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Is lifting always domination?
Several people over the years have commented to me on L&C forums that to lift someone is to dominate them. I'm not sure I completely agree with that statement but after pondering it I have to admit they do have a point. When a lifter lifts a liftee, the liftee's body - their entire being - is placed in the possession and care of the lifter. At the very least, there is some amount of submission on the liftee's part to allow this, right?
On the other hand, if a liftee convinces someone who is not inclined to lift people to give them a lift, isn't the liftee dominating the lifter by making the lifter take possession and care of the liftee's entire being, not to mention making the lifter exert strength? Keep in mind that while "domination" and "submission" make people think of BDSM, it can also be much more subtle and perceived subconsciously without either party actually intending to dominate or submit. With all the liftees and lifters on this forum, there should be some interesting opinions on this. Please take note that this question is asked about the act of one human lifting another human regardless of either participant's gender. I expect you to follow my lead and give gender-neutral answers. |
The act of lift and carry I do not see as domination.
However if I personally was physically out-powered and pressed over someones head and taunted then I think that would class as part-domination. So i guess it depends on what type of "lift and carry" that is in question. I certainly prefer the "non-domination" type; though this is just me. |
To me it's absolutely non domination. It's playful between two adults, a "game" that to us has also a sexual connotation, but just that.
If any, I would be inclined to think of the liftee as the one who dominates, but still to me there is no domination involved. =================== vk wrote 05 01 2019: I think that a guy who wants domination plus riding on the girl has two fetishes, not one. I can perform L&C without explicit domination. However if I a am taller than the girl, I will not "regret" that I am a little bit heavy for her. BTW, muggles are smart to take videos. My best l&c like video is in Shanghai. There is a flood. A girl carries her on the back. Playing a game ? Not exacly. The guy must go to his office and being clean. So the girl must carry the guy on her back in order to secure his job even if there is a flood. Hovever, the answer depends on the position of the persons. Piggyback could bring some domination but shoulder or the others may be neutral. |
Sadly not. I personally find L&C that doesn't have the "domination" aspect to it very boring. I mean stuff like acrobatics etc.
Lift and carry can be with domination and without domination also. It consists of both. But more often what you see in daily life is Non Domination part. Like someone giving a piggyback in a park, wife lifting the husband for fun, two sisters lifting each other for fun etc etc.. This is all non dominant ones.
It depends on different individuals on what they like. I personally like Non Dominant lift and carry. |
Good question ! A female friend of mine once lifted me high off my feet,without being prompted. She said "I've always wanted to do that...you'r e so skinny and light" !
Could that be interpreted as 'playful domination' ? |
The flip side might be if you suddenly decided to jump on her back, playfully forcing her to piggyback you. Aren't you, as a liftee, dominating her in a scenario like that? |
That would depend on what the meaning of the word "is" is.
But in all seriousness, it depends on how you want to define domination. A wife gives her husband a piggyback ride for fun. It was fun for her because she enjoyed either displaying her strength, surprising her husband with her strength, or to provide him/her with some level of entertainment. I would argue that there is some underlying level of desire behind this lift, but I would not necessarily call it domination. |
Don't some people enjoy submitting? If someone thinks it's fun to have someone else control their body, they're giving up control and submitting, right? Isn't the other party therefore dominating? Like I said, it's not like that "I'm gonna teach you a lesson!" domination but, like in your example, it's a good-natured and fun "I'm strong enough to control the position of your body" and, if the liftee doesn't fight it, then the liftee is submitting to that demonstration. That's basically how many of the "pro-domination theory" people have described it to me for years and I can see their point, even if the word "domination" makes me bristle slightly. What I think is more interesting is when the liftee causes the lifter to lift. Isn't that an equivalent form of domination? Like a cowboy riding a horse, the horse is lifting him but he's not submitting to the horse. If a liftee presses someone into service as a lifter, then isn't that lifter submitting to the liftee's will and making the liftee the dominant one? Quote:
The L&C community is filled with niches and this is also true in the "domination department." The stories and films show that there's a market for riders dominating a struggling girl. Others see it completely differently. There's also plenty of videos and stories where a strong girl is taunting the guy she's carrying around with the girl clearly being in control and dominating her rider. Also, as this thread shows, there's those who see no domination whatsoever, but just pure fun. This combined with the tonnes of other niches is probably why it's difficult for L&C producers to make a profit. Everyone has his own very personal desires and won't invest in videos which deviates too far from his own likings. |
