we dated for a year. One day , we were standing and kissing, when she clutched my butt with both hands, and lifted me. I wrapped my legs around her, and she held me up for about a minute as we kissed. The only other time she lifted me was a piggy back ride from the beach across the street. We used to wrestle quite a bit, and she loved pinning me, and making me admit she was stronger.

K4C3 April 11th, 2013 15:52

I don't really think I would have been embarrassed to discover that a girl is stronger than me. It has never happend to me actually and I don't want to brag or something but I am a bit of a athletic type. Not really strong, but better than the average man of my size (I'm approximately 5 ft 11 and now weight 175 lbs). So I'm pretty confident with strength and so, and if a girl would overpower me, I would know that she is really strong (for a girl). I've had many armwrestling contests with a lot of women (for fun) and always won, I've also met some girls at wrestling (I did practise a lot of martial arts before) and honestly I felt that there was a huge difference in strength. But of course there are a lot of women stronger than me. Haven't yet interacted with one though. ;)

I also want to add that I'm not really attracted to strong women (the strength itself), I just get aroused by being carried by women. :)

phoneman April 12th, 2013 02:28


Originally Posted by K4C3 (Post 108139)
I don't really think I would have been embarrassed to discover that a girl is stronger than me. It has never happend to me actually and I don't want to brag or something but I am a bit of a athletic type. Not really strong, but better than the average man of my size (I'm approximately 5 ft 11 and now weight 175 lbs). So I'm pretty confident with strength and so, and if a girl would overpower me, I would know that she is really strong (for a girl). I've had many armwrestling contests with a lot of women (for fun) and always won, I've also met some girls at wrestling (I did practise a lot of martial arts before) and honestly I felt that there was a huge difference in strength. But of course there are a lot of women stronger than me. Haven't yet interacted with one though. ;)

I also want to add that I'm not really attracted to strong women (the strength itself), I just get aroused by being carried by women. :)

That is an interesting comment. You are aroused by being carried by women, but not really attracted to strong women. I do not agree or disagree, I just find it an interesting observation. Maybe others have thoughts on this.

K4C3 April 12th, 2013 15:10


Originally Posted by phoneman (Post 108176)
That is an interesting comment. You are aroused by being carried by women, but not really attracted to strong women. I do not agree or disagree, I just find it an interesting observation. Maybe others have thoughts on this.

Yes I agree actually. There is some kind of paradox in this. Of course there must be some strength in a woman if she is able to carry me, but I want a woman to be feminine in the first place. The strength itself is not the most important for me. If I saw a woman carrying a heavy load which is not another person I wouldn't find it arousing at all.

ramonra April 13th, 2013 02:46

I agree with you, K4C3, more or less.
What I like is to be carried, I don't particularly like strong women, just hot women who carry me :P

However, when I know a girl is strong, I like that because there are higher chances that she will be able to carry me. I do get somewhat aroused if I see a hot girl doing squats with some heavy weight (like hey, she could carry me easily!)

I like when the lift is easy for them but at the same time I don't like very muscled girls (like bodybuilders) or big girls.

TheWolfe April 15th, 2013 10:39


Originally Posted by K4C3 (Post 108139)
I also want to add that I'm not really attracted to strong women (the strength itself), I just get aroused by being carried by women. :)

I don't think that's all that unusual. I think we find whatever type of women we like attractive and then want them to perform the L&C that pleases us.

I'm an F/F fan and don't care how strong a woman is; just how attractive I find her and my standards for that are very conventional (think Playboy Playmate-type as my ideal). To me the desire to carry is more the attraction in the lifter just like the desire to be lifted is the attraction in a liftee to me rather than how light she is. And yes, like you, when I see a girl who appears strong alongside a girl who appears light I identify that as a potential L&C scenario and pay attention. But bodybuilder type women are generally unattractive to me even though they're the most likely to L&C as a way to display their strength. I like L&C to be a more intimate interaction so a display of strength is a bit of a turn-off actually.

