View Full Version : Exercises for women to carry easily
September 12th, 2010, 13:22
Hey friends, I got married recently , after some talking with my wife I told about my L&C fetish , she was initially amused and surprised ,but nevertheless wanted to try lifting me as she now knows how much I like being lifted
But unfortunately she tried front lift and was not successful carrying me, she was able to just about pick up from behind, but not quite fully. I dont want to push her to carry me as I am concerned she would hurt her back, she is too weak to carry me ! :(
She is 5,2 height and weighs around 48 kg , I am 5,5 and weigh around 70 kg
could you guys suggest any easier way to carry , or any approach or exercises for women so that they could develop strength to carry ?
September 12th, 2010, 14:15
Hey friends, I got married recently , after some talking with my wife I told about my L&C fetish , she was initially amused and surprised ,but nevertheless wanted to try lifting me as she now knows how much I like being lifted
But unfortunately she tried front lift and was not successful carrying me, she was able to just about pick up from behind, but not quite fully. I dont want to push her to carry me as I am concerned she would hurt her back, she is too weak to carry me ! :(
She is 5,2 height and weighs around 48 kg , I am 5,5 and weigh around 70 kg
could you guys suggest any easier way to carry , or any approach or exercises for women so that they could develop strength to carry ?
The only thing I can think of is the calve raises position where you sit on her hips when she is leaning over while she supports her upper body with say a chair or couch to keep from falling over.
September 12th, 2010, 16:23
1st, my question is, you told her about LC AFTER getting married? --so that means no LC on the honeymoon!!! :(
Next to your question.
You mention from and from behind lifts, so it sound like you attempots only 2 lifts both requiring upper body/arm strength, which such a small girl probably doesn't have a lot of.
Those lifts, if I am understand you, also require a notable amount of weight shifting sort of balance on her part because you are both standing vertical and she, the smaller object is trying to attach to the larger one (you) and lift vertically, so she has to manage to pull you towards her and lean into her self as she lifts to actually lift and not just end up bending herself towards you, which I think can be challenging for a small girl trying to lift a much bigger guy.
So yes, I can understand her difficulty.
Finally, my recommendations:
I have been lifted quite a bit by girls much much smaller, but here's the key --I'm into leg strength, not upper body arm strength.
So I choose exercises not requiring much arm work.
Does that still work for your pleasure?
If so, here's ideas based on your description of the 2 of you:
These are very easy for the girl, but again, many on this forum may not consider them "high quality enough" lifts.
So I'll call them excercises instead of lifts to be more "politically correct". lol
Exercise #1:
Piggy Back.
THis is very easy for most any girl.
THe key with a small girl is the mount.
If you jump on her, likely she will fall and possibly, no more ride attempts for you.
So you need to experiment with gentle mounts that utilize her leg bon strength and not her muscles, or a jar on her back.
One simple way is for you to stand on something a little bit higher than she is.
Once she is comfortable doing PB's, you can ask her to experiment by doing things like very shallow squat (maybe bending her knees to go down just an inch or two, not a lot at first).
As she finds it easy, you can experiment with her gradually bending deeper.
Same with calf raises.
Why have her practice them on her own when she can do them with you?
Though the weight may be too much for her to do more than 1 or 2 very quick ones. Just need to try...
Do you have stairs at your home?
If so, that's a great "goal" to focus your LC "objectives" around.
Nothing makes a PB ride more fun than climbing a flight of stairs!
It's difficult (maybe she can't do that), but not quite as difficult as it may seem because she can hold on to the hand rail for a) ballance, and b) to help support your weight and pull herself (with you) up where she may feel her legs along aren't strong enough.
I would just set expectations of going up 1 or 2 steps, at least at first.
...another words, take progression into the exercise "one step at a time" !!! :tease:
Exercise #2:
Basically a PB variation, except she leans over bending forward with her arms resting on a table or bed (may be too low) for additional front support.
THen, she can shift some weight off her legs and partially onto her arms, allowing her leg muscles to do more, like squats (deeper) or calf raises.
At first, she would just keep her arms locked straight, but later, can try bending them along with her knees so you get a level, even up and down as her leg/arms bend together.
THe only caution here is your concern for her back.
Do not just sit in the middle like you're riding a horse!
Rather, to protect her back and make it easier for her, try to evenly spread your weight across her back, laying almost flat on top of her.
