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Old July 28th, 2014, 23:12   #20
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Thanks for the feedback. To answer your questions:

Re. Music: over the years, many people have commented directly to me and on other producers forums that hearing guys' voices throughout is not desirable. Due to limited time, sometimes I have to explain things during the actual lifts, which nobody wants to hear. Also, some of the conversation can contain personal model info they don't want shared...I always tell them to talk about whatever so they feel comfortable, which is why they sometimes talk about their personal lives...would rather mute it out of the video than have girls looking miserable and robotic like another lift producer is famous for. I will keep some dialogue if it directly enhances the video, like a model saying this is easy or I love lifting guys cause it makes me feel strong.

In part two, we measure biceps and calves and have her guess the size first, which leads to a very funny response.

Originally Posted by Mike View Post
I saw the video with Katie, and she's very hot. I like the end of the video with her flexing the bicep. The bicep look pretty huge for an "average" girl like her.
She do all the lift easily, I'm impress with the piggyback and the cradle carry.
But Dave why you put music during the lift and mute the conversation? I like the talk during the lift. Is interesting to see what she have to say and her expression.
One more question, in the second part of the video she measure bicep also? Do you have in mind to do more vids?
Good Job. Recommended video.
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bar_chuk68 (January 17th, 2018)