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Old November 26th, 2024, 13:49   #1
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Default Health

I thought that I’d tell everyone why I haven’t been as active on the forum as in the past. It’s not a question of lack of interest, but it is a question of health.

I think that I told you some years ago of a fall that I had on our stairs at home that cracked my skull, but apart from a poor sense of smell, and I certain loss of hearing in one ear, I made a full recovery, or so I thought.
Fast forward to around 12 months ago, and I was sat at home with my wife Susan when I had a seizure, she told me, obviously I knew nothing about it, as the next thing I remember was waking up in the ambulance that she’d called. I had several more over the next day or so during my stay in Royal Preston Hospital, and after having a battery of tests, including a CT Scan, an EEG, a lumber puncture and an MRI, the consultant came to see me and tell me that I’d developed a slight infection in my brain where I’d cracked my skull that didn’t initially show up on the tests, but had become worse over time, although with medication and a slight change in my lifestyle I’d be fine, which I have been.

It did, as you can imagine, scare the hell out of Susan, as well as my three daughters, but all is well now thank goodness, although the slight change to my lifestyle means that I can no longer drive. I can’t really say that it has bothered me too much, as I’ve done a great deal of driving around since I was 17.

It also helps that my wife and three daughters have all passed their driving tests, and are more than willing to take me anywhere that I need to go, and as my daughters all live quite nearby, that helps as well. Even better is that my two Son-in-laws, Andrew and Pete, are also willing to help by doing anything they can. This is really helpful as my sense of balance is now really poor, and climbing steps or ladders is a definite no-no.

To be honest, I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t miss driving, but although it is possible to reapply for my licence to be returned after 12 months seizure free, I just don’t think that it would be worth the risk of anything happening again, and neither does my wife or daughters.

There’s no doubt at all in my mind that I’m very lucky to have the help and support of my family over the last few months. I also consider myself lucky that my initial seizure happened at home with my wife, as it happened with no warning at all, I could so easily have been out and about driving, I dread of think of the consequences of that.
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Old November 26th, 2024, 17:16   #2
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I am glad to hear that you have made a recovery. I had a recent scare myself (Pulmonary embolism) and like you, I am grateful to my wife for nagging me to go to hospital.

As we get older we have to be mindful of little aches pains etc. Lifestyles have to be modified.

Whilst I have never met any of my fellow members (Although I lived in Preston for 15 years so may have walked past you), we are part of a particular little community and we probably all have more in common than just our love of L&C.
Take care and good to hear you are back.

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Old November 26th, 2024, 17:20   #3
Mark G
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Fred Bloggs and Mebalshaw -

Sorry to hear that you've both been through the wars. But really glad to read that you've made/making a good recovery. Take care,both of you.
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Old November 28th, 2024, 16:07   #4
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Man, getting older sucks! Best wishes to both of you!

The scare in my house this past year was cancer but it was my wife. Luckily it was caught early and she's fine. But here we are on Thanksgiving Day and even if you don't live in a country that celebrates the holiday we can all be thankful that we've made it through our scares and can still be "together" here today.
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Old November 29th, 2024, 12:51   #5
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Originally Posted by TheWolfe View Post
Man, getting older sucks! Best wishes to both of you!

The scare in my house this past year was cancer but it was my wife. Luckily it was caught early and she's fine. But here we are on Thanksgiving Day and even if you don't live in a country that celebrates the holiday we can all be thankful that we've made it through our scares and can still be "together" here today.
You've got that right Wolfe.
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TheWolfe (December 3rd, 2024)

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