View Full Version : lapsitting - most cosy lift and carry

May 31st, 2015, 22:40
I think lapsitting is the most easiest and most cosy lift and carry....spl between a husband and wife or a boyfriend and gf...a girl who would find difficult to actually lift a guy , can easily lapsit a boy and straddle him on her thighs...i have known a friend who, after sex, always sit on the girl's lap and reaches orgasm in her lap...have other's have similar experiences...

June 2nd, 2015, 16:50
sometimes when I sit on my girlfriends lap she gives me a hj while we were kissing. It's a nice feeling but I do like more the "real" lift & carries like piggyback, front lift,... :)

June 10th, 2015, 15:16
I rather sit on a women's lap then be carried. I sat on a lot of stripper's lap and I always have an orgasm more the being carried

June 10th, 2015, 21:26
I love lapsitting even more than L&C. I love to sit on my wife's lap, and I do it at least once a week. My favorite times are when she invites me to sit by patting her thighs or saying, "Would you like to sit on my lap?" We make out like that and she gives me handjobs.

June 10th, 2015, 21:27
richdelpav, how does it work with you and the strippers. Do you just ask them if you can sit in their laps?

June 14th, 2015, 14:25
richdelpav, how does it work with you and the strippers. Do you just ask them if you can sit in their laps?

Yes, wpuld like to know the same....How did u approch strippers..normally strippers do lapdance....how did u ask the stripper to let u sit on her lap?:hmm::blushing:

June 15th, 2015, 18:29
I ask them at first some think it's weird at first but I know five of them who I became friends with who love it. I do it in mostly in private dances or Vip rooms get to know them first then bring it up and see what happens good luck

July 28th, 2015, 07:07
My friend will practice her wall sit exercise with me sat on her lap and she supports all my weight - it's a fantastic sensation - When I'm really lucky she turns it into a cradle too :)

July 28th, 2015, 12:50
My friend will practice her wall sit exercise with me sat on her lap and she supports all my weight - it's a fantastic sensation - When I'm really lucky she turns it into a cradle too :)

Any pics of her exercise routine...

July 28th, 2015, 14:49
Not of her exercise routine but this is the lap sit and then the cradle :)

http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42417/6c2089424164866.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/6c2089424164866)

July 30th, 2015, 19:24
Not of her exercise routine but this is the lap sit and then the cradle :)

http://thumbnails113.imagebam.com/42417/6c2089424164866.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/6c2089424164866)

Lapsitting is really the most romantic of all lift and carry

July 31st, 2015, 10:05
Lapsitting is really the most romantic of all lift and carry

I agree, especially when your whole weight is supported - when it turns into a cradle carry too for me it's even better :)

August 24th, 2015, 18:53
hope I can sit on a girl's lap and jerk off

December 22nd, 2018, 15:22
Yes Lap siting is the most erotic

January 5th, 2019, 16:08
I like actually sitting in someones lap... not really into looking at it as much as I am lift and carry though.

January 19th, 2019, 22:46
I think lapsitting is the most easiest and most cosy lift and carry....spl between a husband and wife or a boyfriend and gf...a girl who would find difficult to actually lift a guy , can easily lapsit a boy and straddle him on her thighs...i have known a friend who, after sex, always sit on the girl's lap and reaches orgasm in her lap...have other's have similar experiences...

I love lapsitting even more than L&C. I love to sit on my wife's lap, and I do it at least once a week. My favorite times are when she invites me to sit by patting her thighs or saying, "Would you like to sit on my lap?" We make out like that and she gives me handjobs.

Wow! :ohmy: I have a lot of lapsitting dreams myself! :drool:

January 22nd, 2019, 01:56
Are there any women here that would let a man sit on her lap?

January 22nd, 2019, 02:32
Are there any women here that would let a man sit on her lap?

Just assume that there are no women here at all.

