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markkk78 May 6th, 2014 17:31

Anyone here know what happened with "she carries. Com"?

val1999 May 6th, 2014 20:09

themasterkavar May 7th, 2014 01:57

Shame those videos were never released as singles on clips4sale. The point-of-view camera angles were pretty unique.

markkk78 May 9th, 2014 17:23

Who knows, maybe come which yet again "clips4sale" on.
I would still like to see much more clips of
I think that were previously the best movies.

rflcblue January 8th, 2015 21:13

Thank you Dovahkiin and cmcwmod for welcoming me and for your nice comments.

Yes, I?m back again. I take this thread to communicate and to announce once again my new studio:

Yes, beside the released clips on my site I plan to support you with new videos. I own a lot of footage from which the best needs to be prepared and edited. Wish me luck, that I find time enough to do the work and find a good rythm and, ---of course---, support me, if you like my videos.

best regards

Dovahkiin January 8th, 2015 21:33

:thumbup2: great news, your site was one of the very best.
Loved the material, and I bet I will buy every single new clip you're gonna put up there. :D

Welcome back!! :thumbup1:

themasterkavar January 9th, 2015 19:18

I purchased the four combined Alexa clips. They are great, and the camera angles really make it different from most material out there. I have my eye on one or two other clips, and for some I saw on the original website that aren't on c4s yet. Can't wait to see the unreleased stuff as well.

It's great having you back in business!

rflcblue January 9th, 2015 21:04

5 years ago I stopped selling videos on my website. I thought, maybe you do a clips4sale-studio, -----sometime. As this never disappeared I thought, do it to find out, what it?s like. I am still a little bit nervous about all that. So your comments are very helpful, they make me feel good about it. Thank you.

As for Alexa, I loved (doing lift and carry with) her. I was a little bit sad, when she went back from Germany to Latvia about 6 years ago.

rflcblue January 9th, 2015 23:53

New Video added to my studio. Have fun!


rflcblue January 10th, 2015 21:25

New video added to Shecarries l l l. Have fun!


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