View Full Version : Does anyone else expect lifts once you mention your fetish to your girlfriend, or a c
December 17th, 2012, 05:18
I had a really good friend throughout high school and I began to want lifts from her. I didn't know how to approach her about it, so one day I just explained it all to her. She listened and then asked why I was telling her all of it. I thought it was obvious. Of course I was telling her all of it because I was hoping she would carry me. It wasn't so clear to her.
She agreed to give me a piggyback ride farther up the trail on a flat part. (we were hiking at a local park) (I did keep a log of all the things I did with this girl, but also, a ton of things are left out because I am too lazy to write at the end of the day)
Two weeks later, we were hanging out again at a local baranca and I sweat for ten minutes before asking for another piggyback ride. She raises her eye brows and asks how long I've been thinking about it. I say ten minutes or so. I thought she understood just how much I wanted to be lifted, I was still selfish back then, I know that now. She agreed to do it again after some convincing.
The next few times, when I asked, she outright denied me of it. My point is, once I confided it in her, for some reason I felt like she needed to give me rides. I felt like she was obligated. Of course, she wasn't.
I confided in my most recent girlfriend too. She actually brought up a conversation about different peoples fetishes and I told her I have one, but I'll never tell her. She started guessing and kept at it for twenty minutes when I said I would tell her she was right if she guesses correctly. I've done this with other girls and they never got it. It was super exciting when she started getting close, she has this crazy method of covering all possibilities in all topics before moving on, and my heart stopped when she guessed it correctly and it took me ten seconds to tell her she was right, because I really didn't want to tell her.
She was surprised when I told her, because this was after she had already tried to give me a piggyback a few weeks before. She asked if I was aroused when she did that and everything.
After she found out my fetish I kind of expected her to at least try to attempt more piggybacks, but the topic hasn't been mentioned since and it's been months. Only twice has she said something like, "If I could carry you, I would." and I just answered, "Yeah." and then changed the subject.
The truth is that ever since I lost my virginity I have been less interested in getting lifts. I find more enjoyment out of watching lift content on the internet. But I still did at that point seriously expect lifts without having to ask just because I confided in her. Am I alone in this?
December 18th, 2012, 12:45
I'd never expect to get "pleasure on demand" in any case but I do feel like a girlfriend or wife should appreciate some soul baring and should try to add it to her arsenal of ways to please you.
I think most women would be immediately turned off by the word "fetish" so I'd avoid that but most sexual relationships eventually get into a "What turns you on?" sort of discussion. On the other hand I recall one of those conversations with an ex - an ex who never engaged in any L&C beyond letting me carry her - in which she told me that seeing Tim Curry in Rocky Horror was a turn-on and she'd like to see me made up like that. No way! I just didn't want to see myself in that way and didn't want her to have this indelible image of me like that in her mind. There are things you just can't un-see! What I realize, though, is that my refusal was (and in that case still is and will always be) based on my own view of what she asked me to do and completely ignores how she would have seen it.
So if you can, take your mind out of L&C mode for a minute and try to see it the way a girl might see it. She may not wish to see herself or wish to present herself in a way that's a role reversal in the context of the male/female imagery she's used to. Likewise she may not want to see her man in that way either. For those wishing their girl would engage in F/F it may be completely out of their sexual comfort zone too. Some might even find it creepy that you like it and begrudgingly avoid L&C as a result.
So cheers to those who have found girlfriends and wives who are good sports!
December 18th, 2012, 13:51
So if you can, take your mind out of L&C mode for a minute and try to see it the way a girl might see it. She may not wish to see herself or wish to present herself in a way that's a role reversal in the context of the male/female imagery she's used to. Likewise she may not want to see her man in that way either. For those wishing their girl would engage in F/F it may be completely out of their sexual comfort zone too. Some might even find it creepy that you like it and begrudgingly avoid L&C as a result.
So cheers to those who have found girlfriends and wives who are good sports!
It is funny, this post pretty much sums up the fetish element to my relationship in the last 3 years.
When my girlfriend first found out about my lift and carry desires it was pretty much harmless (i guess she saw it as fun)! I got frequent lifts and I was generally spoiled in this respect. However things got set in to a routine and there became a time where my girlfriend saw it as a role reversal activity and she didn't like seeing her man in such ways. She even started to find it creepy!
Ill be honest with you (this is hard for me to admit) a few comments where shared between she and I which actually threatened my manhood (she didn't really see me as much of a man in my opinion)! This was very hard for me to take at the time, especially because I had no idea that she saw lift and carry like this, as I sure did not!