January 24th, 2019, 00:26
Hey liftmeup78 - Along with LandC, I (http://www.YOUTUBE.com/user/malestrom1000) too am a big fan of male-on-female lapsitting. (Lapsitting is almost a cousin to LandC, only without the extra weightlifting. I heard that a lot of male macrophiles (http://en.WIKIPEDIA.org/wiki/Macrophilia) have sat on women's laps too, every now and then.) Years ago, the now-archived (http://www.Archive.org) LIFTNET (http://web.archive.org/web/19981205100242/http://www.liftnet.net/) and LAPLAND (http://web.archive.org/web/20000619044911/http://www.lapland.de/index.html) Internet sites dealt with men sitting on women's laps. Nowadays, you might find a few blogs here and there that deal with m-o (http://www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=KLfMvvnBZ7k)n-f (http://www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=LuUtun0omeU) lps (http://www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=-GvGX8Jjmrk)ttg (http://www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=OzrA4oPebro), such as:


Also, I (http://Groups.YAHOO.com/group/UFOsandHauntedPlaces) have a few digital copies of old photographs from Lapland (http://web.archive.org/web/20000619044911/http://www.lapland.de/index.html), three of them showing something furry sitting on a woman's lap. ( :ohmy: Don't worry folks; it's safe material! :mellow: ) If you want me to show them to you, then I (http://Groups.YAHOO.com/group/SciFantasyPunk) will see if I can find them for you; just feel free to PM your email address (of choice) to me, and I will see if I can send copies of them to you early next month.

I rather sit on a women's lap then be carried. I sat on a lot of stripper's lap and I always have an orgasm more the being carried

I ask them at first some think it's weird at first but I know five of them who I became friends with who love it. I do it in mostly in private dances or VIP rooms get to know them first then bring it up and see what happens good luck

Wow! :omg: :w00t: You are the man, richdelpav! You've had better experiences at these strip clubs than I have! Most of the time, a lot of these stripdancers have this attitude about not messing with regular guys like myself; they only want to deal with wealthy "high rollers", hardcore truckers/bikers, gangstaz and/or thugz. However, one stripdancer actually sat in my lap (as in f-on-m, that is) down in Florida at a strip club called Diamond Cabaret during my cousin's bachelor party back in April of 2006. (A long time ago!) Did you have to pay those stripdancers A LOT OF money just to sit in their laps? I'm just very curious; what was your secret? You know, this is one of the reasons as to why I lost interest in dating women at both my jobs and my schools; I didn't want my private fetishes and fantasies to be exposed like that ( :blushing: :blush: ) - so that's why I became interested in finding women at those nonessential places that I would go to, like shopping malls and nightclubs. Also, many of my lapsitting fantasies involve sitting on a woman's lap while she's using the toilet (I know, YUCK! :sick: :no: ) and sitting on a woman's lap while she's pregnant. ( :confused: :hmm: ) For right now though, I will not get anymore into that today; I will just let all of that sink into your heads for a little while, OK? Well, let me go through my flash drives and bus drives ...

January 24th, 2019, 03:06
Could you please send those Lapsitting pictures ?? My email is @yahoo.com

We do not allow private emailing of photos or clips. They can be uploaded and shared. Do not publicly post your email address. Phoneman.

January 29th, 2019, 18:50
I've also had good luck in strip clubs. I haven't been to one in a few years, but back when I did, I sat on a lot of laps. I never had anyone refuse me, maybe because I'm unthreatening and chat with folks for a long time, building rapport.

February 3rd, 2019, 08:39
Somehow I think that kind of lift is the most uninteresting think for me. Maybe it?s because that it is not a display of power? I can?t really say why I think that way.

April 8th, 2019, 12:56
For lapsitting is also need some built, but it is more intresting if it is ouverture in cradle carry.

June 8th, 2019, 09:34
I love lapsitting even more than L&C. I love to sit on my wife's lap, and I do it at least once a week. My favorite times are when she invites me to sit by patting her thighs or saying, "Would you like to sit on my lap?" We make out like that and she gives me handjobs.

Good stuff! I do it in a daily basis. :D:D8)8)

June 13th, 2019, 00:09
Good stuff! I do it in a daily basis. :D:D8)8)

Who’s lap do you sit on? I would love to chat to you more about this if you don’t mind! Can we email eachother?

NO you cannot email.

June 15th, 2019, 02:14
Who?s lap do you sit on? I would love to chat to you more about this if you don?t mind! Can we email eachother?

