View Full Version : What do you miss about L&C of the Past?
December 27th, 2016, 08:06
I mean can anyone relate to this?
For me, it used to be more exciting back in 2000, waiting for the next pictures to be posted from the most recent show they did down in New Orleans (before that stupid Hurricane hit). Anticipating the next video releases by Lusa Corp. Even before that, in high school when I had no money to actually buy content, it was cool to see the new updates for the sites at the time (Special Interests, LiftingFems, Builtmore, Davemiester, Liftfit, Bonnefemme, etc...).
I like L&C now as much as I did then. But the way the new content comes out isn't nearly as exciting as it was previously. Maybe it is because technology is so advanced and fast paced today, you just move on from one thing to the next. Obviously it is much more difficult today to make money off of making a professional caliber video today. The L&C websites with current updates are very much a thing of the past. The most recent one that I really enjoyed was KOFilmProductions in Hungary, and I haven't seen an update from them in quite a while.
Despite the advancement in video quality, I do prefer much of the past content to the present in general. Today, there is a ton in terms of quantity, but once in a great while, something will come up that catches my eye. I don't know, maybe I've seen it all before.
Does anyone else prefer how it used to be, or do you think it's as good now as it ever has been?
I appreciate everybody who to this day searches for pictures/videos and other content to post it on here, that is not what I am talking about. The drive and enthusiasm is still there with a number of people here. It feels like to me, as the niche that we are, we have been just kinda going through the motions for the past several years, and will continue to do so. But we definitely had much more of an exciting internet booming period in the past (1990's and 2000's).
So what do we have to look forward to?
How are we doing as a group collectively? Are our numbers up, have we made any progress?
I don't see how today any 16 year old can join the Internet community and be as excited as many of us were in previous decades, given the content. For me, it was like opening Pandora's Box.
December 27th, 2016, 08:38
If something is rare it's always more exiciting. As for me, 10-12 years ago every lift from any girl makes me happy. Later, then I start to ride on girls for money each time, when I want, my interest in it coming down. Now I start to sell clips and I shooting it almost every week with 3-4 girls at one time, and it become a little bit routine.
Yes, I still like to be lifted by girls, but it don't make me so happy as 10 years ago.;)
December 27th, 2016, 12:37
I agree with Slevin and Far. Its like this - Excess of everything will lead to this. Earlier content used to be limited and even a Sub Standard content we used to like because of lack of content.
Now its so much content ( Both Paid and Free ) floating around that only something extraordinary catches our attention. In late 90's even a single photo in a whole day used to give me so much excitement.
Its the draw back of too much content. Everything which is rare will be cherished always.
Even today I get excited to see lift and carry but there is no match to what it used to be 15 - 20 yrs ago.
December 27th, 2016, 13:37
Thanks for the replies Far and Ganju. Like I alluded to earlier, I appreciate all the content you guys pump out. I will continue to purchase a promising looking clip when I stumble across it. Once you have a a million pictures out there and all the clips4sales, it gets kinda redundant. There's probably thousands of pictures posted on this site alone that I haven't gotten around to look at. I've been over 20 years on the internet, and the earlier stuff was awesome to stumble across.
I do think some of the older stuff was some of the best content. Some of those girls, like Debbie T & Carmen from Special Interests for example, made it look so good easy, and were masters of transitioning between lifts. They also seemed to really enjoy doing the L&C. There videos gave the impression that it was their idea to lift the guys instead of being fed a script to do certain lifts in a certain order. That's part of why the Oilwrestlers site was awesome, because the guys didn't know the lifts were coming until right before they happened. In liftnet, their content was ground breaking, but it was obvious Jeff was orchestrating everything blatantly, even when on camera. Idk, different preferences I guess. He did contribute a ton and was a pioneer in his day however.
I do think we should consider a Lift and Carry Hall of Fame and where we induct a few members each year, starting with guys like Tom Nine, Hajo, Jeff Urban, the guy who started Special Interests, etc... the people who made the early VHS catalogs before the Internet. We can have nominations, and let the Admins vote on if it is time to induct them. Just a fun thought. Just so in the distant future, this small niche of fans has somewhere to look to appreciate our origins and history.