I took things for granted and things turned nasty. I have now spent the last year avoiding lift and carry and actively working out to restore this. I am pleased to say i am not a small guy now and I believe I have restored my manhood in her eyes (although this took time) :thumbup2:; although those days in the past still hurt a little.
Sorry for the horror story! I hope one day she will consider my point of view on lift carry, and not be put off by "cultural elements". Although I will never push it ever again. lol
This is very personal information to me (some parts where hard to admit too), so please consider that as a member I have put it upon myself to post such sensitive information as an attempt to help reassure other members who may be in this particular position.
I take full responsibility over my post too, so although it is sensitive please do not move to a VIP section. I wish to discuss and help :)
December 18th, 2012, 19:50
I am single so if I were to get a girlfriend I would never force to her to lift me but I would jokingly hint at it from time to time in a way that won't creep her out. Any advice would be appreciated and would get a thanks from me.
December 19th, 2012, 01:19
One girl I told who is my closest female friend has never let me cradle her again, some just aren't as easy going as one would like! (That was 10yrs ago) For some odd reason she tried to carry me a month or so after and failed, well I hope someday she'll let her guard down 10yrs is a long time :)
She doesn't like being carried in the first place, the last time I did was to treat myself for my 20th birthday and it was in public :D
While I never got to meet her in real life there was one female who I used to play an online game with who also had an interest in f/f carrying, she claimed she's bisexual and would carry her female friends whenever she had the chance. I did tell her about this site, don't know if she joined. Is certainly more interesting to get a girl's perspective on this fetish!
December 19th, 2012, 06:19
This is very personal information to me (some parts where hard to admit too), so please consider that as a member I have put it upon myself to post such sensitive information as an attempt to help reassure other members who may be in this particular position.
I take full responsibility over my post too, so although it is sensitive please do not move to a VIP section. I wish to discuss and help :)
Awesome post, man! Great openness and honesty.
Even us F/F fans get called creepy by people close to us. Rather than having it viewed as something outside of their role comfort zone, asking your girl to perform F/F can make her feel like she alone isn't enough to satisfy you. If it's about viewing F/F images you're a voyeur who sexualizes a non-sexual act. Either way you can be a creep in her eyes and it hurts when she tells you.
It ain't easy being us!
December 19th, 2012, 21:28
She even started to find it creepy!
Hello fellow countryman. It's unfair to think of your desires as creepy, if it had been you liking to be the lifter fair enough such a thing can be seen as harassment if you do it without consent but you can't force someone to lift you against their will, if anything I'd thought that would make you less creepy than a typical bloke. Lift and carry in its pure form is harmless but there are darker branches that make up its roots and branches such as kidnapping, necrophilia, incapacitation, domination etc.
One girl I was close with thought of the fetish as rpmantic and innocent. Unfortunately I'm on very bad terms with her and as I said elsewhere if I ever lift her again I'd deliberately drop her and painfully!
December 27th, 2012, 07:04
Hello fellow countryman. It's unfair to think of your desires as creepy, if it had been you liking to be the lifter fair enough such a thing can be seen as harassment if you do it without consent but you can't force someone to lift you against their will, if anything I'd thought that would make you less creepy than a typical bloke. Lift and carry in its pure form is harmless but there are darker branches that make up its roots and branches such as kidnapping, necrophilia, incapacitation, domination etc.
One girl I was close with thought of the fetish as rpmantic and innocent. Unfortunately I'm on very bad terms with her and as I said elsewhere if I ever lift her again I'd deliberately drop her and painfully!
What seems to make women think L&C is creepy (outside of gender role stereotype issues) is that we sexualize a non-sexual act. The vast majority of material posted here is innocent photos of people behaving in a way they don't intend to be sexual. Then we go and find those photos they've posted to share with their friends and appropriate them for our own purposes here without their knowledge. We're driven to do this by an insatiable desire to see more and more images of L&C. For such an innocent, harmless act to rule us with such a strong craving could be viewed as creepy, couldn't it? When we come clean and ask our women to perform L&C for us, they feel like their security is violated because a simple, innocent act that they may have participated in now and then is now revealed to be a sexual act in your eyes. If you could sexualize that, what other innocent act might you sexualize? And if you, the person she's close to can do that, then how about that guy at work who she catches looking at her or some random guy at the supermarket? There are a lot of strange fetishes out there, much stranger than L&C, because guys can sexualize anything. Most women already know this but they suppress it until the guy they let into their life - the one they felt safe with - brought the creepy side of male sexuality in with him.
Of course there are women who are more open-minded, understanding and accepting than that but they're certainly the minority.