You cannot email each other through this forum. You cannot give out or get email addresses.

June 19th, 2019, 18:16
Hello all!

I am a producer on C4S and discovered this forum because I believe someone linked my studio from here. :) I do not do any lift and carry but I do have clips where my boy is sitting on my lap! I assume that is the interest in my studio?

To be honest, I have never been linked from a forum and I feel quite flattered. :)

I don't have access to the thread but I guess I just wanted to say hi to anyone who sees this post and has checked out my studio. Hello! My fetish is not exactly what this board is dedicated to but I am very flattered I have caught someone's interest. :):):)

All the best,

June 20th, 2019, 00:55
Hello all!

I am a producer on C4S and discovered this forum because I believe someone linked my studio from here. :) I do not do any lift and carry but I do have clips where my boy is sitting on my lap! I assume that is the interest in my studio?

To be honest, I have never been linked from a forum and I feel quite flattered. :)

I don't have access to the thread but I guess I just wanted to say hi to anyone who sees this post and has checked out my studio. Hello! My fetish is not exactly what this board is dedicated to but I am very flattered I have caught someone's interest. :):):)

All the best,

What is your site?

June 20th, 2019, 01:54
What is your site?

Is it acceptable to post it? I didn't come to try to advertise my studio. I just wanted to say hi because like I said, I've never had any interest from outside of c4s haha. My boy and I were curious of course. I will post the name if it's not against the rules or considered too forward etc. :blushing:

June 20th, 2019, 06:19
Is it acceptable to post it? I didn't come to try to advertise my studio. I just wanted to say hi because like I said, I've never had any interest from outside of c4s haha. My boy and I were curious of course. I will post the name if it's not against the rules or considered too forward etc. :blushing:

There is a thread called "Producer's Corner." That's probably where you want to put it. Hopefully you can get access to look around here because maybe you might get some ideas for things people here would like to buy.

August 20th, 2019, 06:53
I've this fetish too! More than L&C, this excites me. I've had a lapsitting experience once.

When I was studying in The Netherlands, I scheduled a booking with a Dutch escort woman. She was about 5'11" and around 75-78 kg (i guess). She was 27 and looked athletic whereas I'm 5'8", weighed 67 kg and was 24 then. We got into a bit of talking and suddenly, she was making fun of my height. Initially, it was awkward but later on, I loved that - being controlled mentally with the way she talked to me. Few minutes later, she pulled me towards her, as I was standing next to her and getting a drink for her, and the very next moment, I was sitting on her strong lap. It was like a dream come true for me and I could not really believe it was actually happening. I was dumbstruck and she started laughing seeing me that way.

"How does that feel? You Ok?", she asked.

"I cannot believe it is really happening. I love it.", I replied.

"I know. You are one little submissive guy.", she whispered into my ear.

She started laughing again and this time she continued with her sexy talks, slowly started rubbing my thighs......and then she started rubbing my penis. I was sitting on her lap for around 20 to 25 minutes. HEAVENLY it was!

That night, I had the best(est) handjob ever! It could not have been any better.

Trust me, Lapsitting and HJ is awesome AF!

August 20th, 2019, 07:52
Thanks for sharing !

You did not try to get a craddle carry while on her laps ? But it seems not your taste ;)

I was such in a situation on bunny glamazon laps in 2004 in Paris. She was 6'3 / 230lbs while I was 5'7/120lbs. She also gave me the most perfect handjob of my life, but it was a bit disturbing at the beginning to see my fully erected dick disapear entierely in her big and strong hands. I was feeling so safe and helpless in her arms...

I've this fetish too! More than L&C, this excites me. I've had a lapsitting experience once.

When I was studying in The Netherlands, I scheduled a booking with a Dutch escort woman. She was about 5'11" and around 75-78 kg (i guess). She was 27 and looked athletic whereas I'm 5'8", weighed 67 kg and was 24 then. We got into a bit of talking and suddenly, she was making fun of my height. Initially, it was awkward but later on, I loved that - being controlled mentally with the way she talked to me. Few minutes later, she pulled me towards her, as I was standing next to her and getting a drink for her, and the very next moment, I was sitting on her strong lap. It was like a dream come true for me and I could not really believe it was actually happening. I was dumbstruck and she started laughing seeing me that way.