We all have different ideas about domination: personally I don't get the chained to the bed scenario, or the whips etc - but some (a lot?) of people do, theres plenty of women with a well equipped dungeon make a good living out of that kind of stuff;
but for me, being lifted by a woman always means being dominated to some degree because I can't (or choose not to) do anything about it - she is totallly in control and I'm helpless. Its wonderful to be carried and feeling there is nothing you can do about it. Very very sexy. For me. But there is no other way I would ever let anyone "dominate" me. |
Unfortunately for me, if its not blatant domination, then I dont find it interesting but rather boring. I watch it purely for aspects of domination. Where one lifts another against his/her will
It's interesting to see all the interpretations related to domination. No one really seems to have an opinion on the submission aspect of it. Even when the domination aspect of the lifting is imperceptibly subtle, the submission aspect of the same act is usually a bit more obvious, at least to me, which after thinking deeper and deeper about it convinced me that there's almost always some vague, subtle domination aspect.
Does anyone else notice the submission part? |
Okay, I'll break out of generic gender mode to put some personal input in.
I'm on this board for F/F but I also love to lift women. I don't feel like I'm dominating a woman when I lift her but, after having lots of online discussions about domination, I've realized that I like feeling her submit to being lifted, so by default I guess I like feeling dominant by lifting. I've also realized that my interest in L&C has nothing to do with the strength of the lifter as much as it has to do with the submission of the liftee and the desire of the lifter to do the lift. It's like an intimate communication between the two. If it's the lifter's idea the communication is "I want to hold you." If it's the liftee's idea then it's "I want you to hold me." When the other party complies, they're communicating back by submitting to the desire of the other. Because of that, I'd rather see a failed attempt at a more intimate (or playful/friendly) lift that's real between the two parties rather than an impersonal display of brute strength. |
Im with the majority here - I dont think so and thats coming from a bird that does lift and carry with guys.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES have any of the true lift and carry fans ever been "submissive" as such - they have just enjoyed being lifted, although for various reasons, whether it be the feeling of a woman that is strong doing it, just the fact they are "swept" off the floor etc etc. and dont really want a guy doing it etc etc. And gentlemen as well I may add. |
I have been lifted UNDER DURESS!
some of my liftees for some wild reason then want to lift me which usually ensues a chase and then a lot of screaming. |
We have something in common then. I HATE to be lifted but I love carrying girls.....but only ones who like being carried so you're safe! Getting back to my original question, being lifted under duress sounds like being dominated to me. What do you think? |
Noooooooooooooo - its human nature to do things to people they dont want to have you do! When its harmless and I dont think thats necessarily domination?
Running down the hallway in a hotel when I was doing a session once with a client over my shoulder because I knew he would actually like it even though he was yelling isnt really domination. Personally - and this is only opinion and very open to any other opinions - it is only "domination" when we gain by asserting authority in some way. For instance - if you knew it would be detrimental to someone to lift and it would cause actual real anguish - would you really do it? I wouldnt. I do see your point about it being domination but it doesnt actually feel like when im doing it - its tends to be that the person want to feel "swept off their feet" or "suspended" or just the "sensation of being lifted by someone". Come to think of it - I have never done a lift and carry session with someone that was into domination in fact as well. Of course there will be people who are and I have only met a small percentage of them, but its just an opinion based only on doing sessions so it may not be necessarily realistic. Wolfe - I think we should be put in room with eachother and try to lift eachother!!!!! LOL!!!! |
I don't think domination and submission automatically make it BDSM. I think if you let someone lift you under duress you are submitting to their desire to lift you and therefore there's an element of domination to them getting you to submit. You could also say that if someone wants to be lifted and they get you to lift them that you're submitting to their desire by lifting them. Now of course you don't do these sessions for free so maybe your customers are submitting by paying you. ;)
Getting back to BDSM, if someone wants to be dominated so they submit to a dominatrix, is it really submission if they're getting what they want? |
Well - you could get into the nitty gritty of every action you make whether it is submissive or dominant but due to my "main job" - appeptance and allowing events "to be" sometimes rather than drill down into the absolute details makes me possibly the wrong person to discuss this with!
