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April 28th, 2018, 13:11
Do you think Kris could also carry a man with 80kg?

April 28th, 2018, 13:12
Do you think Kris could also carry a man with 80kg?

April 28th, 2018, 16:13
Do you think Kris could also carry a man with 80kg?

I think she can, to be honest, I'am almost 70kgs now, so additional 10kgs doesn't matter

May 4th, 2018, 08:35
Tell me, when comes more videos with your model Kris?
Can you make in future also more closeups of legs, feets and achillestendons(at calf raises and walk up stairs) when she carry you?
Thanks for your work.

May 6th, 2018, 16:33
Tell me, when comes more videos with your model Kris?
Can you make in future also more closeups of legs, feets and achillestendons(at calf raises and walk up stairs) when she carry you?
Thanks for your work.

Hello, can't tell now, I hope to get Kris on a new shoot next week

May 6th, 2018, 16:35
New video with strong Nata at the park, long piggybacks with squats and good shoulder ride

Check it on RuedelStudio.com (http://www.RuedelStudio.com)


May 11th, 2018, 22:54
New outdoor group video features Nikki, Alexandra and new girl Eliza, many different lifts including 2 on 1 lifts from Nikki and Alexandra:thumbup1:

Check it on RuedelStudio.com (http://www.RuedelStudio.com)


May 14th, 2018, 00:31
New outdoor video with Alexandra, contains long shoulder rides, piggybacks on a long staircase and other good lifts:thumbup1:

Check it on RuedelStudio.com (http://www.RuedelStudio.com)


May 20th, 2018, 12:42
Group lift and carry fun with Nata, Kris and Oxana

Check it on RuedelStudio.com (http://www.RuedelStudio.com)


May 26th, 2018, 11:01
New young and slim girl Eliza (167cm height and 50kgs) lifting 67kg guy for the first time, going up the long staircase, short lift on shoulders, standing up with guy on her laps and other challenges

Check it on RuedelStudio.com (http://www.RuedelStudio.com)


June 7th, 2018, 11:21
New video with Nikki in elegant red dress, long piggyback rides with turning into donkey ride, standing up from the ground and some upstair rides, in second part shoulder rides and long ponyplay until collapse

Check it on RuedelStudio.com (http://www.RuedelStudio.com)


June 10th, 2018, 23:12
Tall and strong Arina in new lift and carry session, dressed in elegant red dress and heeled shoes, two shoulder rides(one from the rider's view), front lifts, lapsittong with attempts to standing up to cradle lift, but failed, and other good lifts:thumbup1:

Check it on RuedelStudio.com (http://www.RuedelStudio.com)


June 15th, 2018, 18:20
New group lift and carry video, this time it's FF only, features tall Arina, fit Nata and strong Nikki, three total different by height and weight girls doing many different lifts, including few one lifting two and two lifting one poses

Check it on RuedelStudio.com (http://www.RuedelStudio.com)


June 27th, 2018, 18:38
Skinny Vlada is back after almost 2 years from her first shoot, she is losing some weight and I'am gained some, so this shoot is harder for she, but she does few long piggybacks and shoulder rides, that was espesialy hard

Check it on RuedelStudio.com (http://www.RuedelStudio.com)


July 10th, 2018, 20:32
New clip with long rides on Alexandra throuth a forest and village streets, two exaustive shoulder rides and many long distance piggybacks are performed

Check it on RuedelStudio.com (http://www.RuedelStudio.com)


July 14th, 2018, 02:00
Hey can you make more Lapsitting videos

July 14th, 2018, 07:36
Hey can you make more Lapsitting videos

Ruedel - have you thought about doing any scripted videos? I
Ie. With a storyline? Heels4kicks.com do some great superheroine stuff but I think you could do even better with life and carry stories!

July 17th, 2018, 19:45
Hey can you make more Lapsitting videos

I can, surely, but lapsitting isn't very popular and I don't like it myself, so no profit for me)

July 17th, 2018, 19:46
Ruedel - have you thought about doing any scripted videos? I
Ie. With a storyline? Heels4kicks.com do some great superheroine stuff but I think you could do even better with life and carry stories!

I thinks about it few times, but language barrier is a big problem

July 18th, 2018, 04:55
Can I request a long Lapsitting video?

July 18th, 2018, 06:14
I thinks about it few times, but language barrier is a big problem

The heels4kicks videos are all in Russian. They just do subtitles. Never stopped me enjoying them!

July 18th, 2018, 18:31
New clip with Nata wearing high heeled shoes and lifting me in variety positions and carries me across the room

Check it on RuedelStudio.com (http://www.RuedelStudio.com)


July 18th, 2018, 18:45
The heels4kicks videos are all in Russian. They just do subtitles. Never stopped me enjoying them!

lol, just checked previews on heels4kicks, they are using lasers, levitation and other supernatural things:blink:
I make a little backstage video special for you, it shows, how professional actors we are:lol:


July 23rd, 2018, 19:19
Tall strong Lida is back first time this year. She needs to refresh her memory a bit how to lift me again.