Exercise #3:
Back-to-back bends
THis one may be the easiest for a small girl.
I was 1st introduced to it when I used to take Tae Kwan Do.
I didn't know what we were doing but figured it was something I would enjoy as I was paired with a tiny and pretty girl, and was amazed I had never thought of it before!
Anyway, just stand back to back with her, hooking arms.
Quite simply, she just bends forward, thus lifting you off the ground.
The beauty of this lift is that the smaller she is, the easier it is for her from a leg strength perspective because if you're much taller, she can just keep her legs straight, so it's all leg bone strength and no need to use leg muscles.
Where as a taller girl will need to bend her knees to get sufficiently lower than you, which means she will also need to straighten them with your weight on her. Great for us, but if she thinks she's weak, she may have issues doing it.
So, once your suspended hanging back-to-back on her back, that's when you can expiriment with her leg strength, like with the PB, and she can try to do very slight (or more if she can handle it) squats).
Important Note: on the back-to-back exercise, it makes a world of difference as to who's arms are on top upon hooking them.
The lifter's arms need to be ont he bottom, supporting the lift subject (so your arms are on top).
Exercise #4:
Use legs to push you up against a wall.
In this case, she lays flat on her back, with her legs facing a flat wall.
She is as close as she can be to the wall, so her but is almost touching the wall with her legs going vertically up the wall.
She then bends her knees so her feet are low enough for you to mount, and then you get over her feet, still standing, but with her bent knees and feet under you. She then extends her legs, thus lifting you up off the ground.
The purpose of the wall is to absorb most of the balancing effort.
With out the wall, you would just topple over quickly in this case.
The beauty here is that she is now using her leg strength to lift you with out having to lift most of her weight as well, so this usually makes it possible for her to actually lift you using muscle strength.
Like the back-to-back exercise, it's like nature adjusts for the girl's size.
A smaller (shorter) girl has shorter legs, and thus doesn't have to bend her knees as much to get under you, so it's easier from a physics perspective.
SO I'm certain she will be capable of doing this.
The question is, once you're up, how low can she go down to to a long ride?
Exercise #4:
Airplane ride. (more difficult)
In an AP, she lays on her back in the middle of a room with her arms and feet up, and you basically lay on top of her, face down, being supported by her arms and legs (hands and feet).
The jey is usually the initial mounting ("take off"). Once you're past that, it's "easy flying". There are many ways to "take off", some work better for other people, and I'm not going into all of them here.
While many small girls are strong enough, there's often a balance issue, again, usually take off is unsuccessful.
There can be a "top heavy" effect is her back is small, and you are heavy, so she keeps rolling over once you're up.
To help with this, try to spread your arms and legs as wide as possible to help balance.
Some girls are naturally great at this, and others not, regardless of strength.So you'll just have to experiment.
FYI --here's a clip I recently posted elsewhere what has a pretty good airplane mount where a guy mounts a much smaller girl:
(See 6:44 for the girl giving the guy the AP ride).
Exercise #5:
Leg press.
This involves purchase of a seated or vertical leg press.
Sounds like a steep investment for a LC session.
But since this is not a session, but rather a committed long (hopefully life long) relationship... Maybe worth it if you already have a house to put it in.
But first, you need to establish that you like this kind of lift...
I love it, but most LCers dont' seem to think much of it.
If you get one, I would think about a universal type home gym that you can use for other purposes as well (e.g. getting/staying fit!).
In fact, she can use the gym every day to get stringer!
But mainly, where you come in is to devise a way to replace the metal plates with your own weight, so when she uses her strong leg muscles, she's lifting you instead of metal plates.
Depending on the the machine, you need to figure it out.
Of course, you can choose a model more conducive to this.
An alternative is to obtain a stand along vertical leg press.
That would almost be like exercise #4 where she pushes you up against the wall, except you have the smooth flow of the legpress to guide your movement, and you can just sit comfortably and don't have to touch the wall.
I've never actually tried this on a vertical leg press, but watn to badly and it's on my "bucket list". lol
FYI --here's an example of a fairly inexpensive vertical legpress.
Too bad it doesn't come witht he girl! lol
I've even figured out LC positions while "#%&!*".
But not appropriate to discuss in this thread.
We can take that to the adult forum if you want details.
Good luck... let us know how it turns out!