December 27th, 2012, 22:35
What seems to make women think L&C is creepy (outside of gender role stereotype issues) is that we sexualize a non-sexual act. The vast majority of material posted here is innocent photos of people behaving in a way they don't intend to be sexual. Then we go and find those photos they've posted to share with their friends and appropriate them for our own purposes here without their knowledge. We're driven to do this by an insatiable desire to see more and more images of L&C. For such an innocent, harmless act to rule us with such a strong craving could be viewed as creepy, couldn't it? When we come clean and ask our women to perform L&C for us, they feel like their security is violated because a simple, innocent act that they may have participated in now and then is now revealed to be a sexual act in your eyes. If you could sexualize that, what other innocent act might you sexualize? And if you, the person she's close to can do that, then how about that guy at work who she catches looking at her or some random guy at the supermarket? There are a lot of strange fetishes out there, much stranger than L&C, because guys can sexualize anything. Most women already know this but they suppress it until the guy they let into their life - the one they felt safe with - brought the creepy side of male sexuality in with him.
Of course there are women who are more open-minded, understanding and accepting than that but they're certainly the minority.
Well explained and thought out. I never looked at our community in that sort of way before! Wow I think I have scared myself XD; I joke of course!
Although it does make you think. :D
December 28th, 2012, 09:04
What seems to make women think L&C is creepy (outside of gender role stereotype issues) is that we sexualize a non-sexual act. The vast majority of material posted here is innocent photos of people behaving in a way they don't intend to be sexual. Then we go and find those photos they've posted to share with their friends and appropriate them for our own purposes here without their knowledge. We're driven to do this by an insatiable desire to see more and more images of L&C. For such an innocent, harmless act to rule us with such a strong craving could be viewed as creepy, couldn't it? When we come clean and ask our women to perform L&C for us, they feel like their security is violated because a simple, innocent act that they may have participated in now and then is now revealed to be a sexual act in your eyes. If you could sexualize that, what other innocent act might you sexualize? And if you, the person she's close to can do that, then how about that guy at work who she catches looking at her or some random guy at the supermarket? There are a lot of strange fetishes out there, much stranger than L&C, because guys can sexualize anything. Most women already know this but they suppress it until the guy they let into their life - the one they felt safe with - brought the creepy side of male sexuality in with him.
Of course there are women who are more open-minded, understanding and accepting than that but they're certainly the minority.
Well so far the few women I have told have been more open minded, albeit some were confused that such a thing can be a fetish. Some even think it's sweet, some brush it off if they're more knowledgeable of fantasies and what not (I myself don't get easily shocked as I've been online long enough to come across much weirder things, certainly less innocent) Well some yes aren't so keen to be lifted as you say once they know there's a hidden motive behind it but certainly creepy a very wrong way to view the thing (Unless it implies one using force, harrassment or threats to get their desires, as with the case of that mot238)
Overall I will conclude fetishes are very misunderstood, heck I don't really understand why I have them myself :) (Part of the fun though) I can accept someone thinking lift and carry is strange but as for creepy I can never support that in its pure form, as in not tied with kidnap, chloroform, domination and the other darker extensions to it
December 28th, 2012, 16:05
I've never run into a girl who found it creepy (occasionally annoyed, yes but not creepy) that I wanted to lift her. It's about wanting the girl to do the lifting. I can't give you an actual experience asking a girl to lift me but Chaza did. I've found that if a girl does F/F in a flirty/teasing way on her own idea right in front of you without any clue about your interest, then she catches your reaction, odds are good that she'll repeat it to get the reaction again because she did it naturally and she likes to tease for the reaction. If you ask a girl to do F/F in the context of "I think it's hot", that's when it becomes creepy even if the girl likes to tease because you're asking for it. There are also some whose brains will identify your request as a sex act because of the context and be creeped that you're requesting a sex act that involves another girl.
You really have to work hard to take your way of thinking out of your own fetish fantasy mode and get inside the thought patterns of your girl's head. Lifting (with a female lifter) is often far outside of their realm.
December 29th, 2012, 07:28
All of my experiences have been purely social. I have a preference towards fit women (not overly muscular, just fit would be the best description I suppose), and view getting rides to be a fun, not sexual act. I always give the girls rides as well.
I've only ever talked to one girl about it. We rarely see each other since we live in different states. Whenever we happen to visit our parents during holidays, we often make time to go to the beach. We wrestle jokingly/semi-jokingly. It usually ends up with me throwing her over my shoulder and throwing her into the water. We'd generally spend an hour or two in the water, talking, and occasionally having a quick wrestling bout, which I always win. She enjoys giving me piggyback rides in the water while we talk, and she likes it when I do the same to her. She has also sat on my shoulders at least 15 times, and she has given me a few shoulder rides. One lasted almost two minutes, and another time had some adult themes to it (oddly enough, we've never done anything else like that before or after).
