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rflcblue December 28th, 2015 20:42


Originally Posted by oksens (Post 169636)
Dear Rflcblue, is this an old shooting or a new one? Is there any armpits or similar lift? I love the size difference and would love to see some rare lifts like under the armpits or by the throat :)

Hello Oksens,
The shooting is from summer 2012. Never released in the internet before, but no under the armpit-lifts. As written in my description: piggyback, shoulderride, cradle and ots.

I don?t like to promise things, if I do not know, when I can release it, but be sure, I will care, when I get the occasion (and of course I will also write about special lifts in my description, when included).

rflcblue December 28th, 2015 20:56

Thank you for a couple of nice notes about the video with Xenia and Julietta.

Little girls are often much stronger than I think. I like this, even when they first struggle and also when they are proud afterwards. Emanuelle was fantastic, shame, that she once had a problem with her foot and then did not want to carry anymore. I still have footage of Melissa, I will check it. :)

minimaxde December 29th, 2015 08:51

Hi Jo,

I first wrote a mail to you and then I looked to the Forum, you have declared that the last shoot was an elder one. I also love that size and weight differences, you know it. There are very sexy Scenes in the last Clip and I hope that there will be similar ones in the future. Very good work, my friend.


rflcblue December 30th, 2015 13:16


Originally Posted by minimaxde (Post 169679)
Hi Jo,

I first wrote a mail to you and then I looked to the Forum, you have declared that the last shoot was an elder one. I also love that size and weight differences, you know it. There are very sexy Scenes in the last Clip and I hope that there will be similar ones in the future. Very good work, my friend.


Hi Curtis,

Thanks for your note and I?m glad you liked it. Very interesting for me also the different points of view of the abovementioned notes. What a crazy, nice fetish that we all share ( ... and nice to have such a good place to talk about it)!

rflcblue January 8th, 2016 00:19

New video added to Shecarries l l l . Have fun with Kim ! :) :) :)

Dovahkiin January 8th, 2016 13:44

Amazing clip!!
I LOVED the calf-raise parts... holding, squatting, struggling... really awesome :)

rflcblue January 9th, 2016 18:54


Originally Posted by Dovahkiin (Post 170238)
Amazing clip!!
I LOVED the calf-raise parts... holding, squatting, struggling... really awesome :)

Thanks for your nice note, I?m glad about it.

On the way to the shooting one and a half weeks ago I felt slightly sick and I thought about cancelling it and driving back home. But then I enjoyed the action and afterwards I was surprised that there was nothing about feeling sick anymore. Must have been the best possible medicine. :thumbup2:

rflcblue January 18th, 2016 21:17

New video added to Shecarries l l l . Have fun with Melissa ! :) :) :)

pula99 January 18th, 2016 22:49

Wow , great one :D I remember when you have your site in 2009 , I saw there to video-pool 2 some clips with Julia lifts Klaus , do you have it ? I just asking because I like it so much . :thumbup2: Peace

lift0603 January 19th, 2016 02:45


Originally Posted by rflcblue (Post 170818)
New video added to Shecarries l l l . Have fun with Melissa ! :) :) :)

Very good video again! It would be great if we can watch Melissa carrying 90kg person again! If she can squat a 77kg guy up and piggyback him, I believe she can give a 100kg+ person (or two 50kg) piggyback ride (without squatting up from the ground) and walking with her / him!

And I remember another small but strong girl Jina who was 45kg but could carry 90kg Heiko in many styles! Is there any chance to watch her video again?

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