badboy4375 June 25th, 2013 00:38

Interesting comments: Here's mine
Haha, I have a friend, we are still very close & this was not too long ago. She is a wrestler, very strong & a bit of a tomboy... I don't know if she is stronger than me, but I sure know she believes she is. I've been wanting to test it out, but figured I'd be emberassed if she beat me in armwrestling and I'm not very strong. I did beat her in mercy but she said it's because my hands bigger than hers lol. She is extremely strong, I've seen pics where she beat 3 girls at once armwrestling and then a guy. She is about 5:5, she told me a few times that she could carry me, and that it was mostly technique. She's front lifted me a bunch of times, and cracked my back.
Anyways she is a university friend of mine & we lived in the same building, so one day, for some reason I started lifting her and her friend (firemans carry) and she was lifting her as well. We were just messing around. She then wanted to fireman's carry me, but I didn't think she could do it, so I let her try. To my surprised she lifted me up easily and then ran around for a few seconds even spinning me a few times. I felt pretty emberassed luckily nobody came & saw it 'cause I figured it would be extremely embarassing. She could easily have held me for longer. Later she wanted to take a picture of her lifting me to post on facebook, but I felt embarassed, so I declined...
I think about that regretfully now because I would like to have that pic :p! I weighed about 180 at the time and she's about 140+ and built kind of muscular. Then my friend who's around 6ft 2 inches and 220 pounds came and was chilling with us, we were joking around and she wanted to try lift him. He did not want to be lifted & kept refusing though she kept asking. She really wanted to try. I was very disappointed she didnt get too lol.

badboy4375 June 25th, 2013 00:42

Here's another one.
Back in the day when me and my sister were very young. We were playing in the pool with another girl and my sisters friend. This girl named Josie was extremely strong. We were chicken fighting & I had my sister or her friend on my shoulder & she had the other one and we were alternating. Funnily enough, whoever she had on her shoulders won and who I had on my shoulders lost. Nobody said anything about it, but it was pretty obvious that she must have been stronger than me at the time.

Ultrabomb November 12th, 2014 02:55


Originally Posted by ponyplay (Post 22200)
Stories or real experiences!?

I did meet a girl that was for sure stronger than me... she was short, and a bit cuddly. But much shorter than me. I guess whe were about the same weight. Yes i could lift her. But she lifted and caried me more easily. The most astonishing thing was that she could give me a shoulider ride, having me up in a second an let me sit there for minutes. I had to admit i had to struggle to lift her on my shoulders. Wrestling with her meant i lost, she really had strong arms but strong short legs too. I was no match for me. I even dared her todo her thing with a gril much taler then her (and even me). I guess about 6'2 tall, she was like 5'2... she destroyed her if it wasn't form e to come in between. The tall lady didn't know what happened to her and looked in shock ...

Were her legs a lot thicker than yours?

g.gupta1980 December 1st, 2014 10:15

Horse Ladies
I don't know how or why I stumbled upon this forum, perhaps because I was looking for muscular women blogs etc... this particular page has stories of women talking about thier very muscular arms and veins that embarras them.
The interesting bit is about L&C lady says she lifts residents at the hospital all by herself. Check it out here:

I've lost some of the tone I had when I was running the farm in IL. Especially now that I'm in school, it's getting sad. But at work, when it comes to lifting residents and getting them to their wheelchairs, it is invaluable to have a good base. Many of the old folks comment that I have very strong arms :D: I've always said I'm built like a linebacker for a reason!

One old guy was trying to give me a hard time and made a snarky remark about my arms. I looked him in the eye and said well yes they're big but I haven't dropped YOU on the floor yet, have I? That took the wind out of his sails :)

Muscle_Chick_Fan December 15th, 2014 19:16

Embarrassed to discover that a girl is stronger than you
I like women who are stronger than me, but I would not tell the Whole Wide World about it though. :D

fag123 December 29th, 2014 21:49

It all started at school when i was maybe 7 years old grade 1. In our bus everyone wanted to sit at the front because of the air conditioning. So its usuqlly first come first serve since this is a school bus. So i always used to get there first. Then this girl whos a year older than me was fed up. She pickex me up in the cradle position and i tried to escape but couldnt she threw me on the back seat. Maybe its because she took me by suprise

Wig4 January 6th, 2015 17:30

I would not (never) be embarrassed, I would just be 9000% "on" at once. :tt1:
It's what I crave so much, meeting with girls POWER, sheer power, and knowing that you can ask the girl to do anythhing, you cannot do yourself, and she is doing it ! (including picking me myself up !) :thumbup2: It is so wonderfull !!

nostrength January 8th, 2015 18:54


Originally Posted by Muscle_Chick_Fan (Post 147755)
I like women who are stronger than me, but I would not tell the Whole Wide World about it though. :D

I agree. It's initially great the way a girl changes towards you when she finds out she's stronger. I've loved finding out girls I knew were stronger than me in the past, but when they say stuff in front of other people it's a little embarrassing, especially if they think they're making a joke that no one else understands, and they so do.

zebra January 9th, 2015 12:09


Originally Posted by TheWolfe (Post 108432)
But bodybuilder type women are generally unattractive to me even though they're the most likely to L&C as a way to display their strength.