"How does that feel? You Ok?", she asked.

"I cannot believe it is really happening. I love it.", I replied.

"I know. You are one little submissive guy.", she whispered into my ear.

She started laughing again and this time she continued with her sexy talks, slowly started rubbing my thighs......and then she started rubbing my penis. I was sitting on her lap for around 20 to 25 minutes. HEAVENLY it was!

That night, I had the best(est) handjob ever! It could not have been any better.

Trust me, Lapsitting and HJ is awesome AF!

August 20th, 2019, 09:51
Thanks for sharing !

You did not try to get a craddle carry while on her laps ? But it seems not your taste ;)

I was such in a situation on bunny glamazon laps in 2004 in Paris. She was 6'3 / 230lbs while I was 5'7/120lbs. She also gave me the most perfect handjob of my life, but it was a bit disturbing at the beginning to see my fully erected dick disapear entierely in her big and strong hands. I was feeling so safe and helpless in her arms...

Well, I would've loved a cradle carry while being on her lap but was not able to think of that once she started running her hands keeping me on her lap.

And your experience would have been too good as she might have toy'ed you I guess! I can feel what you are trying to say. Even I felt completely helpless (but very safe) especially after she started jerking me off.

August 20th, 2019, 13:05
Did you approche her with the intend of getting a lapsit or did it happen by chance?

August 28th, 2019, 05:23
Did you approche her with the intend of getting a lapsit or did it happen by chance?

Like it happened all of a sudden when I was getting her a drink. That's why I couldn't believe it was happening (as I had mentioned it earlier) ;).

September 8th, 2019, 23:12
There certainly is a lot of crossover between lapsitting and carrying. I would personally count it if her feet are touching the ground and his are not.

September 16th, 2019, 10:37
A friend of mine used to allow me to sit on her lap (with my feet off the ground) and on a few occasions whilst she did a wall sit - I agree with the other posts, it's a great feeling :-)

September 25th, 2019, 21:32
Hey liftmeup78 - Along with LandC, I (http://www.YOUTUBE.com/user/malestrom1000) too am a big fan of male-on-female lapsitting. (Lapsitting is almost a cousin to LandC, only without the extra weightlifting. I heard that a lot of male macrophiles (http://en.WIKIPEDIA.org/wiki/Macrophilia) have sat on women's laps too, every now and then.) Years ago, the now-archived (http://www.Archive.org) LIFTNET (http://web.archive.org/web/19981205100242/http://www.liftnet.net/) and LAPLAND (http://web.archive.org/web/20000619044911/http://www.lapland.de/index.html) Internet sites dealt with men sitting on women's laps. Nowadays, you might find a few blogs here and there that deal with m-o (http://www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=KLfMvvnBZ7k)n-f (http://www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=LuUtun0omeU) lps (http://www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=-GvGX8Jjmrk)ttg (http://www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=OzrA4oPebro), such as:


Also, I (http://Groups.YAHOO.com/group/UFOsandHauntedPlaces) have a few digital copies of old photographs from Lapland (http://web.archive.org/web/20000619044911/http://www.lapland.de/index.html), three of them showing something furry sitting on a woman's lap. ( :ohmy: Don't worry folks; it's safe material! :mellow: ) If you want me to show them to you, then I (http://Groups.YAHOO.com/group/SciFantasyPunk) will see if I can find them for you; just feel free to PM your email address (of choice) to me, and I will see if I can send copies of them to you early next month.