Check it on RuedelStudio.com (http://www.RuedelStudio.com)


July 26th, 2018, 23:08
Hi. Do you accept on your website pay with bitcoin?

July 27th, 2018, 05:57
Hi. Do you accept on your website pay with bitcoin?

no, only real currency)

July 28th, 2018, 11:00
Skinny Vlada performing lift and carry session again with shoulder, donkey rides and few piggybacks with external and POV views

Check it on RuedelStudio.com (http://www.RuedelStudio.com)


August 11th, 2018, 20:16
New indoor lift and carry video with Alexandra, focused on long lifts, included front lift, piggyback and 5-minutes shoulder ride, non-stop ridinf video

Check it on RuedelStudio.com (http://www.RuedelStudio.com)


August 11th, 2018, 21:48
Could you make a video with a girl with long and thick hair? That would be nice 🙂

August 19th, 2018, 09:42
Long front straddle, piggyback and over 5 minutes long shoulder ride performed by tall Arina, also some height comparsions and short m\f cradle included


and one new FF group clip


August 24th, 2018, 21:47
Compilation of shoulder rides from previously posted clips:
RLC 153
RLC 189
RLC 190
RLC 193
RLC 195


August 27th, 2018, 19:14
This time it's a lift and carry video whis a "floor is lava" challenge: over 15 nonstop minutes of different lifts without touching the floor, each lift is turned to another one without camera stops - shoulder, one shoulder, piggyback, hip lift, donkey ride etc. in a row

Check it on RuedelStudio.com (http://www.RuedelStudio.com)


October 14th, 2018, 09:13
I hasn't update my thread here for a month, so the last updates on RuedelStudio.com (http://www.RuedelStudio.com)


October 14th, 2018, 11:07
will you upload the videos on https://www.kinkbomb.com/studio/ruedel-studio#.V0-zceRq23c?

October 14th, 2018, 13:42
will you upload the videos on https://www.kinkbomb.com/studio/ruedel-studio#.V0-zceRq23c?

no, KinkBomb charged too much fee from my sales, they take 40%

October 15th, 2018, 14:36
I have seen your recent pictures where you and your female partner
are visible from the feet to the heads included.
I think that those pictures are much more interesting then the older ones.

Architect Ieoh Ming Pei insisted that the new Louvre covers all the four wings of the museum.


October 15th, 2018, 14:53
In fact when I ckeck better I can find pictures where you and your female partner are both visible from the head to the feet.

it's just a pictures, they taked automaticly from video, I don't choose them...camera is moving usualy, zoomed sometimes so its not possible to keep both characters in frame in full height all time, also it doesnt matter much in case of video

October 17th, 2018, 14:48

Once more we are at the opposite.
I use a Nikon 85 mm 1.8 G + tripod.
My purpose is to obtain some effects of "boke".

October 17th, 2018, 17:21

Once more we are at the opposite.
I use a Nikon 85 mm 1.8 G + tripod.
My purpose is to obtain some effects of "boke".

I use two Panasonic 3CCD cameras, I also shoots few videos from tripods, but I prefer to use my wife instead of tripod))

October 24th, 2018, 06:12
but I prefer to use my wife instead of tripod))

If its wife post on f/m if its tripod post on m/m thanks :scared::thumbup1::lol:

November 29th, 2018, 14:22
If its wife post on f/m if its tripod post on m/m thanks :scared::thumbup1::lol:
Good surprise.
This time the model was more audacious than I expected.
So I let her go her way :)

September 29th, 2019, 13:10
Any new video? The last one is the 214. It was posted almost one year ago

November 24th, 2019, 12:28
Any new video? The last one is the 214. It was posted almost one year ago

Is anyone still in touch with Reudel? Seems like all the good producers left L&Cforum.

November 24th, 2019, 14:50
Is anyone still in touch with Reudel? Seems like all the good producers left L&Cforum.

Miss his videos. They are always great!

November 27th, 2019, 10:54
Is anyone still in touch with Reudel? Seems like all the good producers left L&Cforum.

I don't left this forum, but I'am in another business now and don't have time for searching models, studios and so)

November 27th, 2019, 15:53
I don't left this forum, but I'am in another business now and don't have time for searching models, studios and so)

You are our motivator :thumbup1:

November 29th, 2019, 13:55
I don't left this forum, but I'am in another business now and don't have time for searching models, studios and so)

A new business (you mentioned it); and there might be a family...

Wish you all good luck! :)

December 1st, 2019, 21:04
A new business (you mentioned it); and there might be a family...