September 17th, 2010, 05:58
thanks for the valuble inputs friends...
i discussed these with her and she asked for more time so that she will gain some strenght and weight. besides she has asked me to lose weight. looks like no landc. action for a long time . she still cannot believe things like these exist
September 17th, 2010, 20:28
thanks for the valuble inputs friends...
i discussed these with her and she asked for more time so that she will gain some strenght and weight. besides she has asked me to lose weight. looks like no landc. action for a long time . she still cannot believe things like these exist
If she is willing to get stronger so she can lift and carry you then she must be a keeper.;) Good thing because I remember some threads in which you seemed like you had given up on girlfriends. Kind of like me and Vodevil. (if he is still girlfriendless)
September 18th, 2010, 03:31
it is not like she has actually promised to carry me for sure ...:( ... she could have also told this just to come out of that situation....
Only time will tell whether this L&C stuff will actually exist between us:confused1:
About the Apprehension about girls , I had a lot of problems too with this girl before we got married, here in India many people get an arranged marriage where parents take decision (though this tradition is eroding fast), this was the reason we could not back away from the marriage , but now no regrets after getting married, the girl is getting along with me just fine :D
September 18th, 2010, 06:33
it is not like she has actually promised to carry me for sure ...:( ... she could have also told this just to come out of that situation....
Only time will tell whether this L&C stuff will actually exist between us:confused1:
About the Apprehension about girls , I had a lot of problems too with this girl before we got married, here in India many people get an arranged marriage where parents take decision (though this tradition is eroding fast), this was the reason we could not back away from the marriage , but now no regrets after getting married, the girl is getting along with me just fine :D
Wow. Interesting perspective --not only did you spring LC on her, but you didn't even choose eachother in the 1st place.
I guess that can be both good and bad from an LC perspective...
Hopefully she doesn't go back to her parents that pre-arranged the marriage with your parents (presumably) and complain that you have odd requests, and then your whole family finds out about your "appreciation" of LC.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, I wonder what would happen if a bold LC person actually lists LC (with an explanation of course) in his profile on a dating service like e-harmony.
A lot of girls may think he's strange and stay away, but what about the small percentage that are currious and want a date because of that! Hmmm.
September 24th, 2010, 16:53
Some years ago a girl complained that her legs ached after a PB, so I said you need to do it more often.
The simplest way to be on a girl's back is to stand behind her and put your arms over her shoulders.
She graps your wrists and pulls you very close to her. You stand on tip toe.
She pulls your arms down in front of her as close to her body as possible.
At yhis point your weight is spread along her back, but she isn't lifting you.
She can then bend forward as far as she wishes and your weight will be along her back.
If you do this little and often her muscles will begin to get used to it and you can graduate to a PB and Donkey Ride as and when she feels ready for it.
If she is willing it will not fail.
Even a small girl can get used to a much heavier weight on her back, but it comes down to prictice and her wish to do so, and the latter is the one most likely to fail.
How long it takes will depend on how often you practice
September 26th, 2010, 21:37
interesting thread......ill be leaving this screen "accidentally" open for
September 27th, 2010, 02:02
interesting thread......ill be leaving this screen "accidentally" open for
hehe... :lol:
But in all seriousness... (no pun intended), they say comedy/humor is the best way to "test the waters" with girls, in general.
I firmly believe this to hold true with LC stuff as well.
...Got to casually ask in jest and fun, not solemnly (e.g. not in a creepy way!)
October 3rd, 2010, 09:54
Success My friends ... At Last !!
I asked her to stand on all fours on bed and crouched up on her back, so she was able to support my body on all fours , she realized she had not much problems
then we tried donkey ride and she was sucessfull in holding my weight too !!! though it was on bed and I was too scared to sit longer or ask her to take a ride
I tried piggyback with her supporting herself on bed and was sucessfull to some extent , looks like a little time practising and she could piggyback me fine
anyways she picked me up for a split second from behind yesterday on her own !! , things are looking good :)
October 3rd, 2010, 13:22
First of all - congradulations Rickishi!