Wow! :omg: :w00t: You are the man, richdelpav! You've had better experiences at these strip clubs than I have! Most of the time, a lot of these stripdancers have this attitude about not messing with regular guys like myself; they only want to deal with wealthy "high rollers", hardcore truckers/bikers, gangstaz and/or thugz. However, one stripdancer actually sat in my lap (as in f-on-m, that is) down in Florida at a strip club called Diamond Cabaret during my cousin's bachelor party back in April of 2006. (A long time ago!) Did you have to pay those stripdancers A LOT OF money just to sit in their laps? I'm just very curious; what was your secret? You know, this is one of the reasons as to why I lost interest in dating women at both my jobs and my schools; I didn't want my private fetishes and fantasies to be exposed like that ( :blushing: :blush: ) - so that's why I became interested in finding women at those nonessential places that I would go to, like shopping malls and nightclubs. Also, many of my lapsitting fantasies involve sitting on a woman's lap while she's using the toilet (I know, YUCK! :sick: :no: ) and sitting on a woman's lap while she's pregnant. ( :confused: :hmm: ) For right now though, I will not get anymore into that today; I will just let all of that sink into your heads for a little while, OK? Well, let me go through my flash drives and bus drives ...

I'd be interested in hearing about your lapsitting fantasies

October 1st, 2019, 22:50
Hey liftmeup78 - Along with LandC, I (http://www.YOUTUBE.com/user/malestrom1000) too am a big fan of male-on-female lapsitting. (Lapsitting is almost a cousin to LandC, only without the extra weightlifting. I heard that a lot of male macrophiles (http://en.WIKIPEDIA.org/wiki/Macrophilia) have sat on women's laps too, every now and then.) Years ago, the now-archived (http://www.Archive.org) LIFTNET (http://web.archive.org/web/19981205100242/http://www.liftnet.net/) and LAPLAND (http://web.archive.org/web/20000619044911/http://www.lapland.de/index.html) Internet sites dealt with men sitting on women's laps. Nowadays, you might find a few blogs here and there that deal with m-o (http://www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=KLfMvvnBZ7k)n-f (http://www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=LuUtun0omeU) lps (http://www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=-GvGX8Jjmrk)ttg (http://www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=OzrA4oPebro), such as:


Also, I (http://Groups.YAHOO.com/group/UFOsandHauntedPlaces) have a few digital copies of old photographs from Lapland (http://web.archive.org/web/20000619044911/http://www.lapland.de/index.html), three of them showing something furry sitting on a woman's lap. ( :ohmy: Don't worry folks; it's safe material! :mellow: ) If you want me to show them to you, then I (http://Groups.YAHOO.com/group/SciFantasyPunk) will see if I can find them for you; just feel free to PM your email address (of choice) to me, and I will see if I can send copies of them to you early next month.

Wow! :omg: :w00t: You are the man, richdelpav! You've had better experiences at these strip clubs than I have! Most of the time, a lot of these stripdancers have this attitude about not messing with regular guys like myself; they only want to deal with wealthy "high rollers", hardcore truckers/bikers, gangstaz and/or thugz. However, one stripdancer actually sat in my lap (as in f-on-m, that is) down in Florida at a strip club called Diamond Cabaret during my cousin's bachelor party back in April of 2006. (A long time ago!) Did you have to pay those stripdancers A LOT OF money just to sit in their laps? I'm just very curious; what was your secret? You know, this is one of the reasons as to why I lost interest in dating women at both my jobs and my schools; I didn't want my private fetishes and fantasies to be exposed like that ( :blushing: :blush: ) - so that's why I became interested in finding women at those nonessential places that I would go to, like shopping malls and nightclubs. Also, many of my lapsitting fantasies involve sitting on a woman's lap while she's using the toilet (I know, YUCK! :sick: :no: ) and sitting on a woman's lap while she's pregnant. ( :confused: :hmm: ) For right now though, I will not get anymore into that today; I will just let all of that sink into your heads for a little while, OK? Well, let me go through my flash drives and bus drives ...