The lack of female bodybuilders, in F/F lifting material, is disappointing. It seems like they would be naturals for that kind of L&C, and it seems like they could easily do most kinds of lifts. I would buy that kind of material, but I find endless hours of flexing and posing to be about as interesting as watching paint dry (to each their own). BTW, you often see the best lifts performed by normal-sized women.

DWayne January 12th, 2015 16:07

When I was younger maybe about 10 or 11 when playing with some of my cousins. I had one cousin that was a couple of years older than I that I would wrestle with sometimes. I would grab her from behind and she would bend over and lift me on her back and give me a piggyback ride. That was just her natural reaction when I would put my arms around her from behind.
One time we were wrestling and I got her in a front headlock which I would often try to do when wrestling with a girl with the hopes of her raising up and picking me up over her shoulder. She then did pick me up over her shoulder and spun me around and carried me a short distance while I was trying to get myself back down. I really didn't want her to put me down but it was embarrassing me for her to do that to me.

buddyochoa2 January 13th, 2015 02:04

I would have no complaint at all about a stronger girl. I think being on the receiving end of a bearhug I couldn't get out of would be fun :P

KAR January 17th, 2015 05:36

I remember lifting weights in junior high and several girls were stronger than me. That was true for enough other guys that it didn't bother me too much. When I reached high school, all of the guys who kept lifting weights had major gains in strength and surpassed basically all the girls. By then, any embarrassment I might of had vanished.

webppl January 17th, 2015 09:05

When I was younger (around 19), I went to a trek with 3 of my male cousins. All of us had huge suitcases with wheels and we were glad that there were wheels. I had a hard time carrying my bag but my older cousin's bag was even heavier and I could barely lift it with both hands, let alone carry it.

When we came back home from the trek, we were greeted by 2 of my younger cousin sisters at the gate of apartment complex. One is 6 years younger (lets call her Sheela) and other is 7 years younger (lets call her Rati) than me. They were visiting my family. As a joke, we asked them to carry our bags to our apartment which is on 3rd floor (by US standards since ground floor is called first floor). Sheela decided to carry my older cousin's bag (the one I could barely lift) and Rati decided to carry my bag. I thought they wouldn't be able lift the bags let alone carry to 3rd floor. To my utter surprise, Sheela easily lifted the heavier bag and started carrying it upstairs with just one hand! She used both hands sometimes but most of the time she used only one hand to carry it. Rati also lifted my bag almost as easily as me! Sheela carried the bag all the way upstairs without stopping or putting down the bag and Rati stopped only once or twice. I was in shock by the time we got to the apartment! Even my older cousin was shocked that Sheela could carry the bag and said the same to her mother when we got in. This was embarrassing since my older cousin knew that I could barely lift his bag. I didn't pay as much attention to Rati at the time but now I think she was almost as strong as me even if she was 7 years younger.

I wasn't really strong for my age but I wasn't a total wimp. I did go on a month long trek after all. I always knew Sheela was strong but I had not realized just how strong she was. This incident clearly showed me that she was much stronger than me. I shouldn't have been surprised considering both Sheela and Rati were regular dancers and I didn't work out at all except for the practice I did for trek. I had lifted Sheela before and found her surprisingly heavy compared to Rati who I could lift very easily. I should have realized that she had a lot of muscle on her!

