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Do you like to be lifted by taller or shorter girls?
Hi everyone,
What do you like more to be lifted by taller and bigger girl more than you or smaller and shorter girl? |
Don't like to be lifted at all ha!
By the weakest one and see the strain in her face.
As long as she is strong enough it doesn't matter what height she is.
Being lifted by a smaller girl is nice. But I like the domination factor of being lifted and lifting. That is enhanced by the size of the girl (when being lifted). So being lifted by a taller and heavier woman is definitely more interesting.
I'd want to get lifted by someone bigger and taller.
Taller and stronger would definitely be my choice because of the domination factor but also I'd want her to lift me with more ease, although if a smaller woman can do that, too, it's just as great.
Taller and stronger
it is more intimidating. |
I'll accept a lift from a girl of any height of course but tall is my favorite. I'm only 5'7"/5'8" or so and shoulder rides are my favorite which to me get better and better as the girl is taller.
I worked out a very basic equation. In a seated position it's about 2 feet from my waist to the top of my head. Meanwhile most people have roughly a foot from their shoulders to the top of their head. So it's basically lifter height + 1 foot. A really strong 5'0" girl lifts me, I'm probably actually seated 4 feet off the ground. Then add the 2 feet from my waist to head and I'd have the sensation of being 6 ft fall. Of course that's a cool sensation and I'd gladly take that, but I know friends taller than that. A girl my height lifts me and I'm now 6'7"/6'8" and feeling like the king of the universe. It's not an exact science of course as everyone's built differently, but it works for me to try to visualize :thumbup2: |
I like short and fat girls
I like to be lifted (pb) by super skinny girls that have to put super much effort in keeping you up.
Both has their advantages, it doesn't really matter much for me.
A shorter girl normally looks very feminine, and that is a great plus to me, because the idea to be lifted by average girls is very pleasing to my ideals.
A taller one normally would have less effort to lift you, and would look intimidating, which is also a nice addition. Height doesn't matter much for me, because both have advantages that you can take while being lifted or if you somewhat have an urge at the moment. |
Taller and stronger please!
I prefer taller and stronger. I want to feel that the woman is tougher than me and can control me. I want to feel I am at her mercy.
I prefer shorter but thicker , stronger and heavier than me .
My experience has been with taller or of girls of the same height as mine. I would like to be lifted by a girl of any height :lol:
I wanna get lifted by someone taller than me.
I definitely prefer being lifted and carried by larger and taller women. It makes it even more enjoyable if they're also stronger. Maybe it reminds me of being toted by older girls when I was a kid. Who knows why we like what we like?
Would anyone else here prefer to be lifted by someone taller but skinnier? I?m 5?9? and weigh 210 pounds and I like the contrast between slim and muscular vs. chubby.
I find I like either, but for different reasons.
It can be fun getting carried around by a petite gal who is really putting in a lot of effort to do it when you weigh at least twice as much as her. That's where the dominance thing comes into play, I suppose. It can be a blast feeling them start sweating and struggling under you as you order them to "keep going". But it's also great when you see how easily a big, thick, muscular woman can pick you up and carry you around. I had a lady friend like that who weighed close to 300lbs. and was crazy strong. She could squat down, let me sit up on her big butt, and lift me off the ground into a piggyback as she stood back up -- like it was nothing. She used to encourage me to piggyback her when we went out to parties or what-not. I even played a whole game of billiards once, riding on her back pretty much the whole time. Quote:
I don?t care for the size. Because both, smaller ant taller girls can be very strong. For taller girls it?s easier I would think.
I prefer
I undoubtedly excel the tall girls and better if they are younger than me
taller definitely
Doesn't really matter to me. It depends how attractive they are to me.
I like tall and strong girl
Actually I always prefer tall girls, but according to my own experience, shorter girls can be more stronger if they got solid and strong body. And my advise, always pay attention to her bones (should be wide) not to body.
I prefer average girls (164-170cm), not very muscular as well.
Anyone strong enough
At 5'4" and 210 I doubt anyone shorter could.
I prefer taller girls especially taller than me. I am 5'10
I'd like to be lifted by a taller girl, but it's also important that she would have a muscolar body!
lift and carry
I like to be lifted by a taller and strong girl the feel when she lifts me high in the air or over her head is unbelievable.
Someone moderate height might work if she is lets say 5ft10 if she is 6ft2 to 6ft11 wow even greater feel of her power. I read a story on this site from liftme1990 if any one knows him I would like to find out more about his Story with His sister and Carrie and Becca. She meaning Becca she can lift people easily. @yahoo.com is my email. Thanks AJ You may not post your email address here. If anyone has anything to contribute, it is for the entire group. Phoneman |
Big and small
Halo Zebra!