I'd be interested hearing your lapsitting stories involving women using the toilet

October 1st, 2019, 22:52
Hey liftmeup78 - Along with LandC, I (http://www.YOUTUBE.com/user/malestrom1000) too am a big fan of male-on-female lapsitting. (Lapsitting is almost a cousin to LandC, only without the extra weightlifting. I heard that a lot of male macrophiles (http://en.WIKIPEDIA.org/wiki/Macrophilia) have sat on women's laps too, every now and then.) Years ago, the now-archived (http://www.Archive.org) LIFTNET (http://web.archive.org/web/19981205100242/http://www.liftnet.net/) and LAPLAND (http://web.archive.org/web/20000619044911/http://www.lapland.de/index.html) Internet sites dealt with men sitting on women's laps. Nowadays, you might find a few blogs here and there that deal with m-o (http://www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=KLfMvvnBZ7k)n-f (http://www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=LuUtun0omeU) lps (http://www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=-GvGX8Jjmrk)ttg (http://www.YOUTUBE.com/watch?v=OzrA4oPebro), such as:


Also, I (http://Groups.YAHOO.com/group/UFOsandHauntedPlaces) have a few digital copies of old photographs from Lapland (http://web.archive.org/web/20000619044911/http://www.lapland.de/index.html), three of them showing something furry sitting on a woman's lap. ( :ohmy: Don't worry folks; it's safe material! :mellow: ) If you want me to show them to you, then I (http://Groups.YAHOO.com/group/SciFantasyPunk) will see if I can find them for you; just feel free to PM your email address (of choice) to me, and I will see if I can send copies of them to you early next month.

Wow! :omg: :w00t: You are the man, richdelpav! You've had better experiences at these strip clubs than I have! Most of the time, a lot of these stripdancers have this attitude about not messing with regular guys like myself; they only want to deal with wealthy "high rollers", hardcore truckers/bikers, gangstaz and/or thugz. However, one stripdancer actually sat in my lap (as in f-on-m, that is) down in Florida at a strip club called Diamond Cabaret during my cousin's bachelor party back in April of 2006. (A long time ago!) Did you have to pay those stripdancers A LOT OF money just to sit in their laps? I'm just very curious; what was your secret? You know, this is one of the reasons as to why I lost interest in dating women at both my jobs and my schools; I didn't want my private fetishes and fantasies to be exposed like that ( :blushing: :blush: ) - so that's why I became interested in finding women at those nonessential places that I would go to, like shopping malls and nightclubs. Also, many of my lapsitting fantasies involve sitting on a woman's lap while she's using the toilet (I know, YUCK! :sick: :no: ) and sitting on a woman's lap while she's pregnant. ( :confused: :hmm: ) For right now though, I will not get anymore into that today; I will just let all of that sink into your heads for a little while, OK? Well, let me go through my flash drives and bus drives ...

I'd be interested hearing your lapsitting stories involving women using the toilet. How old were you when you first started doing it?

October 4th, 2019, 04:35
I do love lapsitting. I have a story from when I was in high school/tech school. In class during lab/computer time, there were a few girls. One was very pretty and had this hot blonde hair. I would occasionally sit in her lap for a few minutes at her computer area.

Sadly, I haven't sat on a girls lap in many years since then. I'm 27.

October 4th, 2019, 12:49
Without an doubt. I am 6?2 while my ex gf was like 5?5. Once while we were watching a movie I tentatively sit on her lap, she didn?t resist. Then I found she was kinda enjoying it later so I did it in daily basis. That was so sensational that after that I try to sit on my chic?s laps every time.

October 13th, 2019, 02:24
Yep. I'm 5'7 and my only ex-gf so far was 5'3 (and skinny/small framed), I sat on her lap a couple times.

November 5th, 2019, 22:29

I used to sit both feet off the ground on her lap and was lucky enough to sit on her whilst she did a wall too :)

January 9th, 2021, 22:51
About 10 years ago I met a girl who was about the same size as me, but 5 years older. And on the third date, she suddenly asked me to sit on her lap. I was sitting on her lap for a long time while she hugged and touched me. It was very romantic. Unfortunately, our relationship ended quickly (not because of L&C), but I still remember that incident

January 11th, 2021, 09:30
Lapsitting that leads into a cradle is the best form of L&C

January 15th, 2021, 18:33
Lapsitting is my favorite. I am blessed to have two good friends to let me sit on their laps. They are great ladies. I am 4'6/80 lbs though so I am light. I have one friend, Lindsay, who sends me lap selfies when she wants me to hop on her lap (I work with her).

January 16th, 2021, 17:04
I love lapsitting I use to go to the strip club and met some women there and let me sit on their laps. One of them I used to meet in private in a hotel or her apartment and she was taller than me and I would sit on her lap and she will always wear a sexy dress or skirt and high heels it was a great feeling.