And maybe, as I do some sessions, because I am essentially providing a service and doing what the client requests (sometimes!) - I'm the submissive one! And I have been know to lift men up for the hell of it becuase I enjoy it and its funny and it makes them and me laugh. But I would never in a million years lift someone that genuinely didn't want to be lifted or cause undue stress. Its supposed to be fun. If I knew the gentleman that I whipped up and the corridoor with would be genuinely uncomfortable - I would never ever do it. Now - on the other side of things - I have had clients who like pony rides - as in I'm on all fours, and although its fun - that most definately was dominant |
I don't thinks its domination.I can be wron. However, I think its more about love and caring
I feel like most of us like it better when it is... but its not always. It's rescue often to obviously. Hence the name "firemen's carry"
I do not think so, in any case it depends on the person who does it. In some cases it is just the feeling of being protected.
Ponygirls are the furthest thing from domination you can be in terms of lifting, which is why I strongly dislike it. Domination seems to come to play the most when the lifter's arms are being used as opposed to their backs. That's kind of why overhead lifts, OTS and cradles are the most commonly depicted lifts when showing power or domination, because it implies that the lifter is doing all of the work or is the one in control of the liftee, facial expressions aside.
It's not always (fill in the blank). It all depends on the people and the situations. There are times when it's domination. For instance, it's domination when a female bouncer carries out a drunk girl who's causing problems in a bar.
Interesting thread.
I come from bdsm backround, where I am a sub first and foremost. Here in the world of L and C I am the lifter and i still feel submissive, as I conceive the " Lift and Carry me" as a task, from a master to a sub. ---> Interesting thread indeed. In another thread of this forum, I have imagined a sort of mixing between bdsm and L & C. Espescially, bdsm is close to PBR because it is not a posture, it is rather a way of life. vk |
For the most part, lifting someone is commonly seen as a very explicit demonstration of strength and dominance because it locks the liftee into a very vulnerable and defenceless position, which is very common in professional wrestling. When lifting is shown to be a demonstration of submission, it's usually because it is an order for the lifter to dedicate most of their energy into the liftee, as if the liftee is something that is meant to be protected and preserved under the lifter's oath.
Certain lifting positions also determine the power dynamic between the two parties due to the common perception in media. Pony-rides and piggybacks are often the most sub-like lifting positions, with cradles and OTSes being more dependent on circumstances, and overheads and under-arm carries being seen as the most explicitly dominant. The same lifting position (the over-the-shoulder carry) can be used as either as mentioned before, it mostly depends on the context and facial expressions. Here's one where the lifter is seen as more submissive, or at the very least, beleaguered. (From the Red Sonja comics) https://readcomicsonline.me/reader/m...ykkxv9-007.jpg And here's one where the lifter is explicitly seen as the dominant one. (From one of the cards in Fire Emblem trading card game.) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CthxOFUVMAAYsMK?format=jpg |
I think both aspects is possible - when the lifter is dominant and the liftee is dominant.
But in l&c goes for soft and harmless domination in most cases. Maybe is important here that liftee must have trust in lifters abilities if want to enjoy beeing lifted. |
While domination may be a large part of it for some people that definitely doesn't apply to me.
For me there is no bigger turn of than when someone tries to dominate me. --->>> You could play this practice when you quarrel with your boss :) vk |
I think we need sometimes to lose control.
deliver ourselves to the beautiful care gender women of course. feel safe and protected. |
I m new here
Well...element of domination...specially if ur gal holds u tytly n arent able to escape...it drives u to ecstasy.
I suppose it is, but it's not being lifted isn't masochistic or degrading.
Lifting doesn't necessarily mean domination because there are many couples where either of them can lift the other person. It generally expresses beauty of a relationship or can also mean fantasy in some cases.
