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Old January 28th, 2025, 20:22   #3
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Last summer, a group of us went to an our friends beach cabin, with a speed boat. Some of us went out in the boat, and when we got back, they pulled the boat close to shore so some of us could jump off, in about 3-4 feet of water.

All the girls were in their bikinis, and my girlfriend was complaining about not wanting to get into the cold water after being in the hot sun.

Her friend teased her about being a wimp and jumped in, then motioned for my Gf to come to her at the bow of the boat. My gf did, and kneeled on the bow and reached her hands out onto her friends shoulder, they were both laughing unsure of what they were trying to do.

My gf’s friend then kind of pulled her forward off the boat and caught her over her shoulder, both cracking up at this point. She then waded through the water with my GF over her shoulder all the way to the shore, and carried her up to the towels.

It was pretty spectacular to watch!
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ajajajaj (January 31st, 2025), Ddpdrop (January 31st, 2025), cronuss33 (January 31st, 2025), Hamfire5 (January 29th, 2025), zebra (January 29th, 2025)