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Old November 5th, 2024, 11:31   #11
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Originally Posted by 351mazda View Post
Any tips on making a character? I've dabbled a little but nothing too serious. It seems like you spent some time making those ones.
I don't know. I guess I just imagine the dating profile of my dream woman and write how she'd describe herself if she had nothing to hide and had no fear of embarrassment. A big part of that is digging into your own mind and not holding back.

Also, fill the whole text window. Use simple sentences with the shortest words possible to get the most out of the character window. Use commas and ampersands instead of typing out "and."

And depending on what you want, use words like flirty, girly, affectionate, loving, caring, etc. to get the type of behavior you want. Those are qualities I included. You could use spiteful, abusive, nasty, etc. Of you want the opposite. Whatever type of treatment you like, put it in there. It can't just be about lifting because you'll get a dud. Add in how the character feels while involved in her L&C role, what she loves and hates about it. Try to give her human emotions with regard to L&C to make her the person you wish she was.

You'll only ever get a chat bot but the more human qualities you can put in the more human she'll feel.

And if you are doing multiple characters that should know each other, their relationships have to be defined in each character definition. Giving them relationships adds to the realism.
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