We joke around about lifting each other occasionally when we go back to our respective states. She knows I enjoy it more than her, especially the shoulder rides. We're both competitive and in great shape, so we enjoy the challenge more than anything else. We've done this over ten beach trips, so it's become an established tradition, if you will.
February 3rd, 2013, 21:45
I told my wife about my fetish of being lifted years ago. She was/is very accepting of it and just about lifts me anytime I ask her to. I even showed her this website and on some occasions she will look through the pics and videos with me. I guess I got lucky to find such an understanding woman. :)
March 7th, 2013, 17:49
My situation is interesting. I met a good friend of mine on another blogging site years ago. We used to read each other's blogs before finally talking on yahoo, etc. In one of her blogs, she wrote how her ex-husband used to carry her over his shoulder to the bedroom but sadly stopped doing that because she weighed too much. When I went to visit her, I kept thinking of how I would ask her.
She was standing in the kitchen, and I just asked out outright. She walked over to me and let me pick her up over my shoulder. Ever since then, she's allowed me to carry her over my shoulder and doesn't mind if I take pictures and video. She actually ran across L&C photos on my phone and wasn't creeped out about it.
We went to an amusement park on her birthday, and as we parted ways, I gave her some birthday money. We were in the train station parking lot and surprised me by saying, "I know you want to pick me up! You can go ahead and pick me up if you want." So, I put my stuff down and carried her again.
We see each other about once every two months or so, and I make sure to get her permission to carry her. In fact, the last time I saw her, I was hanging out with her and her boyfriend. He cradled her while I took pictures, and then she allowed me to carry her over my shoulder while he took pictures.
She thinks it's pretty harmless and never has any problem with me carrying her. I am very lucky I have someone who doesn't mind being carried :)
March 7th, 2013, 23:28
My situation is interesting. I met a good friend of mine on another blogging site years ago. We used to read each other's blogs before finally talking on yahoo, etc. In one of her blogs, she wrote how her ex-husband used to carry her over his shoulder to the bedroom but sadly stopped doing that because she weighed too much. When I went to visit her, I kept thinking of how I would ask her.
She was standing in the kitchen, and I just asked out outright. She walked over to me and let me pick her up over my shoulder. Ever since then, she's allowed me to carry her over my shoulder and doesn't mind if I take pictures and video. She actually ran across L&C photos on my phone and wasn't creeped out about it.
We went to an amusement park on her birthday, and as we parted ways, I gave her some birthday money. We were in the train station parking lot and surprised me by saying, "I know you want to pick me up! You can go ahead and pick me up if you want." So, I put my stuff down and carried her again.
We see each other about once every two months or so, and I make sure to get her permission to carry her. In fact, the last time I saw her, I was hanging out with her and her boyfriend. He cradled her while I took pictures, and then she allowed me to carry her over my shoulder while he took pictures.
She thinks it's pretty harmless and never has any problem with me carrying her. I am very lucky I have someone who doesn't mind being carried :)
The topic of this thread is about your girlfriend lifting you, not whether a woman will let you lift her. Personally, many years ago when I was of a dating age, I did not know any girls (woman) who objected to being lifted. That is easy and common.
This board is about the females doing the lifting. The fetish is women lifting other women or men.
What happened? I used to be some12like, but now I can't log in with that name.
August 29th, 2013, 12:43
I had a girlfriend, i talked to her about what turns me on.
She wanted to know all about that, and then oneday i confessed that being lifted and carried turns me on.
and first i went to her place, she wanted to try lifting me.
I was 6ft1 185 (84kg) and she was 5ft 10 and 155lbs.
She actually did it and was very excited about that.
she liked that because that turned me on no because she like lifting obviously.
i didn't ask her to do it a lot , who had many things to explore (you know what i mean.
She would to any lift she could as far as it turns me on.
Now we broke up and i don't if i'll confortable with a girl to tell her about that.
if was lighter maybe i ve would ask more but i'm heavier and she don't have sport background.
what made talk to her about that is because she said that one day she picked up a guy over a shoulder ( a 70kg/155lbs and she was 63kg/140 lbs)
she told be about one type of lift she would love but then she was a bit sick and couldn't lift me.
she said that she would take me in a front lift and make my waist at the high of her chest and to do a blowjob.
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