As for LC - your wife seems small, try not to strain her too much. :) (look at my signiture whoch is here from the beggining)
October 3rd, 2010, 19:46
I wud say do not hurry in to it........she is ur wife now, so u have big time on ur hand.......let her njoi the new relationship n along with tht u can slowly push in ur liking for lift n carry........make her feel comfortable with u.make her like u more.....n automatically she will keep doing wht u like, evn whn u dnt ask her.......n ya do nt keep pestering her........jess keep it cool, I wud suggest u lifting her for time being n have fun..........n ya its better tht she puts on weight, coz at 70 u r normal weight........anything lesser than this will be gud for lifts bt bad for u try out diff n funny ways of getting lift rather than directly askin her......or she may feel tht thts the only thing u want 4m her......n I have seen 4m past exp tht gals do put on weight during 1st few months of marriage ;) n u knw keep it slow bt steady n make it enjoyable ride for both of u :thumbup2:
October 4th, 2010, 01:57
...sure, take it slow and steady and casually...
But eventually, ... there is such thing as LC positions for "doin' it", which in theory, may be the ultimate LC experience for a married couple (at least 1/2 the couple... e.g. you).
Though, there are caviots , it's still quite "fun" once you've figured it out.
And if you can make her enjoy the experience too, her energy kicks in and it's great (instead of her acting like it's too difficult and she's suffering and is just doing you a favor and just want to stop).
How about we save this topic for the "advanced class" --lol.
October 17th, 2010, 15:04
I guess the advanced class will have to wait for a while :)
Though my L&C is progressing with my wife at a very snails pace , there are a few things which are bothering me....
Does prolonged L&C cause serious back problems to my wife at later stage ?
I mean maybe after she reaches middle ages she could suffer from worn out joints or permanent back pain and stuff ...
Also there could also effect their biological cycles ....
I would be really grateful if I could get some input from any women who have experience in L&C stuff
October 18th, 2010, 04:17
I guess the advanced class will have to wait for a while :)
Though my L&C is progressing with my wife at a very snails pace , there are a few things which are bothering me....
Does prolonged L&C cause serious back problems to my wife at later stage ?
I mean maybe after she reaches middle ages she could suffer from worn out joints or permanent back pain and stuff ...
Also there could also effect their biological cycles ....
I would be really grateful if I could get some input from any women who have experience in L&C stuff
You are too funny! Such questions!
About hte slow progress, that's fine. She's your wife. You have "eternity", not a 1 hour session!
Afterall, it's "till death do us part, not till lift do us part".
Per your long term health questions, I am not a girl, nor an MD, but I do know a little about exercise (little meaning more than a little, but less than a lot).
So 1st, you say, "prolonged LC". What do you mean by that?
Is she carrying you all the time now? Or do you mean, prolonged as in a little here and there from now until...
Exercise is healthy and actually strengthens everything related int he body, as long as it's done correctly.
So any lifting should be done at the right, healthy, levels, and heavier weight built up to. The risk of too much weight too before she is ready means risking an injury, which IS something that can plague her in later life.
In my "recreational MD" opinion, for what little that may be worth, I would keep the exercises simple. DOn't push her beyond her comfort limit. Work up to "better" things.
I don't see harm in simple stuff liek PB's, as long as your not so heavy on her that she is straining anything.
Let's say she tries to squat you during a PB.
I think her leg strength will dictate what she can and can't do long before she would be looking at knee injury.
On the other hand, if she tries a squat and her legs collapse and you both fall, if she falls wrong or you fall on her, or something along those lines... That would be most unfortunate, so you should certainly exercise caution.
Imagine someone who wanted to be a body builder, but never trained at all, going to a gym, cold, and attempting with all his might to lift his max.
Sure he can easily injure himself, and depending on what and how severe the injury, it may be the end of his never started body building career, or can catch up with him later in life.
Ont he other hand, the pro that trains his body make his body much stronger in every way and the result is the opposite.
That's the distinction between building you body vs. wearing it out.
So just progress with LC slowly with common sense...
On another note, how does your wife feel?
Is she comfortable, or are you pushing her?
Again, just my opinions.
October 19th, 2010, 02:41
interesting thread......ill be leaving this screen "accidentally" open for
Nissan shocks andstruts (
Toyota quick strut (
Toyota shocks and struts (
October 28th, 2010, 19:14
could you guys suggest any easier way to carry , or any approach or exercises for women so that they could develop strength to carry ?