After this embarrassing incident, I tried to figure out some way to find out how strong Sheela was but never got a good chance. There was only one incident where all of us cousins were messing around trying to hold each other down and Rati asked Sheela to hold and stop me from moving since "she is so strong". Sheela grabbed both my arms with just hand and held me in place. I could feel the strength of her vice like grip on my arms and she actually almost had me helpless. I was able to escape after some struggle since I was twisting both my arms to get loose and she couldn't maintain the grip with one hand. If she had used both hands, I would have surely lost. I think she didn't use both hands since she knew she could hold me with both hands and didn't want to embarrass me too much. Or maybe she just wanted to see if she was strong enough to hold me with one hand. I still have a hard time believing how strong she was and probably still is since she is still into dancing. How I wish I had arm wrestled her! It would have been both good and bad (embarrassing) since everyone would have known that she beat me in a direct test of strength.

dodge77 January 21st, 2015 04:41

A friend lifted me up while hugging goodbye once. She is 6'0 195-200. BIG girl...not overweight but very thick. She is divorced, 45, and has big fake boobs. Anyway, my wife was right there when she did this and I was embarrassed but totally loving every second of it. That was about 6 years ago and I've been stuck on this ever since. I'm addicted to anything L&C and really want more.

helomelo May 16th, 2015 06:15

I visited an escort for L&c who was extremely strong for such a small girl. She has amazing biceps, gained from tending to horses. We did armwrestle and she could beat me left handed. Although slightly embarrassing I did find it amazing. She was only 5'2 96lb I am 5'11 170lb. The lifts were amazing. She has since moved up north so cannot revisit.

pyro December 22nd, 2018 15:31

One of my aunt is really ripped and strong. She always been strong and has lifted me many times. I love her :)

tallbigirlover June 1st, 2019 00:46

vice grip cousin

Originally Posted by webppl (Post 149764)
When I was younger (around 19), I went to a trek with 3 of my male cousins. All of us had huge suitcases with wheels and we were glad that there were wheels. I had a hard time carrying my bag but my older cousin's bag was even heavier and I could barely lift it with both hands, let alone carry it.

When we came back home from the trek, we were greeted by 2 of my younger cousin sisters at the gate of apartment complex. One is 6 years younger (lets call her Sheela) and other is 7 years younger (lets call her Rati) than me. They were visiting my family. As a joke, we asked them to carry our bags to our apartment which is on 3rd floor (by US standards since ground floor is called first floor). Sheela decided to carry my older cousin's bag (the one I could barely lift) and Rati decided to carry my bag. I thought they wouldn't be able lift the bags let alone carry to 3rd floor. To my utter surprise, Sheela easily lifted the heavier bag and started carrying it upstairs with just one hand! She used both hands sometimes but most of the time she used only one hand to carry it. Rati also lifted my bag almost as easily as me! Sheela carried the bag all the way upstairs without stopping or putting down the bag and Rati stopped only once or twice. I was in shock by the time we got to the apartment! Even my older cousin was shocked that Sheela could carry the bag and said the same to her mother when we got in. This was embarrassing since my older cousin knew that I could barely lift his bag. I didn't pay as much attention to Rati at the time but now I think she was almost as strong as me even if she was 7 years younger.

I wasn't really strong for my age but I wasn't a total wimp. I did go on a month long trek after all. I always knew Sheela was strong but I had not realized just how strong she was. This incident clearly showed me that she was much stronger than me. I shouldn't have been surprised considering both Sheela and Rati were regular dancers and I didn't work out at all except for the practice I did for trek. I had lifted Sheela before and found her surprisingly heavy compared to Rati who I could lift very easily. I should have realized that she had a lot of muscle on her!

After this embarrassing incident, I tried to figure out some way to find out how strong Sheela was but never got a good chance. There was only one incident where all of us cousins were messing around trying to hold each other down and Rati asked Sheela to hold and stop me from moving since "she is so strong". Sheela grabbed both my arms with just hand and held me in place. I could feel the strength of her vice like grip on my arms and she actually almost had me helpless. I was able to escape after some struggle since I was twisting both my arms to get loose and she couldn't maintain the grip with one hand. If she had used both hands, I would have surely lost. I think she didn't use both hands since she knew she could hold me with both hands and didn't want to embarrass me too much. Or maybe she just wanted to see if she was strong enough to hold me with one hand. I still have a hard time believing how strong she was and probably still is since she is still into dancing. How I wish I had arm wrestled her! It would have been both good and bad (embarrassing) since everyone would have known that she beat me in a direct test of strength.

Hi did you ever have your cousin hold you with both hands or lift and carry to test her strength. She can lift me, how long ago was this story.

Thanks AJ

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