It depends first on how you define domination. IF its about the act itself then yes its domination. No matter which kind of lift girl is giving you or me. Being it shoulder ride, piggybank, front Squat, Cradle Carry, over the shoulder carry and Fireman carry or any other type of lift I didn't mention.
Some of these are in active use when it comes to rescuing operation and I think no rescue operator sees it as domination when they lift someone in say fireman carry or in over the shoulder lift when the ones being lifted are injured often seriously or even unconscious. Since this kind of lifts are clearly about future well beings of other some are even life saving form serious life threating situations. So that debunks the argument that the act itself brings domination. In none, life-threating situations it's not about the act itself rather the motivation for the act to happen in this case lift to happen. If both partners are more than happy for the lift to happen I would say that's equal domination as the lifter and the lifted both desires the out came where they guy is lifted of the ground and then given shoulder ride (or any other type of lift you my prefer insteed) by his girlfriend. (Willing lifty and Willing Lifter.) ATH: I'm not done yet. But time is in short supply to continue this. |
It depends on a person. I think LC is a playful game. It brings a smile to everyone?s face.
Interesting discussion, while it quite overcome my previous prejudice as I initially thought lifting someone would be mostly submission, as it'd being pressured by someone's weight.
A typical example, as I would raise again (despite it might be disagreed to call it 'lift') would be ponyride. That's definitely the rider dominating, especially with leading rein and whips. |
I wouldn't say always, it really depends on the who and how
Some carrying positions sway toward the domination side and some are not Also the who, is she bigger or smaller than you and how is she reacting to it Might just be my personal opinion -approved |
It depends, if it involves an element of surprise, it usually is.
I like the domination aspect to lift and carry. Forced LNC can be extremely sexy.
No....Not always
It doesn't have to be domination always. But I love the more extreme ones than the normal ones. My favorite lift and carry is torture rack or the backbreaker. I really think it is hot
Not necessarily!
I personally would catalog domination as a fetish itself.
My thought on all this is that fetishes and practices have certain intersections, for example, domination has a lot to do with control and power, and physical strength -required in Lift and Carry- is an asset that can definitely impose control over someone else. Lift and carry and domination would be the fetishised practices, and strength the intersection in between. I have seen scenes where a "mommy" carries a "baby", not in a domineering way, just a loving fetish scene (the domination part came after, but was completely detached from the carry part). ABDL intersects with Lift and carry here. Also in my experience fetish can group in sort of families, but don't necesarily need them. So I can imagine some like to feel the power from the person lifting underneath, but not to feel overpowered per se; and some do like the feeling of powerlessness on top of the strength. Think about it as flavoured ice cream, you can totally combine them as you want, no rules! |
Picking someone up and carrying them is whatever the person / persons want it to be. It might be dom or sub, just depends on what both parties want and expect.
I've never seen someone lifting somebody else as dominating. there's plenty of strength involved and they'll depict someone in the clip as dominating for a story or whatever. but i just like watching the lifting and don't over analyze it.
The torture rack is the best. When a lady has you in the position, you are at their mercy. You could probably get down but you risk injury.
It seems to always be power but to be blunt most interactions are about power.
Just personally, I really love it when it is dominating just feeling overpowered and hopeless.
I like it both ways
It could be a form of wanting to be dominated, but on the other hand i also like to lift girls. I sometimes like to turn it around. So either i like to be dominated and dominate at the same time, or my passion of lifting has a different reasoning.
I think, in general, involves domination.
If you L/C someone, you have the last word over the next minute of your partner. Just speculating, but in general, women have better attitude when they feel dominated, most girls don?t have any problem if someone else lift them in public. A few may feel embarrassed, most of them will enjoy it for a while, and some will even demand more lifts, they have no problems being dominated in public, For men, in general, works the oposite way. we want dominate. again, generally speaking.....;) |
That does not mean that your comment was inappropriate or should not have been made. I just want to be sure that you understand, |
I like both types of lift and carry, but domination is more satisfying.
Lifting could often mean serving the other person while taking on a lot of pain. There is no better form of submission than lifting.