-Use a against Weight like this one:
If you have an against weigth of 30kg your own Weight would be 40kg:hmm:
-If you stand in an Elevator that moves down you are lighter as long as the Elevator accelerate.:thumbdown:
-Fly to the Moon. On the Moon your Weight would be 11,6 Kilograms :laugh:
November 8th, 2010, 02:37
To LIftme71
Well,getting lifted on a lift had always been a good fantasy of mine, but considering that all lifts have security cams these days , it would not be such a good idea :)
Yesterday after a long time I said to my wife I am feeling like getting lifted , she was saying like "Awww you poor little thing, too bad I am not so strong to fulfill your wishes, come here " and actually front lifted me for a split second ! I expressed that I was impressed by her improved strenght
then she said , this is actually the tougher type of lift, then she stood behind me and picked me up like in front lift and was able to pick me up for a couple of seconds .. man I was so turned on ! of course she was in a bad state after that and was panting ...
too bad later that day we had a small fight and did not speak properly for rest of the day :(
November 8th, 2010, 02:57
You are too funny! Such questions!
So just progress with LC slowly with common sense...
On another note, how does your wife feel?
Is she comfortable, or are you pushing her?
Again, just my opinions.
Thanks dude , my progress is very slow.... My wife feels it is a drag and thats why I ask for such requests very rarely like once in a fortnight or like that, but of course I have been caught by her many times with this site on monitor :)
November 8th, 2010, 12:28
To LIftme71
Well,getting lifted on a lift had always been a good fantasy of mine, but considering that all lifts have security cams these days , it would not be such a good idea :)
I've had this.
Got a PB into the lift, and then asked her to jump as the lift reached it's upper floor and was stopping.
Somehow the idea of the girl carrying me into the lift, and then jumping at the end, was a bit of a fantasy for me too. :w00t:
I didn't worry about security camera cause all it looked like was a playful couple giveing eachother PB rides. Nothing illegal or suspicious.
November 13th, 2010, 04:51
I've had this.
Got a PB into the lift, and then asked her to jump as the lift reached it's upper floor and was stopping.
Somehow the idea of the girl carrying me into the lift, and then jumping at the end, was a bit of a fantasy for me too. :w00t:
I didn't worry about security camera cause all it looked like was a playful couple giveing eachother PB rides. Nothing illegal or suspicious.
Wow thats a very good experience ! I could try maybe when alone in a lift, but of course my wife is still not up for piggyback yet
somehow my wife has gotten stronger from a month , she can front lift me more easily now, mostly for a second that is, but she does not struggle much as before and is more confident :D got lifted by her yesterday night and today morning :wub:
November 13th, 2010, 12:11
Lifting and Carying becomes much esier with prctice.
Little and often is the secret.
Don't overdo it in one go.
November 23rd, 2010, 10:20
Yep Practice makes a man/woman Prefect :D actually whn it comes to lifts, balance is very important. We need to balance our body properly if the lifter is nt tht strong. I still remember whn I gt my 1st lift (I mentioned in exp thread) my cousin who was younger was nt evn able to stand properly, bt thn I learned to balance my weight on her back, n slowly she was doing it with ease .
n like I mentioned make it more funny n rather than asking for lifts, make it more playful, actually Alcohol helps a lot ;) coz it helps shed inhibition n normally women tend to get more active aftr 2-3 pegs who knows she wud want to do it willingly :thumbup1:
December 11th, 2010, 17:03
Hey coalguy, I couldnt help noticing your display pic..!
Its great! May I ask where/when/how ?
December 12th, 2010, 20:18
Its from a marathon or some running event, n these guys seem to be from Shiamak dance classes :D
January 29th, 2011, 03:38
Finally after a lot of convincing and resistance from her, I was able to get a few short piggybacks from her . though my L&C life has been going slow but steady , I am really struggling to get over her tantrums and temper , I guess all women are like that :(
February 1st, 2011, 01:45
if anyone can find a woman strong enough, you can start a conversation and talk about exercise and show her this video
I'm thinking if your story is creative enough it may work!
December 24th, 2012, 05:58
Reviving this thread.
I got a piggy ride yesterday, for a few seconds. It was not planned, but I hugged her from behind and with some gentle prodding, she bent over and I was in the air!
However, that night I was told by the girl that she had some backpain as a result. Now I am afraid to try again.
Any tips ?
I am 5'7 ,70kg. The girl is 5'4 , 55kg (I guess..).
January 19th, 2013, 23:55
She sounds like a great girl!! Send her over to me here in the UK and I will send you back a lift and carry diva!!!
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