I am intersting about your newsgroups. How can i join. |
You cannot send it here. Phoneman |
I like to be lifted by a much taller and stronger girl or women.
Love a strong big bodied female to lift me with ease. AJ |
The links don't work for some bizarre reason, so try this address, which is NOT private. larger-and-smaller-women@yahoogroups.com |
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/...ler-women/info Even so, if it is, it requires permission to join, but no button to request it. I'll try using that e-mail address above to see if I can put a request in that way. Thanks! |
larger-and-smaller-women-owner@yahoogroups.com At least I hope it is. Hasn't been bounced back yet! Thanks for the help, though, man. Will get it one of these days! |
be lifted by a girl
I like to be lifted by a taller and stronger female. Her strength and height advantage on me is good.
When she enjoys using her power on me it is fantastic. I'm open to having a girl lift me to new heights, If you are willing to lift and carry me perfect. I'm not heavy under 140lbs. jef |
being lifted
I like to be lifted by a tall girl there strength is amazing, Plus being up, in the air is a high.
Taller and stronger is really good. Its great to be with a girl who is confident with her strength and power. |
Tall is awesome. Especially since I?m tall.
I'm tall but skinny so I want a small strong girl to lift me xD
The key for me is stronger, and a very muscular woman. Sometimes I prefer shorter, sometimes taller.
Do you like to be Lifted by taller or Shorter Girls
It Wouldn't matter as long the Girl was able to lift you safely and I think that's the criteria counts. It really depends how strong she is.
as a tall guy it has to be a small girl for me, no idea how they do it tho
I would like to be lifted by a small girl. It is obvious that a bigger and stronger girl can lift anyone. Small girl lifting a big man is always incredible to watch.
i'm tall weak and skinny :innocent: .. i search my lift experience
to opposite bodytype ;) short & large & strong :wub::tt1: |
Do you like to be lifted by taller or shorter girls?
generally slightly above average height
The shorter, the hotter
I want to lifted by a taller and stronger girl. Size and strength are fantastic on a female.
strong women
Shorter. Makes me feel extra wimpy and embarrassed... which I like.
I prefer taller. It?s mainly because the feeling of being lifted high off the ground is a slight turn on for me.
She needs to be taller (or as tall with heels) as I am and stronger. But I don't like her to have a lot of muscle. A little bit of muscle and a big ass with thick thighs is perfect.
Shorter, skinny or slightly athletric, because of the challenge. I'm 6ft2 and roughly about 215 lbs.
Lifted by Taller
I have a huge size difference fetish, so the taller the better.
wow :0
i want be lifted but on her shoulders,its my lift favorite
i like...
tall woman and strong???
I prefer shorter girls.
Short but thick !
Each has its own appeal, in a completely different manner though
I like both, but not too much. I prefer when she's like 10 cm taller than me.
If that's even possible, why not?
Definitely by taller, stronger girls. The domination factor is everything!
whole game lifted
It must be full exciting. Did their were other people around the billiard table? |
beeing lifted by taller babe
being lifted by a taller and more muscled woman is definitely more exciting for me.
She can carry me higher. I'm more sure she'll hurt herself |
I prefer to be lift by a girl same height than me and stronger.
No preferences at all...
I have no real preferences about the height. What matters to me is the physical conformation: I don't like being lifted by masculine and muscular women, I always preferred average and feminine girls. This makes my desire even more difficult to be fulfilled (I weight about 70 kg) XD
Height doesn't matter to me, as long as she's dominant, then it's all good. :)
I want to be lifted by taller, bigger and stronger girl.
Definitely taller and muscular but she still has to be feminine , certainly not with a deep voice...
Shorter, surprisingly strong girls for me. GF is 20 kg lighter than me and can lift me easily
height is not big deal 4 me.
I just like sexy with muscles. |
I am a tall guy, and definitely prefer to be lifted by shorter women, especially ones that do not look especially strong. When you can a true real experience from one, the sensation is spectacular.
Taller and stronger
I would love to get lifted by a tall Indian women. I would also love to lift such tall and heavy women
shorter women
I am a female and im pretty tall im 5ft 10! Its such a great feeling when a shorter strong girl can pick me up and carry me. I especially like being thrown over their shoulder and carried around! Anyone else here a female who likes another girl carrying them as well??
it's split pretty evenly for me. sometimes i'm into shorter girls, sometimes i'm into taller girls. but usually it's not an important factor for me tbh
Both, different experience.
I really like taller girls but i prefer to be lifed by shorter ones. I don't know why, maybe just because it's more challenging.
Was them younger or older than you? And what did you do when you were on their shoulder? |
I like to be lifted by taller women. I am 5'10. I usually get lifts from strippers. I love long legs:)
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