I don’t think lifting is necessarily dominant but I do feel like I am under a woman’s control when she’s lifting me. A playful piggyback ride doesn’t feel dominant at all but being lifted against my will in a wrestling match and being unable to get down can feel very dominant.
i think is not domination when you lift a person for fun or when you ask for permission to lift her
So if you ask a girl if you can lift her, you're asking to take possession of her body, the vessel that contains her entire being. You might playfully pretend like you're going to drop her or like you're going to put her into a trash can. Sure, you're not really going to but you're teasing her with a display of dominance and control. It's a yin and yang thing or maybe like Newton's Law. Wherever there's submission, there's domination. |
absolutely true. it is a matter of balance of sensations. the lifter likes to lift a person to feel her weight and handle her as if she were a doll, on the contrary the litee likes to be lifted and feel as light as a doll. it is obvious that the lifter physically performs the action, the liftee can only trust the strength of the lifter. for this reason it can be considered domination, even when for example a person intends to demonstrate his strength by lifting another person.
It may happen, however, who takes pleasure in domination or submission that the dominator forces the submissive to lift him as long as he wishes. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) Quote:
Not really. For me, although I like to be dominated a little, the reason I like to be lifted is for that feeling of safety I get.
I'm not talking about a dominatrix telling you to lick her boots....not that kind of hardcore domination. I mean the liftee is requesting the lift, the liftee is choosing to be submissive so the lifter becomes dominant relative to the lifter's submission. Or if a lifter gets the idea to lift someone and just does it, that's domination because the liftee will either willingly submit and be lifted easily or struggle and fight back, making the lifter forcibly complete the lift. I used to not see any domination angle to it but the deeper I thought about it and the more o discussed it, the clearer it became. I'm not someone who likes to be lifted so it's a bit foreign to me. I like to lift women and see women lifting women, observing the interaction between them. My perspective is as a lifter and an observer. Can you explain more from your perspective as a liftee? Maybe I'm missing something because of my own perspective. |
It is what you make of it. It doesn't necessarily have to fall with dom/sub dynamics. I personally prefer F/F, so may not be the best to answer this.
I don't like being dominated at all. I don't like domination. I just like strong girls, and being able to lift me is simply a demonstration of strength.
I guess it depends on you and your fantasy, right?
I don't think it must be domination, but to me, the appeal is very much from the domination aspect that the lifter can bring to it. For example, I love getting offered to be picked up by girls (I am not a big guy, and girls apparently find my build an ideal one to try and lift to benchmark their strength) because the very act of wanting to hold me close against her body and prevent the earth from pulling me back down is an act of domination which I thoroughly enjoy.
The very nature of a girl wanting to lift me, wanting my body to lean against her and hold on to her, and then executing that intention, is an act of domination I can't resist! That being said, I understand that this is not the only perspective on lifting. The flipside can hold true as someone else mentioned in this thread - you could be the one dominating even as the one being lifted, but that paradigm appeals to me far less. |
I don't know, but personally I love the woman to be stronger and bigger. so the lift and carry is dominating action on me
I think it’s way hotter when the girl is only lifting you instead of the bad acting in L&C vids when they try to be mean and aggressive that’s completely opposite of what we want, a submissive strong girl who can lift you is way hotter
Also whats even hot about a girl who hates you to lift you? (Most l&c vids that ive seen) |
I think there are many scenarios of lift and carry, for example in primary school girls develop early and will help pick up their male classmates to watch the game。
I think that it could be domination, submission or neither. It really depends on how you wanna do it. Personally I prefer a mix with my lift and carry. My favorite lift is a piggyback ride and I also have a wrestling/choking fetish. So in my case it's generally more about mounting someone and taking control.