December 27th, 2016, 22:11
I remember when I first encountered, and Diana's site in the late 90's, I was truly shocked. Seeing thousands of videos, photos and stories with l & c stuff seemed almost overwhelming, because before that there weren't any places where I could find such a material. Especially for a poor kid living in Finland.
I still feel the same way about my fetish, but just as you guys have mentioned, today is more quantity over quality. It's nice to notice how pretty girls and women can do amazing things, but when you see literally hundreds of similar photos or videos, it does take the edge of it.
December 28th, 2016, 07:27
For me, it seems there is less and less really tall and strong womans since Skytriss and Blythe retired. Bunny glamazon does not make video any more. Nicole Bass is out of shape. Karla Nelsen disappears of the scene as Tina Lockwood. The bigger, taller, stronger is the lifter, the lighter, skinnier is the liftee, the best it is for me.
December 28th, 2016, 15:32
I guess I have mixed feelings.
There was definitely some of the older video material that was more interesting to watch than what most people are trying to make today. Like the original poster said though? I think that's just the nature of things - because it was easier to turn a profit if you had to buy the stuff on VHS tape to see it, as opposed to digital media today where everyone can easily share it around for free. Plus, there's more expectation of getting content for less money on subscription-based web sites.
On the other hand, all of the workout routines like p90x and crossfit, plus competitions like "Tough Mudder" have really made it more mainstream acceptable for women to carry men around or squat them as part of a workout. So stuff you wouldn't ever get a woman to even TRY to do without paying her as a "fetish" thing, 10-15 years ago, they'll happily do (and capture on video) to show everyone, today.
More and more? I'm finding what interests me the most is some of the hardest content to find anywhere .... women showing off their strength by doing "non traditional" lifts in settings outside a gym. Like there's a sample video going around that one producer made with a girl leg pressing a pool table off the ground while several of her friends are sitting on it. Or once in a while, you find videos of women lifting the back end or one side or corner of a car off the ground. Or even something like my ex-wife used to do, where she'd use her big leg muscles to scoot our king size waterbed across the floor in our bedroom. Even the stuff where women crush watermelons between their legs, or the one soccer player gal who deflates a soccer ball the same way.... all of that is the really cool stuff to see, IMO.
December 28th, 2016, 17:46
For me, it seems there is less and less really tall and strong womans since Skytriss and Blythe retired. Bunny glamazon does not make video any more. Nicole Bass is out of shape. Karla Nelsen disappears of the scene as Tina Lockwood. The bigger, taller, stronger is the lifter, the lighter, skinnier is the liftee, the best it is for me.
Also don't forget Thea Bennington.
You are right about there being less size in general. It is now more acceptable for a female to work out and have some muscle, in fact I think it has become more the standard of what is attractive. However, the ones who are extremely into their physique mostly go towards those Figure Competitions rather than the old school heavyweight Bodybuilding Competitions. It's more now skinny lean and cut, rather than big bulky and massive. These new Crossfit athletes don't exactly have the incredible mass either. The Karla Nelsen's, etc do seem to be a thing of the past. Probably the crack down on anabolic steroids also contributes.
December 28th, 2016, 22:29
Part of it was the scarcity of it. Plus the girls enjoyed doing it a little more back then. Tasha Welsh and Robin are two for instance that really brought a lot of fun and playfulness to it in their videos that you don't see now.
December 28th, 2016, 22:50
Don't forget that with new generation of content coming a new generation of L&C fans. Over 50% of visitors on my site are under 30 years old(based on Google Analytics), so they don't catch ages of VHS tapes and so on:)
Also, in 1990-2000 only in USA and maybe Europe was possible to get this content, f.e. in Russia no one man has selling L&C videos on VHS or DVD's:D
December 29th, 2016, 03:26
Part of it was the scarcity of it. Plus the girls enjoyed doing it a little more back then. Tasha Welsh and Robin are two for instance that really brought a lot of fun and playfulness to it in their videos that you don't see now.
Yes dendrin, you hit it straight on the head. The playfulness is a lost art. Why don't they enjoy it as much anymore? I give mad props to the video producers of the 90's who brought this type of potential out in the girls. Why are we not able to replicate it today, given the advanced resources and technology that we have. ??