February 8th, 2021, 17:07
Lapsitting that leads into a cradle is the best form of L&C

Insanely jealous here! Have had "sort of" lapsitting (sitting perpendicular between my wife's legs on a bed while she gave me a hj). I haven't told her about this yet. She did say it was comfortable so maybe that will be my excuse!

February 9th, 2021, 19:38
Insanely jealous here! Have had "sort of" lapsitting (sitting perpendicular between my wife's legs on a bed while she gave me a hj). I haven't told her about this yet. She did say it was comfortable so maybe that will be my excuse!

It's been a while since this happened, because we're so busy, lately, but I used to love sitting on my wife's lap while she kissed me and gave me a handjob.

I remember how nervous I was, five years into our marriage, when I finally admitted I wanted to do this. I was too scared to actually say it. I just said I had a fetish and that I was nervous about telling her what it was. Then I brought up lapsitting pic on the web.

My wife smiled at me and said, "You can sit on my lap any time you want." Then she patted her thighs and said, "Come on!"

February 10th, 2021, 03:17
It's been a while since this happened, because we're so busy, lately, but I used to love sitting on my wife's lap while she kissed me and gave me a handjob.

I remember how nervous I was, five years into our marriage, when I finally admitted I wanted to do this. I was too scared to actually say it. I just said I had a fetish and that I was nervous about telling her what it was. Then I brought up lapsitting pic on the web.

My wife smiled at me and said, "You can sit on my lap any time you want." Then she patted her thighs and said, "Come on!"

Nice!!!! I'm way over 5 years in. Good for you for having the courage to tell her. My wife is honestly more into being lifted (she loves it actually and so do I). She has told me in fact which in retrospect, would have been an opportunity to tell her.:thumbup2:

February 11th, 2021, 04:40


some experiences of women enjoying their guys sitting on their laps

February 12th, 2021, 05:38
yes.. sitting on her lap and being cradled after awhile

April 6th, 2021, 00:46
Hi all. Thankfully I have found a place to be open & honest about my kink/fetish.

I am not in to lift & carry as such, I am most definitely a lap sitter, I have been all my life & more importantly I am a keen, active lap sitter of ladies whilst they are relieving themselves. I love all the things about lapsitting that the rest of you do with the addition of having a serious love of her releasing number 1’s & number 2’s as I enjoy the comfort, security & romance of her lap. I would say that I most commonly sit astride my lap partner as I love the feeling of her body/abdomen as she pushes against my crotch as she squeezes & pushes whatever she is secreting from her bladder/bowels. Feeling her between my legs, under my bum & the fantastic cuddle that I can get in this position is what draws me to this position the most however I’m not opposed to sitting across her lap as I have done this & enjoyed it too & let’s not forget the old sitting on her lap with my back to her but this is probably my least favourite of the 3 positions as I am not only stimulated by the touch sensation but also visually I love to look in at her face as well as the audio & scent of the whole situation.

Obviously the toilet is where this takes place but I do dream of outdoor scenarios involving makeshift toilets of various different construction as well as free squatting and wall sitting. I do have many stories regarding this topic that I would be glad to share if anyone is interested.

All the best

April 19th, 2021, 17:00
My wife lets me sit on her lap and does hip thrusts with me. What a great feeling. She is so strong and doesn’t even work out.

April 21st, 2021, 19:39
Yes I like it too along with other variants of lift and carry. What makes it better is when you also kiss

April 25th, 2021, 00:09
I always desire sitting on a tight denim jean or silky black pantyhose wearing Chubb Asian girl’s lap. I have achieved my goal several times but never stopped thinking and tasking it happen again with someone else

December 29th, 2024, 22:01
I'd be interested hearing your lapsitting stories involving women using the toilet. How old were you when you first started doing it?


December 29th, 2024, 22:02
I always desire sitting on a tight denim jean or silky black pantyhose wearing Chubb Asian girl’s lap. I have achieved my goal several times but never stopped thinking and tasking it happen again with someone else

do you want to tell