In a weird way I feel like this example has aspects of submission and domination in a struggle. whenever I've mounted someone in the past I feel control in the way that they might not be able to shake me off, but they still have full control of our position. I know that there is a decent crossover between wrestling and LandC, but I kinda feel like this particular experience might be somewhat niche, but if it isn't I'd love to meet others who feel the same. That being said, I definitely just like lift and carry in a lot of other ways, and the experience itself is just situational. personally, At the end of the day, whatever the purpose, it just feels nice to be lifted by someone. |
What I was getting at when I started this thread is probably more about submission. When a person is lifted, they give themself to the lifter. Isn't that submission? Therefore the lifter is dominating them by default, even if the lifter isn't trying to DOMINATE them in the stereotypical BDSM sort of way. Subtle little acts of domination and submission happen to us every day that have nothing to do with BDSM or fetishes. That was my line of thinking. But also... What if, in an actual BDSM context, a dominant orders a submissive to lift and carry them and the submissive obeys? That kinda flips the roles, doesn't it? Or does the dominant submit to the submissive by trusting that the submissive will in fact obey? If you drop your preconceived notions of what "domination" and "submission" are and look at where the submission actually is occurring, it's pretty interesting to dissect the dynamic. |
There's definitely a sliding scale with submission at one of end and dominance at the other. |
I like domination in a somewhat playful way. Say that a larger woman lifts and carries a smaller woman against her will, but it's not hurtful or violent. The amazon would be dominant in a natural way due to her physical strength, so it's a realistic expression of dominance, not just roleplaying with scripts. I like it when it's real (a huge female bouncer effortlessly carries a struggling tiny drunk girl over her shoulder and out of a club, and the liftee can't do a thing about it).
Yes, it is about domination. But also it's about roleplaying.
Actually, yes and no. It all depends on the specific situation. Let me explain with a personal example.
My girlfriend is much younger than me and more fragile than me. But our sex consists entirely of role reversal and we both enjoy it. One day I confessed to her that I liked LC and she enthusiastically suggested I try it. Yes, we don't get to do much because of the difference in parameters, but she likes to lift me up and put me on her lap. In this way she demonstrates her starring role in our sexual games. But it is not about dominance, there is no humiliation, we just give each other pleasure in this way. Moreover, we take photos and videos of our games and then review them, commenting on how helpless I look in her hands. |
To me, it's more of a show of strength. I have never felt that the women who lifted me in sessions did it to dominate me, but it depends on the scenario. In some cases, it could be about domination especially if the liftee is being lifted against their will.
It doesn't necessarily always have to be in my opinion. I find it to just be a great/fun way to show lots of love for someone.
the lifting is a source of dominance
In addition, the evolution of society has brought about a greater unity between men and women. Just look at what happens in sport, but also in everyday life. There is also a phenomenon of the evolution of the jigs. Many women are now taller and stronger than average men! BB 126 |
I think it's partially domination, as in a liftee is kind of powerless when they are in the air, the lifter can manhandle them. but sometimes the roles are reversed and then it becomes kind of servitude.
Absolutely not
Lifting your partner is not about domination.
When a person is lifted and swung round after winning something or greeting a loved one on meeting, the lifter is not acting dominant or trying to show that they're stronger than you. It's just a reactive happy action. Also carers and nurses of people with physical disabilities often have to manoeuvre or lift them. Lifting a bride over the threshold is traditional and again nothing to do with domination. Obviously, it is still true that the average man is usually bigger and stronger, but that doesn't in modern thinking mean that he is dominant in the relationship. I for one, admire a capable woman who is not afraid to show her strength abilities without the need to dominate. The minor percentage of men who enjoy the fetish of lift and carry may enjoy being dominated, but in my case absolutely not. I do not want to dominated or be beaten up or physically harmed in any way. |
Lifting domination
If it is to embrace her, there is indeed no domination, if it is to win without her being able to oppose it since she has no more support! If we approach this subject from an erotic point of view, there is a form of domination that I find particularly aesthetic. |
Of course it's not always domination. Replace "always" with "sometimes", and all people would agree.
Far from always, sometimes it's just for a bit of a laugh (in my experience).
This is a quite interesting question, to be honest!
I'll share what I like. As a liftee, I prefer to be the one dominating on the interaction. For a person, potentially weaker than me, to lift my weight and all of that, seems like a pretty strong act of servitude from their part! Its not an easy task to ask for a person, even if some people are strong. After all, human body is designed to hold their own weight, which by iteself can be quite tiring after a while (how many times you were forced to stand for a long time and your feet were tired of your own weight??) Strenght doesnt equal domination, neither.. Riding a horse or having beasts of burden is a similar example.. For reason A or B, the stronger individual is obeying or cooperating with the rider.. |
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