December 29th, 2016, 18:54
First time I actually discovered LC on net was somewhere in 2002. I think. I was in internet cafe (not at home) and I actually ejaculated in my pants (luckely, no one could see it - so much about how it meant for me then).
The reason is simple, if you ask me - as group of people we were very rare, and we thought no one else in world shared that interest. But in same time, we were actually the first LC fans in history which stumbled in internet, so, on one side, we already had years of fantasies about it, and FINALLY in one specific moment - fulfilling of our dream in those years.
Younger LC lovers do not have those problems - they will find community and videos very soon, like, when they reach 10-13 years. I was 21-2, so I had at least 10 years of constant waiting. It just wont be the same.
Maybe we could solve that problem in some way, like, to get rid of LC content for a while. Like, a month, or a year. But, it still wont be the same. And of course, we will never be that young again, meaning we are not capable for sex like we were then.
At least, that what am I thinking.
BTW - that hurricane in New Orleans really trashed pretty good site. I adored those wrestlers, I just do not understand why no one tried anything like that later.
December 29th, 2016, 19:06
Yes dendrin, you hit it straight on the head. The playfulness is a lost art. Why don't they enjoy it as much anymore? I give mad props to the video producers of the 90's who brought this type of potential out in the girls. Why are we not able to replicate it today, given the advanced resources and technology that we have. ??
I have to say something about that too - people are losing their souls in a way, BECAUSE of technology. So, your question is kind of reversed. If you want playfulness, you have to get rid of technology. Sadly, this (de)generation finds excitement in some stupid places, like taking of photos of their food, checking on social media where they have went last night or taking of selfies.
So, they practically live for THE IMAGE OF THEMSELVES for people which can follow that content rather than LIVING FOR THEMSELVES. They are tripping they are something like celebrities are in media, but they do not actually live. They do not like to play or laugh for real, just clicking the cell-phones etc. Bunch of morons in creation, at least if you ask me.
December 31st, 2016, 09:02
Very smart guy.
January 1st, 2017, 20:02
Before internet I just believed that I was alone in the world to have this strange interest in piggyback rides. The first L&C place I discovered was Liftnet. My best choice was Bonnefemme. However I did not purchase materials, looking just what was available for free.
Recently I looked at some pictures of Bonnefemme but I found they were not as interesting as I believed before. However those pictures did not change. So I changed, not Bonnefemme.
There was a video you will certainly remember. It was a guy who was waking up to go to work. His girl-friend was also waking up. The guy was rude towards the girl. The girl had to carry him when he brushed his teeth in front of the mirror in the bathroom. Then they went outside together, the girl still carrying the guy. The guy took some money from a cash machine, putting one hand on the girl’s eyes in order that she cannot see the secret code. Eventually the two went together to a bus stop and then they parted for the day.
We are the wizards since we know about L&C. The guy who made the video probably ignores a niche such as L&C. But he is smarter than us to represent our own interests. So the art of the muggles is more advanced than the art of the wizards. I will call “no-L&C” the art of the muggles. At his time I am less interested in L&C and more interested in no-L&C.
I posted a few contributions to introduce no-L&C covering issues such as social piggybacking, piggyback ride service, piggyback taxi service, choregraphy, luggage as a third party, cradle with kissing, human furniture and symbolic korean piggy back rides. Human furniture is an interesting sample of cross-fetish interests. #1766
No-L&C is free of limitations so I was forced to mix texts, images and videos on the same messages. Also I had to show together M/F and F/M positions as our Korean masters teach to us.
In this forum, pickmeup9, explains his interests in this way : " I am specifically talking about videos that are not intended as lift and carry, but happen to have occasional lifts in them anyways."
February 28th, 2017, 15:43
I miss mostly the era 2006 to 2011 when we could harvest a lot from YouTube. At this time there came up a lot of videos from "normal" girls messing around with friends occasionally doing lifts. This has disappeared almost fully.
Now there is far more professional L/C content on YouTube available now ut I see it as somewhat monotonous.
The same seems to happen in *ollywood. Less f/m or f/f LC in movies or TV series than 10 or 20 years ago.
April 4th, 2017, 09:32
Not recognizing the celebrities winds me up. When I look into who it is they aren't talented in any way. Just reality tv stars.
December 22nd, 2018, 14:59
I miss
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