Wish you all good luck! :)

thank you) I hope to be back and make some competition for your clips ;)

October 8th, 2020, 19:54
Hello guys)
IndieBill messaged me that they stop working from 25th October, so my site RuedelStudio.com will be stop sales too, as it based on they payment processing.
Maybe I'll move clips on another platform some later.

October 15th, 2020, 13:14
We miss your clips man, you had some good stuff going and I liked how you rode the girls long and with very short interruption between lifts. Consider coming back to the scene! :)

April 7th, 2021, 12:32
Hey mate, what's wrong with your studio www.RuedelStudio.com?

April 10th, 2021, 11:24
Hey mate, what's wrong with your studio www.RuedelStudio.com?
Hello guys)
IndieBill messaged me that they stop working from 25th October, so my site RuedelStudio.com will be stop sales too, as it based on they payment processing.
Maybe I'll move clips on another platform some later.

July 16th, 2021, 12:52
Hello Hans,

I have found this picture somewhere and it reminded me of your videos. Is this from one of your videos? If so, which one and where can I buy it? Thank you.

Also, please try some of the acrobatic or unusual lifts in your future videos. Regular lifts like piggyback, cradle, et cetera are to be found in tons of social media posts and from every other producer. I really liked your videos with the gymnast. Thank you.


November 8th, 2021, 14:37

Hey @Far can you move all your clips on www.clips4sale.com?

January 5th, 2022, 10:35
Hello, Ruedel Studios!

I need to ask:

There are two clips advertised here in this forum. I can see the previews images, but not a link to purchase. Where can I buy these 2 clips?



I already tried clips4sale already, but is no where to be found. Both these clips look very interesting to me. Would it be possible to make them available in clips4sale again? Thank you.

January 13th, 2022, 02:33
Hello, Ruedel Studios!

I need to ask:

There are two clips advertised here in this forum. I can see the previews images, but not a link to purchase. Where can I buy these 2 clips?



I already tried clips4sale already, but is no where to be found. Both these clips look very interesting to me. Would it be possible to make them available in clips4sale again? Thank you.


I don't update clips4sale due to it's blocked in Russia and it take almost half of price in commission.
I can upload this clips on Kinkbomb if I remember how to do it :lol:

January 20th, 2022, 23:27

I don't update clips4sale due to it's blocked in Russia and it take almost half of price in commission.
I can upload this clips on Kinkbomb if I remember how to do it :lol:

An please if you can. Upload on kinkbomb the next videos:

* RLC153 Group lift and carry challenge
* RLC190 Group lifting 08
* RLC134 Arina's outdoor lift and carry
* All shoulderride compilations


March 16th, 2022, 05:58

I don't update clips4sale due to it's blocked in Russia and it take almost half of price in commission.
I can upload this clips on Kinkbomb if I remember how to do it :lol:
Hi Ruedel!

We need more videos of the twinssss!!! lifting heavier guys! :D

Hope everything its ok there!

January 17th, 2023, 02:08
Strong young Julia performing perfect lits in new clip: shoulder rides, pigybacks, donkey rides, cradle and so on, in platform shoes and barefeet:)

Preview and full clip are avaliable at: RuedelStudio.com (http://www.RuedelStudio.com)

does anyone know where can i buy this clip? it is not on clips4sale site

January 17th, 2023, 21:58
does anyone know where can i buy this clip? it is not on clips4sale site

Hello) no way now to buy any my clips, except which are uploaded on c4s...sanctions :)

May 1st, 2023, 10:47
Hello) no way now to buy any my clips, except which are uploaded on c4s...sanctions :)

Hope to see you come back or find a way to sell your videos again. I just recently found your page and would love to buy more videos of yours.

May 1st, 2023, 20:31
Hope to see you come back or find a way to sell your videos again. I just recently found your page and would love to buy more videos of yours.

maybe, maybe ;)

July 29th, 2023, 01:12
maybe, maybe ;)

Hi. How can I do for purchasing all videos you uploaded at www.ruedelstudio.com of shoulder rides compilations?

July 30th, 2023, 00:15
Hi. How can I do for purchasing all videos you uploaded at www.ruedelstudio.com of shoulder rides compilations?

no way now, I can't receive any international payments because of anti-Russian sanctions :rolleyes:

September 7th, 2024, 03:51
Hello Far, hope everything will go back as is.

i want to ask you as a male 23, I wish to have this experience and try it my self, is there a way i can come to you and you help me out, or a way to have this experience?

September 9th, 2024, 18:08
Hello Far, hope everything will go back as is.

i want to ask you as a male 23, I wish to have this experience and try it my self, is there a way i can come to you and you help me out, or a way to have this experience?

Hello) what do you mean? you want to start shoot your own videos?

September 14th, 2024, 14:23
i meant just to be lifted, but I'm open to shooting some videos too.
but my main thing is to have the experience.