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rflcblue April 24th, 2020 22:29

Hey guys,
I recommend watching the Sonya K video on windows media player. I just noticed, that viewing the video on VLC-player there might be a green strip at the top of the monitor. In this case please consider to change the setting on your VLC-player.

Best you yourself google it in your language. In american english try on the top of the vlc screen: <tools>, <preferences>, <video>, when "output" is on "automatic" try another setting. It should work correctly when you change it to "opengl video output for windows".
In german language: <Werkzeuge>, <Einstellungen>, <Video>, "Ausgabe", dort andere Einstellung als Automatik, z. B. "OpenGL Video Ausgabe f?r Windows" w?hlen.
Sorry for any inconvenience using VLC-player. I usually check my videos on windows media player. Now watch the clip and enjoy! :thumbup1:

pula99 April 25th, 2020 14:40

Welcome back!
Glad to see that youre back with new stuff , I waited for a new video from u long time,Im so happy!
Maybe the next video u will put on c4s , will have a beauty girl in sandals heels if u want of course, I mostly love and loved that kind of stuff.
Regards and love!

rflcblue April 26th, 2020 15:33


Originally Posted by pula99 (Post 239842)
Glad to see that youre back with new stuff , I waited for a new video from u long time,Im so happy!
Maybe the next video u will put on c4s , will have a beauty girl in sandals heels if u want of course, I mostly love and loved that kind of stuff.
Regards and love!

Thanks for your friendly note. It?s important to me and always motivation. However life challenges me more in other things than l&c at the moment. Do You only like f/m or also f/f in high heeled sandals? I remember that stuff with Alexa, Katrina and other girls longer time ago. They often weared high heeled sandals. Now it seems that the girls prefer sneakers and flats. I personally also like mules and clear heels, but it?s very difficult to lift with for the girls. OK, let?s see. ;)

pula99 April 26th, 2020 21:52

Everyting its fine!
:) Man do youre thing , everything u do its fine and great , if u have stuff with girls in sandals or not its ok , i usually love youre work , since I was kid and saw youre first site in 2008 , I said this is the site for me , u are my inspiration , because of youre work I descover my deep fetish about piggyback in sandals heels , and be sure i wont regret that.If u can do or have stufff its brilliant , if u have youre stuff with youre favorite stuff its more than brilliant , whatever what is, is its great ! Im a big fan , I trust u !8) I will buy every clip u post ! U have my word! 8)

pula99 April 26th, 2020 21:56

I paid for every clip from your c4s page with girls in sandals heels , with kim , or alexa or katrina or julia , I mean everyone , and more of them ! Im happy to know that u are exist and youre work exist , please let me tell u thank im gratefull !8)

rflcblue June 21st, 2020 12:45


Originally Posted by rflcblue (Post 235136)

I think, the lightest girls I have ever done sessions with have been near to Juliettas weight (42kg). I remember a session in summer in Berlin with a girl around this weight. I will check, if I can edit it.

New Video added to Shecarries l l l . Skinny Vivien proves her strength (as requested), so small, so strong. Enjoy!

cmcwmod June 22nd, 2020 16:53

As always amazing stuff, rflcblue. I know you've said you very rarely make new L&C shots. But as long as you at least still make 2-3 clips every year of these petite girls carrying significantly heavier people around I think the community will be very grateful (and spend a few dollars). :thumbup1::thumbup2:

markkk78 June 23rd, 2020 19:16

I can only agree.

rflcblue June 23rd, 2020 20:00


Originally Posted by cmcwmod (Post 242365)
As always amazing stuff, rflcblue. I know you've said you very rarely make new L&C shots. But as long as you at least still make 2-3 clips every year of these petite girls carrying significantly heavier people around I think the community will be very grateful (and spend a few dollars). :thumbup1::thumbup2:

Nice to see your note about my (rare) contributions.

Anyhow I miss Ruedel, Ganju, Dave and others, who ceased to produce. When I go on, it seems I will become a fossil in this genre :hmm:, ... haha ..., really, I should do something new!

But a little, nice l&c-clip, ... OK, only now and then ..., definitely must be possible! I still have some. And when I get a good occasion I can?t resist to shoot a new one.

uplifting42 July 1st, 2020 22:59

Absolutely the best content maker (for me) out there. I've bought a few of your videos over the years. I'd buy more if I wasn't completely and utterly broke after nearly 4 months of not being able to work.

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