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Dovahkiin April 16th, 2016 19:58

Oh my, great one again! :thumbup2:
Love her bare legs... gorgeous muscles.
And the hill, finally! ;)

rflcblue April 17th, 2016 22:42


Originally Posted by Dovahkiin (Post 175453)
Oh my, great one again! :thumbup2:
Love her bare legs... gorgeous muscles.
And the hill, finally! ;)

I?m glad, you like it. Yes, she is cute, I also love her slim, strong legs (... and you see, she didn?t kill me, as she said, haha ...). She looked forward to get the video in order to show her friends how strong she is. She told me this in front of the camera on the way back to the car, but I didn?t add it to the video, because it is no real l&c-action and moreover in German language. Have a nice week.

rflcblue April 29th, 2016 19:33

New video added to Shecarries l l l . Kim and Tina on the stairway and more. Have fun!
:) :) :)

rflcblue May 13th, 2016 20:41

New video added to Shecarries l l l . Chantal lifts her more than 30kg heavier boyfriend. Enjoy!

:) :) :)

Dovahkiin May 14th, 2016 18:23

Great clip! She definitely is strong for her size. :thumbup1:

rflcblue May 16th, 2016 10:32


Originally Posted by Dovahkiin (Post 176932)
Great clip! She definitely is strong for her size. :thumbup1:

Thanks for your nice comment, Dovahkiin, and of course I?m glad, you like it! ;)

rflcblue June 1st, 2016 21:30

Julia and Julietta in a lift and carry game added to Shecarries l l l . Have fun! :) :) :)

rflcblue June 1st, 2016 22:27

Dear L&C-friends and Customers,

I have uploaded a hundred clips, now I feel more and more, that I need a rest. I want to spend more time for other things like my friends/family, my health, other hobbies and my regular job (you know, of course I don?t earn the money for my living by my store). Updates will take a longer time now, I am sorry, but I hope you will understand. As I always tried to communicate clearly and honestly with you, I decided to write this comment.

Thanks for your support and for a lot of nice notes in this thread. Anyway I am and will stay lift and carry producer and of course this studio will stay online and be open for every lift and carry fan, who wants to purchase a clip or wants to complete his portfolio.

Dovahkiin June 2nd, 2016 05:57

Hello. :)
I completely understand... it can be a time consuming process to produce those videos.
I'm happy that you write that updates will take a longer time... I guess it means you won't completely stop. That makes new videos all the more precious. ;)

Big thumps up for your work so far and enjoy your time doing those other things now.


Far June 2nd, 2016 20:02


Originally Posted by rflcblue (Post 177816)
Dear L&C-friends and Customers,

I have uploaded a hundred clips, now I feel more and more, that I need a rest. I want to spend more time for other things like my friends/family, my health, other hobbies and my regular job (you know, of course I don?t earn the money for my living by my store). Updates will take a longer time now, I am sorry, but I hope you will understand. As I always tried to communicate clearly and honestly with you, I decided to write this comment.

Thanks for your support and for a lot of nice notes in this thread. Anyway I am and will stay lift and carry producer and of course this studio will stay online and be open for every lift and carry fan, who wants to purchase a clip or wants to complete his portfolio.

Thats a good news for me as a producer:D but bad news for me as your customer. Your clips are the best, so I hope you will make new stuff after rest:thumbup1:

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